GW Bush's Favorite Painting

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GW Bush's Favorite Painting

Post by Dardedar »

The Illustrated President


George W. Bush is famous for his attachment to a painting [above] which he acquired after becoming a “born again Christian.” It’s by W.H.D. Koerner and is entitled “A Charge to Keep.” Bush was so taken by it, that he took the painting’s name for his own official autobiography. Here he is proudly showing it to a visitor:


And here’s what he says about it:

"I thought I would share with you a recent bit of Texas history which epitomizes our mission. When you come into my office, please take a look at the beautiful painting of a horseman determinedly charging up what appears to be a steep and rough trail. This is us. What adds complete life to the painting for me is the message of Charles Wesley that we serve One greater than ourselves."

So in Bush’s view (or perhaps I should say, faith) the key figure, with whom he personally identifies, is a missionary spreading the word of the Methodist Christianity in the American West in the late nineteenth century.

[As C & R points out: "It worked for Bush on a couple of levels: the title comes from one of the president’s favorite Methodist hymns, the man in the picture looks like him, and he related to the missionary work depicted in the painting."]


Wilhelm Heinrich Dethlef Körner (you see why he used initials, though he later Anglicized this as William Henry Dethlef Koerner) was born in Germany and immigrated to a small town in Iowa as a young tot. He made his way over time to Chicago and worked as an illustrator for the Chicago Tribune.

In fact, Koerner’s principal employer through the core of his career was Harper’s Magazine. Koerner published 55 feature illustrations in Harper’s, the first in 1910 and the last in 1925. You can view them here.


His paintings are packed with motion, and at times rather dramatic motion. I was not able to find much about Koerner and his sense of religion, through it is very clear that he did not engage in public displays of religious fervor and religious themes are absent entirely from his work.

So Bush’s description of “A Charge to Keep” struck me as very strange. In fact, I’d say highly improbable. Now, however, Jacob Weisberg has solved the mystery. He invested the time to track down the commission behind the art work and he gives us the full story in his forthcoming book on Bush, The Bush Tragedy:
[Bush] came to believe that the picture depicted the circuit-riders who spread Methodism across the Alleghenies in the nineteenth century. In other words, the cowboy who looked like Bush was a missionary of his own denomination.

Only that is not the title, message, or meaning of the painting. The artist, W.H.D. Koerner, executed it to illustrate a Western short story entitled “The Slipper Tongue,” published in The Saturday Evening Post in 1916. The story is about a smooth-talking horse thief who is caught, and then escapes a lynch mob in the Sand Hills of Nebraska. The illustration depicts the thief fleeing his captors. In the magazine, the illustration bears the caption: “Had His Start Been Fifteen Minutes Longer He Would Not Have Been Caught.”
So Bush’s inspiring, prosyletizing Methodist is in fact a silver-tongued horse thief fleeing from a lynch mob. It seems a fitting marker for the Bush presidency. Bush has consistently exhibited what psychologists call the “Tolstoy syndrome.” That is, he is completely convinced he knows what things are, so he shuts down all avenues of inquiry about them and disregards the information that is offered to him. This is the hallmark of a tragically bad executive. But in this case, it couldn’t be more precious. The president of the United States has identified closely with a man he sees as a mythic, heroic figure. But in fact he’s a wily criminal one step out in front of justice. It perfectly reflects Bush the man. . . and Bush the president.

Harper's Magazine

Post by LaWood »

The story is about a smooth-talking horse thief who is caught, and then escapes a lynch mob in the Sand Hills of Nebraska.
Rather fitting. Just one change in the leadership of the House and we would have had our lynching of the worst criminal to ever inhabit the Capital.

Btw, I had the book, "A charge to keep" and loaned it to a minister. What was striking about the book were the pictures of his family. They were sandwiched in the story of Karla Faye Tucker, the woman Bush refused to commutate her death sentence and all the reasons why he thought she should die which, by the way, was against the wishes of Jerry Fallwell and numerous other ministers. So Bush's charge to keep is killing. He's leaving a long legacy of that.
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Post by Barbara Fitzpatrick »

That's Bush all over - and hopefully, he also will be caught (as in indicted and tried) once he leaves office. Man's a born killer - he's just too lazy (or careful) to do his own killing.

As to impeachment, Pelosi is absolutely right as long as there is no chance to remove the man from office. If there is one thing I don't want this Congress to do, it's give W's defense attorneys a Senate acquital for use at his criminal trial.
Barbara Fitzpatrick
John Galt

Art Appreciation

Post by John Galt »

It's refreshing to have a man of culture that appreciates fine art. It's a shame that the "paint by numbers" finds fault in his passion.

It's a sad that the Community College crowd loves to insult an Ivy Leaguer, a man with far better grades that John "I got jock itch 3 times and 3 purple hearts when I was in Vietnam" Kerry.

The hate of liberals that Dr. Brooks was kind enough to share with this forum last week is on full display, daily.

Pres. Bush is a fine man- and he will never face your silly charges that Hillary, O-Bambi and Pelosi and the rest of the gang of squirrels in the demoRAT party refuse to bring- because they supported him and they know he was right. The ran like the weasels they are when the going got tough. This gang of fools all hated the Surge that is working so well.

The military knows that Hillary loathes them- and that is sad that this sorry excuse for a women is running to be Commander in Chief- with no real world experience ever gained without her impeached Husband's help.

Reply if you dare...

Your Pal, a major taxpayer not eligible for the silly tax rebates- yet still 100% Hate Free and Very Happy,
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Re: Art Appreciation

Post by Savonarola »

John Galt wrote:It's refreshing to have a man of culture that appreciates fine art.
You call this "fine art"? Does that make the Mona Lisa toilet paper or too precious to be seen by the lowly human?
John Galt wrote:It's a shame that the "paint by numbers" finds fault in his passion.
I'd be ashamed, too, if it took less than an expert in fine art to expose me for my ironically egotistical misinterpretation of a painting that I've wrongly revered to the extreme.
John Galt wrote:It's a sad that the Community College crowd loves to insult an Ivy Leaguer,
Who is only an Ivy Leaguer because his daddy had money. Dumbya couldn't get into anywhere else.
John Galt wrote:a man with far better grades that John "I got jock itch 3 times and 3 purple hearts when I was in Vietnam" Kerry.
I got better grades that Dumbya. But you don't count that, do you?
John Galt wrote:The hate of liberals that Dr. Brooks was kind enough to share with this forum last week is on full display, daily.
Exposing idiocy isn't hate just because you're always the victim.
John Galt wrote:Reply if you dare...
You don't have the intellectual capacity to see the irony? Do you understand that Dumbya made no effort to figure out what the painting really was before declaring to himself what he simply wanted to believe? Do you recognize that this is a pattern with him?
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Post by Dardedar »

Oooh, Galt is a little miffed. The article I posted was a doosey and must have hurt his feelers. Good.

Then he gives me a few cherries to roast. Nice touch.
"[Bush]...a man with far better grades that John [Kerry]
When a rightwing nutbar makes a supposed statement of fact, it's a good idea to investigate. Here is the reality:

Bush's four-year average grade was 77; Kerry's was 76.

Is this what qualifies as "far better grades" in right-wing land? Is that using right-wing math? Do you guys have special calculators? Hilarious.
"It's a sad that the Community College crowd loves to insult an Ivy Leaguer..."
Oh, it's "a sad" is it? Looks like someone could use a little remedial time in a community college.

How is it insulting to simply point out the fact that Bush used the name of the painting as title for his autobiography and so identifies with the horse thief running from the lynch mob that he says "this is us?" Sorry, but that's just damn hilarious. I actually gave a presentation on this at the public library today.
The military knows that Hillary loathes them...
Actually, that's not true. The military, which used to be a republican stronghold is shifting strongly against them now. You can thank your warmonger in chief for that. Oh, and notice, I provide evidence for my claims. You should try it sometime:

"Three years ago, 60 percent of military voters polled by the Military Times identified themselves as Republican. Today, that number has dropped to 46 percent." Dallas Morning News, Monday, July 30, 2007

As to why, see also my post GOP to Vets: Drop Dead! and many others I have posted on this issue in the political news bits of the day thread.

Oh, and it gets better. Check this out Galt:

"Hillary Clinton receives largest number of military donations... from the defense industry

The defense industry this year abandoned its decade-long commitment to the Republican Party, funneling the lion share of its contributions to Democratic presidential candidates, especially to Hillary Clinton who far out-paced all her competitors.

An examination of contributions of $500 or more, using the Huffington Post’s Fundrace website, shows that employees of the top five arms makers - Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Northrop-Grumman, Raytheon and General Dynamics — gave Democratic presidential candidates $103,900, with only $86,800 going to Republicans.


Senator Clinton took in $52,600, more than half of the total going to all Democrats, and a figure equaling 60 percent of the sum going to the entire GOP field.
Ha ha.

It goes on:
The strong support for Clinton indicates that a majority of defense industry executives currently believe Clinton is a favorite to win the Democratic nomination and, in November, 2008, the general election.

In the 2004 presidential race, defense company workers, almost all of them upper-level employees, gave George W. Bush $819,358, more than twice the $366,870 received by John Kerry. Similarly, in House and Senate races over the past 10 years, the defense industry has favored Republicans over Democrats by a 3-2 margin.

No other Democrat came near Clinton’s totals. Running second to her in the competition for Pentagon contractors’ cash was Senator Chris Dodd (D-Conn), who raised $13,200,... LINK
Oh, but did I hear you say, it's not actually the rank and file military? Who are they supporting the most? Let's see:

War Critics Obama, Ron Paul Get Most Military Donations

"Democrat Barack Obama and Republican Ron Paul have little in common politically, except their opposition to the Iraq war.

Both top a new list of presidential candidates receiving campaign contributions from people who work for the four branches of the military and National Guard, according to a study released Thursday by the non-partisan Center for Responsive Politics.

Obama, an Illinois senator, brought in more donations from this group than any White House contender from either party. The Democrat announced Wednesday his plan to withdraw all U.S. troops from Iraq by the end of 2008." LINK

Aren't you glad you are here Galt? Isn't it fun to learn new things?
Reply if you dare...
Dare? Are you joking? Roasting you is like taking candy from a baby.
Your Pal, ...still 100% Hate Free and Very Happy
So after giving us a post containing 100% hate, Galt treats is to just one more whopper as he signs off. Nice.

Careful readers will note that Galt didn't respond to or attempt to refute a single point in the article. All he has is piss and vinegar and he can't get his facts straight.

So glad you are here Galt. Invite your friends. Do you have any that are... you know, smart? I am looking for a real smart right-winger to roast me like a marshmellow.

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Re: Art Appreciation

Post by Doug »

John Galt wrote:The military knows that Hillary loathes them- and that is sad that this sorry excuse for a women is running to be Commander in Chief- with no real world experience ever gained without her impeached Husband's help.
As if they would rather have a lying sack of shit president who would send them to their deaths for no good reason. THAT is supporting the troops??

No, I think they'd rather have a president who acts responsible with regard to war than one who doesn't care whether they die for a lie.
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Post by Savonarola »

Darrel wrote:Is this what qualifies as "far better grades" in right-wing land? Is that using right-wing math? Do you guys have special calculators?
It's that "fuzzy math," complete with the dumbass smirk.
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Re: Art Appreciation

Post by Doug »

John Galt wrote:It's a sad that the Community College crowd loves to insult an Ivy Leaguer, a man with far better grades that John "I got jock itch 3 times and 3 purple hearts when I was in Vietnam" Kerry.
And it is NOT supporting the troops to disparage a man who won medals for his courage and leadership, attested to by those who WERE THERE when he performed heroic acts.

You sure don't think much of our troops, their lives, or their opinions, do you Galt?
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Re: Art Appreciation

Post by Doug »

John Galt wrote:It's a sad that the Community College crowd loves to insult an Ivy Leaguer...
Who doesn't think much of Bush? Only "Community College" people, presumably those who don't know much?

Or those who are recognized, well-educated experts?

[All links are to articles one year old or less as of this writing.]
===W. Fails On the Economy
BERKELEY - "Ten Nobel Laureates Say the Bush Tax Cuts are the Wrong Approach" proclaimed a full-page advertisement in the Tuesday, February 11, edition of the New York Times. Paid for by the Economic Policy Institute, a nonprofit, nonpartisan think tank, the ad went on to say that "there is wide agreement that [the Bush plan's] purpose is a permanent change in the tax structure and not the creation of jobs and growth in the near-term…Passing these tax cuts will worsen the long-term budget outlook, adding to the nation's projected chronic deficits."
See here.
===W. Fails On Conservatism And Political Acumen
William F. Buckley, Jr. writes:
The political problem of the Bush administration is grave, possibly beyond the point of rescue. The opinion polls are savagely decisive on the Iraq question. About 60 percent of Americans wish the war ended — wish at least a timetable for orderly withdrawal.

Meanwhile, George Tenet, former head of the CIA, has just published a book which seems to demonstrate that there was one part ignorance, one part bullheadedness, in the high-level discussions before war became policy. Mr. Tenet at least appears to demonstrate that there was nothing in the nature of a genuine debate on the question. What he succeeded in doing was aborting a speech by Vice President Cheney which alleged a Saddam/al Qaeda relationship which had not in fact been established.

...It is simply untrue that we are making decisive progress in Iraq....

...General Petraeus...makes it a point to steer away from the political implications of the struggle, but this cannot be done in the wider arena. There are grounds for wondering whether the Republican party will survive this dilemma.
See here.
======W. Fails on "Ejumacation"
No Child Left Behind Receives Failing Grade from Teachers in UCR Study
As act approaches reauthorization in 2007, educators speak out on how law stifles creativity in classroom and obstructs professionalism.

...A recent University of California, Riverside study conducted by Professor of Sociology Steven G. Brint and Susan Teele, director, UCR Extension, shows that nearly 80 percent of teachers polled see the No Child Left Behind Act in an unfavorable light. Nearly 40 percent held a very unfavorable view of the bill, which passed by an overwhelming bipartisan majority in Congress and was signed into law in 2002.

“Only one out of every five respondents in our sample had an overall favorable assessment of the act,” said Brint. “Teachers polled who held favorable views of the act worked in low-performing schools with high minority populations.”
See here.
====W. Fails on Fighting Crime
Violent Crime Up For Second Year
Some Point to Cuts in Federal Funding
Saturday, June 2, 2007

The number of violent crimes in the United States rose for a second straight year in 2006, marking the first sustained increase in homicides, robberies and other serious offenses since the early 1990s, according to an FBI report to be released Monday.

The FBI's Uniform Crime Report will show an increase of about 1.3 percent in violent offenses last year, including a 6 percent rise in robberies and a slight rise in homicides, according to law enforcement officials, who described key findings in advance of the report's release. That follows an increase of 2.3 percent in 2005, which was the first significant increase in violent crime in 15 years.

See here.
========W. Fails Us in the War on Terrorism
Picking up after failed war on terror
By Andrew J. Bacevich
November 6, 2007
Don't expect to hear this from the White House any time soon, but the global war on terrorism conceived in the wake of 9/11 has effectively ended. As President Bush travels from one military post to the next giving pep talks to soldiers, he manfully sustains the pretense that V-T Day is just around the corner. Yet events have shredded the strategy that his administration was counting on to produce its victory over terrorism.

War requires adherence to principles. Once a conflict becomes an exercise in improvisation, it ceases to be meaningful. It becomes the antithesis of war -- killing without political purpose or moral justification.

...This much we can say with certainty: Bush is as much in the dark as you are.

...In Afghanistan, the promotion of democracy has yielded record opium crops and a resurgence of the Taliban. Then there is Iraq. The "liberation" that deposed a dictator gave rise to civil war, created a vacuum that Al Qaeda was quick to fill and has benefited no one apart from the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Policymakers such as Rice, who once disdained mere stability, are now frantically trying to prevent the greater Middle East from sliding into chaos. As the clock runs down on the Bush era, the administration preoccupies itself with damage control.

...Andrew J. Bacevich is a professor of history and international relations at Boston University.
See here.

And so on. Need more examples?
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Re: Art Appreciation

Post by Dardedar »

Doug wrote:
John Galt wrote:It's a sad that the Community College crowd loves to insult an Ivy Leaguer, a man with far better grades that John "I got jock itch 3 times and 3 purple hearts when I was in Vietnam" Kerry.
And it is NOT supporting the troops to disparage a man who won medals for his courage and leadership, attested to by those who WERE THERE when he performed heroic acts.

You sure don't think much of our troops, their lives, or their opinions, do you Galt?
He's too busy covering for his dip-shit, chicken-hawk, Bush. Imagine the audacity of actually comparing the record of a decorated war veteran who signed up for active duty:


with the warmonger drunken coward who said:

"I was not prepared to shoot my eardrum out with a shotgun in order to get a deferment. Nor was I willing to go to Canada. So I chose to better myself by learning how to fly airplanes." LINK

And he couldn't even bring himself to fulfill that simple duty! He deserted.

Snopes has an excellent and detailed summary of how Kerry earned his medals. It was interesting to read this and be reminded of how he has been dishonestly smeared by shameless drones like Galt.


Dare you to respond Galt, or are you a coward too?

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Post by Barbara Fitzpatrick »

As to the military and Hillary Clinton, two things - 1) she voted 100% of the time for legislation favored by the Non Commissioned Officers Association (last year I can find is 2003 - Project Votesmart) and 2) the reason most progressives think they hate her is for her votes for military funding, including Iraq, and her recent vote for Kyl-Lieberman. (But then those under 35 have listened all their lives to "Hillary is bad" spouted by the Corporate Owned Media, which has been spouting it since Hillary was part of the group who researched and crafted the articles of impeachment on Nixon. Once you start from the "Hillary is bad" meme, you can always find reasons.

I understand why she voted for both - she knows W will actually leave our kids in the lurch if he doesn't get his money (maybe 10% of it will actually go to benefit the troops rather than Halliburton and Blackwater, but that 10% is food and ammunition though probably nothing else) and Kyl-Lieberman is a law passed by this congress and signed by W himself (not some old post WWII treaty or convention signed by some other president and ratified by some other congress) making it illegal for W to attack Iran without specific congressional consent.
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Post by Dardedar »

A few more cherries from Galt:
It's refreshing to have a man of culture that appreciates fine art.
"Appreciates fine art?" I think Bush likes the painting because it has a picture of a horsey in it.
The hate of liberals...
I am sorry your president isn't more popular. Blue is approve, red is disapprove:


Do remember that the loathing and hate of Bush is quite international too.

Domestically, Bush has "a disapproval rating of 65 percent, the highest level of disfavor for any sitting presidents since Richard Nixon and Harry Truman. In Europe, Bush tops the list of the most unpopular politicians, with disapproval of 87% in France and Germany, and 88% in Spain."
...all hated the Surge that is working so well.
It's nice to see the massive amount of death and destruction Bush has caused take a dip but this is hardly what was promised. "Working so well" needs to be defined. Since you never bother to back up your claims I'll do the work for you once again:

"According to the United States Government Accountability Office -- using benchmarks set in United States Public Law 110-28, providing for appropriations used for the "Surge Strategy" -- at the time of the legally mandated and required GAO assessment of the Surge's success or failure, the Iraqis had only met three of the eighteen criteria, a success rate of only 16.67%" GAO

So in rightwing math, a single grade point difference in a four year average is "far better grades" and a 16.6% success rate is spun into "working so well." Pitiful.

Let's ask someone who has been to Iraq 11 times and knows something about this:

"Sen. Jack Reed (D-RI), a senior member of the Armed Services Committee and former Army Ranger, just returned from his 11th trip to Iraq. Speaking to reporters today about his trip, Reed rebutted conservatives’ assertions of success in Iraq:
First, the surge has not achieved the president’s principal stated objectives, which are political in nature. […]

The question’s usually posed, Well, has the surge worked? Well, it’s worked much in the way a tourniquet has worked: It stopped the bleeding. But the very delicate political surgery needed to repair the deep wounds in this country and initiate a long-term process of healing and stability has not taken place, and that is the critical issue that I think we face today.

Also, the security gains, which are demonstrable, can be reversed."

Cost in Iraq: $9 billion per month and counting.
Your Pal, a major taxpayer...
Why would someone who is supposedly well to do, be so insecure about money that they feel they have to make reference to some unverifiable income in almost every post? Have they no idea how pathetic this looks?


Post by LaWood »

Your Pal, a major taxpayer not eligible for the silly tax rebates- yet still 100% Hate Free and Very Happy,
The famous
John Galt
Dear Galt,
By George W. Bush's, Dick Cheney's, Trent Lott's and our own Jim Lindsey's
standards you are a fool. If you are telling us you don't get any money from the gov they would consider you a total fool. G.W. Bush made his 10 million net worth by having tax payers of Dallas-FT Worth finance his baseball stadium. That's the whole point to being a Republican, making money from government largesses. Cheney will retire with handsome bonuses from Haliburton not to mention the how he increased the value of his shares. Jim Lindsey, local millionaire realtor, draws about $980K every year from the fed treasury.

So save us the low-level song and dance that Ronnie gets his faithful to sing over at First Baptist. My brother, a devout Republican, has grown wealthy off of government "subsidies."
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Post by Betsy »

I notice Galt never came back to this thread to defend his comments or his position.

Honestly, I don't even think Galt is as dumb as he pretends to be. He just goes from thread to thread saying things like Rush Limbaugh is a deep and intelligent man, GWB is a great president, blah blah blah, just to try to get everyone worked up. He doesn't even mean what he says, he's just a flame-thrower.

Because no one could really be THAT stupid.
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Post by Doug »

Betsy wrote:He doesn't even mean what he says, he's just a flame-thrower. Because no one could really be THAT stupid.
I think you are right about Galt, but I think some people really are that stupid. But I don't think Galt is one of them. I think he just gets frustrated at how pathetic the leader of his party is, and he has to let off some steam.
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