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In general, it is better to add to an existing thread than to start a new one. Do not start a new thread if the specific desired topic already exists on the forum.
The moderators also reserve the right to split or move threads as they see fit. Please do not derail threads.
Please respect copyrights. Limited replication of material is acceptable, but please provide only excerpts and links to large articles (unless distribution has been authorized by the author). This rule is not so much a spam deterrent as an attempt to avoid any possible legal trouble.
When posting words that are not your own, format the texts differently such that any user will quickly know what text was written by whom.
If you are unsure about using copyrighted material, read some Fair Use guidelines.
Denigrating or otherwise abusive content will be either edited or removed entirely. Users showing a consistent pattern of "flame baiting" or "trolling" will be banned.
Moderators may request users to change certain posting behavior in order to make the board run more smoothly. (Common examples include starting multiple nearly identical threads without participating in the discussion and repeated derailment.) Any user who does not comply with a moderators' request will be subject to banning.
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If you feel that your posts have been wrongly censored, or if you feel that an abusive user is not being properly reprimanded, please post your complaints in the Complaints and Objections forum.
Please refrain from using blue, boldface text. This style text will be used by our moderators when acting in their official capacities.
The Mod@Large will consider giving registered users Moderator status in certain forums based on their expertise of the subject matter and their conduct on the board as a whole.
For more information about the features of this forum, please see the More Features of phpBB sticky near the top of this forum.
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Read this thread before posting.
- Savonarola
- Mod@Large
- Posts: 1475
- Joined: Thu Jan 19, 2006 10:11 pm
- antispam: human non-spammer
- Designate the number of cents in half a dollar: 50
- Location: NW Arkansas
- Savonarola
- Mod@Large
- Posts: 1475
- Joined: Thu Jan 19, 2006 10:11 pm
- antispam: human non-spammer
- Designate the number of cents in half a dollar: 50
- Location: NW Arkansas
Re: Read this thread before posting.
A new request:
Please refrain from using ALL CAPS in thread titles. All caps conveys yelling/screaming and is not only poor netiquette but also unnecessarily distracting.
Please refrain from using ALL CAPS in thread titles. All caps conveys yelling/screaming and is not only poor netiquette but also unnecessarily distracting.