Rush Limbaugh is facinating

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Rush Limbaugh is facinating

Post by Hillwilllose »

I like to listen to Rush because he is articulate and strong advocate of freedom- It's the thinking person's radio program. You can hear him locally on KFAY 1030 AM from 11am- 2 pm weekdays.

Man of the Year: Rush Limbaugh
by Mark R. Levin

Rush Limbaugh’s detractors never learn. They’ve tried everything to come between Rush and his more than 20 million listeners, intending to destroy his appeal and impact. But it’s a hopeless, almost laughable endeavor. They led boycotts against his advertisers -- yet his show continues to generate more revenue than any other on radio. They pressured his affiliates to drop his program, but he’s still heard on more than 600 stations -- more than any other talk host. They tried to keep him off Armed Forces Radio, of course, but he has the most popular program on the military’s radio network.

Will Not Be Intimidated

Try as they might, the Rush-haters cannot silence him, or persuade his massive audience to tune him out. After two decades as the top talk host in the nation, his ratings are stronger than ever. He is more popular and influential than ever. And yet, the Rush-haters persist. Their favorite tactic is to twist Rush’s on-air remarks to make them fit their stereotypes and to advance their political objectives.

Rush has never bowed to efforts by the left to control our national debate through intimidation tactics. A few months ago, when the Democrats shamelessly used Graeme Frost, a 12-year-old who had been in a terrible car accident, to promote the expansion of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) entitlement, it was Rush, with information from folks on conservative websites such as Free Republic, who told America that the Frost family was not as it was represented to be by the Democrats and the Big Media. The Frosts had been financially able to purchase health insurance but apparently had chosen not to. Among other things, the parents sent their two daughters to an expensive private school, at an apparent cost of $40,000 per year. For exposing this sham, Rush was accused of picking on the poor seventh grader. Well, as Rush explained at the time, she’d been used, but not by him -- by her own parents, the Democrats and the media.

Home Run After Home Run

When David Ehrenstein, a Hollywood writer, penned an opinion piece last year in the Los Angeles Times, characterizing Illinois Democratic Sen. Barak Obama as “The Magic Negro,” Rush seized the moment to expose liberal hypocrisy with a parody -- “Barak the Magic Negro” (played to the tune of “Puff the Magic Dragon”). The Rush-haters pounced, claiming falsely that Rush, not Ehrenstein, was employing a racial slur against Obama. No, Rush was ridiculing the left, and once again, it hit home. And when Rush was pressured to stop playing the parody, he defiantly played it over and over again.

During the 2006 elections, the Democrats shamelessly used Michael J. Fox in targeted congressional races to campaign against Republicans who opposed taxpayer-financed stem-cell research, including running television ads featuring Fox. And in those commercials, Fox was visibly shaking from the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. The political message was clear: Vote against these Republicans because they are heartless people who oppose curing diseases. Well, Rush would have none of it. He criticized the Democrats’ use of Fox, Fox’s politicization of a medical issue and the dishonesty of the ads. As usual, the Democrats and liberal media distorted Rush’s argument, accusing him of mocking Fox and his ailments. They sought to deflect criticism from their own crude political behavior. But again, they failed.

Most Important Voice on the Right

What is it about Rush that drives the left crazy (that is, crazier than they already are)? The answer is actually quite simple: Rush is the most important voice in the conservative movement. Others want to be, some claim to be, but he is. More than any conservative politician, columnist or pundit, Rush speaks for us. His opinions are principled and consistent. He has a brilliant mind and a voracious appetite for knowledge and truth, all of which he uses behind his golden EIB microphone to teach and persuade as he cuts through the daily media clutter. He has the guts to say what so many of us are thinking to ourselves. And Rush’s likable and optimistic personality and entertaining style attract increasing numbers of conservative adherents. Liberals consider Rush and his talk show the greatest threats to their agenda and pursuit of power, and they’re right.

The most stunning and desperate assault on Rush was launched just a few weeks ago when the ethically challenged Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid (Nev.) -- armed with propaganda prepared by a Clinton front group that calls itself “Media Matters for America” (which also claims to be a tax-exempt charitable foundation) -- tried to use the power of his office to squelch Rush with a threatening letter, signed by dozens of his Democratic colleagues, to Rush’s Clear Channel broadcast partner. What was all the fuss about?

During a Morning Update broadcast, Rush criticized fake soldiers such as Jesse MacBeth and the left’s support for them. MacBeth claimed to have served in Iraq as an Army Ranger. MacBeth was embraced by the anti-war movement and appeared on several media outlets solely because of his vicious smears against the United States military. But MacBeth was a fraud. He was forced out of the Army in 44 days and never received the Purple Heart, as he had claimed. A press release from the United States attorney’s office that prosecuted MacBeth, among other fake soldiers, states:

“Jesse MacBeth, 23, Tacoma, Wash., sentenced today in connection with his fraudulent claims of military service. MacBeth sought medical benefits claiming to suffer from PTSD related to service in Iraq and Afghanistan, in fact, Macbeth was discharged from the Army about a month after he joined. MacBeth never traveled outside the U.S. with the Army. Macbeth duped reporters, claiming to be a decorated Army Ranger who had witnessed war crimes.”

In a subsequent conversation with a caller who complained that the media “never talk to real soldiers,” Rush referred to these fake soldiers as “phony soldiers.” There was nothing remotely controversial about his statement. But Media Matters, putting words in Rush’s mouth, claimed that Rush had challenged the patriotism of real soldiers who had actually served but opposed the Iraq War.

Advocate of the Military

Now, anybody who has spent any time listening to Rush knew this was false. There is no greater advocate -- on or off the air -- for the military and its mission. And unlike Reid and most of the other anti-war Democrats, over the years Rush has quietly made significant contributions to the Marine Corps-Law Enforcement Foundation. But it didn’t matter.
Reid ran with the lie, as did many of his fellow Democrats and media friends, believing they could damage Rush’s reputation, drive a wedge between Rush and his audience and advance the Democrats’ political agenda. To my knowledge, never before has a Senate leader attempted to use the force of government against a private citizen in this way. And rather than condemn Reid, the Big Media cheered him on by repeating his lies.

So, the stakes were extremely high. Would a powerful Democratic politician and Clinton front group be able to cripple Rush and damage the conservative cause through intimidation and dishonest tactics? Well, they don’t know Rush like we do. They picked a fight with the wrong guy.

Rush confronted, mocked and exposed Reid and Media Matters as dissembling bullies. And in an act of absolute brilliance, he put the Reid letter -- signed by the likes of Hillary Clinton (N.Y.), John Kerry (Mass.), Teddy Kennedy (Mass.) and other anti-war senators -- up for auction on eBay, not only pledging that all proceeds would go to his beloved

Marine Corps-Law Enforcement Foundation, but announcing that he’d match the winning bid. The auction brought $2.1 million, and when combined with Rush’s matching donation, the Reid letter generated a whopping $4.2 million for the foundation! But Rush wasn’t finished. He challenged Reid to raise or contribute an equal amount for the troops. We’re all still waiting.

For this, and all else he does every day to defend our founding principles, HUMAN EVENTS confers on Rush Limbaugh its 2007 Man of the Year Award.
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Re: Rush Limbaugh is facinating

Post by Doug »

Hillwilllose wrote:I like to listen to Rush because he is articulate and strong advocate of freedom.
The fact that he lies constantly, uses well-known fallacies, and wouldn't know the truth if it camped out on his face doesn't bother you, though.

About your pathetic hero:

==Limbaugh regularly feeds his audience a diet of falsehoods, misstatements, distortions, invective, and childish put-downs in service of the conservative movement. During his long reign over the airwaves, Limbaugh has called abortion rights activists "feminazis", told an African-American caller to "take that bone out of your nose," referred to prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib as "blow[ing] some steam off, " and declared that "what's good for Al Qaeda is good for the Democratic Party." He touts his close connections to Republicans, claiming that he "[g]ot a big hug" from President George W. Bush during a 2004 White House visit.

In August 2005, Limbaugh asserted that Cindy Sheehan, the mother of a soldier killed in Iraq who staged an anti-war protest outside President Bush's ranch in Texas, "is just Bill Burkett. Her story is nothing more than forged documents." Burkett is a retired Texas Air National Guard officer who provided CBS' 60 Minutes with unauthenticated documents regarding President Bush's National Guard record. After Media Matters for America documented this, he claimed that he was taken "out of context" by "little pimple-faced kids that are working at wannabe websites" -- even as the audio and text published by Media Matters proved otherwise. Limbaugh also claimed that Sheehan was "exploiting death."

Limbaugh has also spread numerous rumors and conspiracy theories about the Clinton family, alleging that Hillary Rodham Clinton was involved in the 1993 suicide of deputy White House counsel Vincent Foster and peddling gay-baiting sexual innuendo about Clinton based on Edward Klein's error- and innuendo-filled book, The Truth About Hillary.

See more here.


On the November 7 broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio program, Rush Limbaugh claimed that the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth "were right on the money, and nobody has disproven anything they claimed in any of their ads, statements, written commentaries, or anything of the sort." ...In fact, most of the allegations the Swift Boat Veterans made about Kerry's Vietnam War service have been thoroughly discredited, often by official military records, but also by the Swift Boat accusers themselves, who struggled to keep their stories straight.

Read more here.

[Note: The Swift Boat liars were debunked thoroughly and decisively.]


And of course you can't expect drug addict Limbaugh to be a man to stick to his convictions. When he called troops who support a withdrawal (a majority of the troops!) phony soldiers. When he caught a lot of flak about this, he tried to lie his way out:

During an interview on the October 18 edition of Fox News' Hannity & Colmes, Rush Limbaugh offered another version of the conversation preceding a remark he made on the September 26 broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio show characterizing service members who support U.S. withdrawal from Iraq as "phony soldiers."

See here.

Oh, and here's something FAUX NEWS doesn't want you to know: Ron Paul has received more campaign contributions from military members than any other GOP candidate. Why? He supports a total withdrawal from Iraq as soon as possible.
John Galt

It's sad

Post by John Galt »

It is sad how a group that calls themselves "Free Thinkers" are so closed minded. Rush is quite the thinker, and local socialists have no equal to Rush. As Free Thinkers you should be grateful that KFAY 1030 AM puts Rush on daily, so that you can appreciate his wisdom.. (we know you listen daily...)

FACT: The Swiftboaters were right- Kerry is a flake- thank goodness they had the b*lls to defend their honor.

FACT: Liberalism is a sad joke...Socialism lite.

FACT: History has dealt Pres. Bush a tough hand. History will remember him as a great President that dealt with tough issues. Clinton (and Hillary) will be remembered as a sad, sorry joke.)

I remember the human waste that protested VP Cheney at the Fayetteville Town Center in 2001. Pres. Bush has stood up to the Islamofacists that would love to behead every single "Free Thinker".

Get a clue- Free Thinkers are a sad, sorry lot- neither Free, nor thinkers.
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Re: It's sad

Post by Dardedar »

John Galt wrote:It is sad how a group that calls themselves "Free Thinkers" are so closed minded.
We have never called ourselves "Free Thinkers." Even for a ditto head you're not very bright are you John?
Rush is quite the thinker, and local socialists have no equal to Rush.
I drive a lot and listened to Rush for years because there was no other talk radio available. He said if you gave him six months he would win you over. I listened consistently for about ten years and my opinion never changed much. He is a bullshit artist who misinforms and lies about 90% of the time. The rest of the time he is pretty much on the mark. In a debate I would kick his ass. Easy. But his callers are carefully screened and he has a long time delay so if someone makes a fool out of him, which would be really easy to do, they can dump the call and move on and poor Galt is none the wiser. Rush doesn't do very well in in exchanges where the other person isn't kissing his ass. He loses it and stammers.
As Free Thinkers you should be grateful that KFAY 1030 AM puts Rush on daily,...
Like many people, I haven't listened in years. Rush is a has been. I have satellite radio now. I'll never listen to that lying, racist, hypocritical windbag again. Waste of time.
FACT: History has dealt Pres. Bush a tough hand. History will remember him as a great President that dealt with tough issues.
You do realize we have a humor section. Comments like this really belong there. Bush is universally loathed except by his dwindling hardcore nutbar base.
Bush is good at two things. Creating dead American soldiers and creating new democratic voters. Let me show you:


"...the Republican Party is losing young people in droves. Among 18-29 year olds, 50% have a favorable view of the Democratic Party compared to only 35% for the Republican Party. There are plenty of reasons for this, but basically they hate George Bush, they hate the Iraq war, and they hate religious conservatives.

The good news, of course, is that people are brand loyal. Once they make up their minds in their twenties which party they like better, they generally stick with it for the rest of their lives. So the Republican Party’s deal with the devil to embrace the Christian Right [and GW Bush] might have helped them out for a while, but in the long term it’s a disaster.

"In 1984, Reagan won 59% of the youth vote. Four years later, H.W. Bush won 52% of voters in this age group. It’s been downhill for the GOP ever since, and now only 25% of 17- to 29-year-old voters identify themselves as Republican."

Clinton (and Hillary) will be remembered as a sad, sorry joke.)
Clinton left office with one of the highest popular approval ratings ever. Almost double the approval that this idiot Bush gets every day. The day the impeachment papers were drawn up Clinton had a 72% approval rating. Bush hovers below half of that.

I guess you have never seen a side by side comparison of Clinton accomplishments with Bush disasters. It's quite informative. A little sample:

During the eight years of the Clinton Administration -- which, by the way, raised taxes -- about 23 million jobs were created, which comes out to about 240,000 jobs per month. By comparison, only a net of 5.6 million jobs have been created during the Bush years, which comes out to about 71,000 per month. Even taking away the job losses caused by a recession and the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the Bush years come up short: In the 47 consecutive months of job growth since the fall of 2003, the per-month average has been about 177,000 jobs."


Here is a comparison from 2004. Being a ditto head you probably have trouble with numbers and words so as you look at this just think: red bad, blue good:


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Re: It's sad

Post by Doug »

John Galt wrote: It is sad how a group that calls themselves "Free Thinkers" are so closed minded..
Don't assume that someone who disagrees with you could only do so by being close-minded. It is more likely that people disagree with you, in your case, because they are smart and/or informed of the facts.

Just look at what we have done here. You make false claims, we refute them with evidence. You don't provide evidence, at least not anything true. That's why your ass is getting kicked so hard.
John Galt wrote:
Rush is quite the thinker, and local socialists have no equal to Rush.

Most of us (maybe all?) on this board are not socialists. More stereotyping on your part--just like Rush. The facts are not on your side, so you engage in stereotyping and fear mongering. Typical.
John Galt wrote:
FACT: The Swiftboaters were right- Kerry is a flake- thank goodness they had the b*lls to defend their honor.
They have no honor because they lied. And they were proven to be liars. It is really pathetic that Rush, Hannity, O'Reilly and the like can so easily get people like you to spread their lies.

I'd reply to the rest of your slurs but I am starting to think you are just a troll. Or else you are really, really stupid. If you are sincere, you are probably too bigoted to want to see the truth anyway. Rush has a way of doing that to his fans. They no longer WANT to get the truth. They are too heavily invested in the GOP lies.
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Post by Tony »

Well Doug, there is at least one Democratic Socialist on But the misperceptions about what that means are everywhere, even here. Just use the disagreements many of you good liberal folks have with my views to point out what an idiot this guy is.
Praise Jesus and pass the ammo.
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Post by Betsy »

Hillisomething said: "I like to listen to Rush because he is articulate and strong advocate of freedom- It's the thinking person's radio program. You can hear him locally on KFAY 1030 AM from 11am- 2 pm weekdays."

This is a frightening commentary on the mentality of local Republicans -- I thought even THEY had figured out that Rush is a lying hypocritical blowhard. Really, many of them have and are embarrassed by his behavior. I'm just suprised and kind of sad that Hilliwhatever hasn't figured that out yet.

Post by LaWood »

Oh I'm with you Hillis. I like to listen to Rush, cause he reminds me of when I was a dopehead and stayed high and spouted out all sorts of luny stuff, just as Rush does daily because he is ADDICTED TO DOPE. He has never taken that initial step and confessed his DOPE ADDICTION. That is the first step. Until a dope addict like Rush admits he has a problem the problem NEVER GOES AWAY.

Did I mention he is also a smoker and a fat-ass? Not that sucking on tobacco all day impedes his reason nor does being a fat-ass impede his reason. Nor does being DIVORCED FIVE TIMES impede his reason or his ability to relate to others.
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Post by Doug »

LaWood wrote:Oh I'm with you Hillis. I like to listen to Rush, cause he reminds me of when I was a dopehead and stayed high and spouted out all sorts of luny stuff, just as Rush does daily because he is ADDICTED TO DOPE. He has never taken that initial step and confessed his DOPE ADDICTION. That is the first step. Until a dope addict like Rush admits he has a problem the problem NEVER GOES AWAY.

Did I mention he is also a smoker and a fat-ass? Not that sucking on tobacco all day impedes his reason nor does being a fat-ass impede his reason. Nor does being DIVORCED FIVE TIMES impede his reason or his ability to relate to others.
He did confess to his pill-popping addiction.

When Rush went to the Bahamas with some of his male friends, he came back and was caught with a bottle of Viagra pills that were not prescribed to him. He tried to conceal his acquisition of the pills by having his doctor get them under his name and not Rush's. (Something like that.) But when counted, only one pill was missing from the bottle.

When Al Franken heard of this, he said, "When Rush said he had a good time on his vacation, he really meant it."

Post by LaWood »

Ok I stand corrected on Rush's fessing up. Thanks. I listened to his show for a few weeks after he was outed by his house keeper for getting illegal pills and never heard his confession of guilt.
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Post by Dardedar »

I am pretty sure Rush has been divorced 3 times, gave up smoking years ago (except for cigars, I guess that counts) and he really isn't fat anymore. But he is still a dishonest, racist, asshole. And a coward.

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Post by Savonarola »

Darrel wrote:But he is still a dishonest, racist, asshole. And a coward.
And hypocrite. Don't forget hypocrite...
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Re: Rush Limbaugh is facinating

Post by Doug »

Hillwilllose wrote:Rush Limbaugh’s detractors never learn. They’ve tried everything to come between Rush and his more than 20 million listeners, intending to destroy his appeal and impact.
I guess you haven't been paying attention. Limbaugh's ratings have been falling for over a year. Since 2005 his listenership has been down considerably, especially in some large, choice markets like L.A. and Chicago. People just aren't buying his bullshit anymore.
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