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Taliban torture, execute 5 Afghan police

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 4:19 pm
by John Galt
The sad reality is that the Islamo-fascists would happily murder everybody on this forum if given the chance (even friendly Doug) . We live in tough times and the US is not responsible for the evil in the world as some here think. Our troops face tough situations and they show incredible restraint. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers this Thanksgiving week.

By NOOR KHAN, Associated Press Writer
Sun Nov 18, 2007
KANDAHAR, Afghanistan - Taliban militants tortured five abducted policemen in southern Afghanistan and then hung their mutilated bodies from trees in a warning to villagers against working with the government, officials said Sunday.

The discovery of the bodies came as officials said that recent violence and clashes had left at least 63 other people dead across Afghanistan.

The officers had been abducted two months ago from their checkpoint in southern Uruzgan province, said Juma Gul Himat, the provincial police chief. The Taliban slashed their hands and legs and hung the bodies on trees Saturday in Gazak village of Derawud district, he said.

"The Taliban told the people that whoever works with the government will suffer the same fate as these policemen," Himat said. "This village is under Taliban control. There are more than 100 Taliban in this village."

Two tribal elders received the bodies of the policemen on Sunday, he said.

Insurgency-related violence in Afghanistan has soared this year, killing more than 6,000 people, a record number, according to an Associated Press count based on figures from Western and Afghan officials.

The executions followed several days of violence in the country's south which left at least 63 people dead, including 58 militants and two Canadian soldiers.

Also in Uruzgan, police shot and killed two suspected Taliban militants on Sunday as they approached a police checkpoint on a motorbike, Himat said.

In Zabul province, the Taliban ambushed and clashed with an Afghan army patrol Saturday night, leaving 11 suspected insurgents dead and four soldiers wounded, said Qasem Khan, a provincial police official.

Authorities recovered the bodies of the 11 militants alongside their weapons, Khan said.

In southern Helmand province, a suicide bomber attacked a NATO patrol Sunday in Gereshk district, damaging a vehicle but causing no casualties, said provincial police chief Mohammad Hussein Andiwal.

In Kandahar province, Canadian and Afghan troops battled militants and called in airstrikes in Zhari district on Saturday, leaving an Afghan soldier and at least 20 suspected militants dead, said provincial police chief Sayed Agha Saqeb.

A roadside bomb hit a NATO vehicle during the same battle, killing two Canadian soldiers and their translator and wounding three other Canadian troops, officials said.

Separately, a suicide bomber on a motorbike attacked a NATO convoy in Nangarhar province's Chaparhar district, killing an Afghan civilian and wounding another NATO soldier, officials said Saturday.

Elsewhere, 23 Taliban militants were killed during a U.S.-led coalition operation on Thursday aimed at disrupting a weapons transfer in southern Afghanistan, the coalition said.

Re: Taliban torture, execute 5 Afghan police

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 11:38 pm
by Savonarola
John Galt wrote:We live in tough times and the US is not responsible for the evil in the world as some here think.
But we are responsible for a large portion of why these people hate us so much and proceed to attack us with such fervor.

Where is the Restraint?

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 12:08 am
by Doug
John Galt wrote: The sad reality is that the Islamo-fascists would happily murder everybody on this forum if given the chance (even friendly Doug) .
And our troops happily marched into a country that had done NOTHING to the U.S., had NO weapons of mass destruction, and we destroyed that country, killed tens of thousands of Iraqis, and made the country--formerly off limits to Al Quaida-- a haven for terrorists and their recruitment goals.

Don't pretend that there is no fault on the U.S. side with regard to war crimes.
John Galt wrote:We live in tough times and the US is not responsible for the evil in the world as some here think.
No one on this forum thinks that the U.S. is responsible for the evil in the world. That is just a straw man lie that Republicans tell themselves so they can engage in more hate.
John Galt wrote:Our troops face tough situations and they show incredible restraint.
And sometimes they show no restraint, like the time they raped a 14 year old girl and slaughtered her family to get rid of witnesses. Then our soldiers set the girl's body on fire with kerosene to try to destroy evidence.

BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- One of the U.S. soldiers accused of raping and killing an Iraqi and slaying her family told investigators that after the killings he poured kerosene on the girl's bullet-ridden body, according to testimony Monday in a military hearing.

In an interview with the U.S. Army's Criminal Investigative Division in June, Spec. James P. Barker, 23, said that he held the girl down while she was raped by another soldier, Sgt. Paul Cortez, during an incident in March in Mahmoudiya, according to testimony from CID Special Agent Benjamin Bierce.

Barker said that he then attempted to rape the girl himself, before she was shot to death by former Pfc. Steven D. Green, Bierce said.

Barker told investigators he was not sure if he penetrated the girl, because he was having trouble getting an erection.
See the story here.

He was sentenced to 90 years. Another got 110 years. Two others were also convicted and sentenced.

Our soldiers are also accused of raping Iraqi women in many other cases.

See here.

In fact, our male troops have raped about 25% of our own female troops.

"...almost one in four women had been assaulted or raped. Last year alone, almost 3,000 soldiers reported sexual assault and rape by other soldiers."

See the thread here.

See the PBS NOW story here.

If one fourth of our own women are raped by our men, where is the restraint, Galt? I'd like you to find it.

Galt, don't lie to yourself. We are not saints, and the enemy are not demons. You won't be in a position to solve problems if you lie to yourself about what the problems are.
John Galt wrote:Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers this Thanksgiving week.
Thoughts, yes, prayers, no. Many on this forum do not pray. Just like Mother Teresa.

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 2:21 am
by LaWood
Here's a little anti-fantasy list for you John:

Nations Bombed by U.S.A. since WWII

China 1945-46
Korea 1950-53
China 1950-53
Guatemala 1954
Indonesia 1958
Cuba 1959-60
Guatemala 1960
Belgian Congo 1964
Guatemala 1964
Dominican Republic 1965-66
Peru 1965
Laos 1964-73
Vietnam 1961-73
Cambodia 1969-70
Guatemala 1967-69
Lebanon 1982-84
Grenada 1983-84
Libya 1986
El Salvador 1981-92
Nicaragua 1981-90
Libya 1986
Iran 1987-88
Libya 1989
Panama 1989-90
Iraq 1991-2002
Kuwait 1991
Somalia 1992-94
Croatia 1994 (of Serbs at Krajina)
Bosnia 1995
Iran 1998 (airliner)
Sudan 1998
Afghanistan 1998
Yugoslavia 1999
Afghanistan 2001-02

"...not including 'proxy' bombings of Iraq by Israel in 1981 using sixteen US made F15 bombers and brand new F16 fighter bombers"

Source ... ombed.html[/u]

This forum is sicker than I thought

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 3:15 pm
by John Galt
You folks are sick! You truly are the "blame America First" crowd.

The Islamofacists HATE us because we're not muslim!

Get a clue- the real straw man is that we have brought on their hatred.

We're a great country- great, not perfect. We're the main source of good in this world. I'm sorry that your so self-loathing that you do not realize this.

Re: This forum is sicker than I thought

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 4:22 pm
by Doug
John Galt wrote: You folks are sick! You truly are the "blame America First" crowd.
No, I don't "blame America First." But I don't pretend that the U.S. is blameless either. Maybe you should read what I wrote in my post instead of making things up.
John Galt wrote: The Islamofacists HATE us because we're not muslim!
No, they hate us for specific reasons other than that. In Islam, in fact, it is immoral to harm someone else on the basis of that person not being a Muslim.

Our country gets attacked, we go to war, tens of thousands die, and you apparently have NO interest in finding out why we were attacked. By our own former "freedom fighter," Osama bin Laden.

It was not because we are not Muslim.
It was not because we are "free."
John Galt wrote: Get a clue- the real straw man is that we have brought on their hatred.
You support the troops enough to hate people who want our troops to act responsibly and--just maybe--win the hearts and minds of those we are allegedly freeing. (Too late for that, by the way. Thanks to Bush and Cheney.) Too bad you don't support the troops enough to care why we were attacked. I would think this would be important to you, why any of this is happening.

For bonus points, you may want to investigate why we conquered Iraq.

It had NOTHING to do with weapons of mass destruction.

Further hint:
Bush had NO interest in catching Osama bin Laden before we invaded Iraq. Now, he just doesn't care. Back then, he definitely wanted Osama bin Laden to remain loose and on the run.
John Galt wrote: We're a great country- great, not perfect. We're the main source of good in this world. I'm sorry that your so self-loathing that you do not realize this.
Bush has disgraced the U.S. and made out country into a rogue nation. A rogue nation is one that ignores the U.N., ignores international law, and engages in unwarranted hostilities against other countries. Bush made us into a country like that. Maybe you don't care what our country does or who it invades and kills, but I love my country and that's precisely why I DO care.

After 9/11, the U.S. had unprecedented levels of goodwill from other countries. Bush single-handedly turned that goodwill into animosity by making us into a rogue nation. He is without doubt the WORST president this country has ever had.

Re: This forum is sicker than I thought

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 9:46 pm
by Savonarola
John Galt wrote:The Islamofacists HATE us because we're not muslim!
Here's a list of countries and their Muslim populations by percent. Please provide examples of notorious Islamic attack on all countries with a percentage lower than that listed for the United States.

Re: This forum is sicker than I thought

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 12:04 am
by Dardedar
John Galt wrote:You folks are sick! You truly are the "blame America First" crowd.
I am for putting blame where it belongs. You clearly would never blame your tribe for anything. That's just pathetic goose-stepping.
The Islamofacists HATE us because we're not muslim!
Gee, weren't you the guy who put up a post entitled "Thank God for religious people"? Yes you were. Well there are some folks that take their religion seriously. And some of them are offended when you put put infidel soldiers in their holy land and then even more pissed off when you invade and occupy an Arab country under false pretenses (while displacing millions and killing ten's of thousands). Try thinking outside of the tribe for a moment and see if you can imagine some people hating such behavior.
We're a great country- great, not perfect. We're the main source of good in this world.
Your tribalistic vanity is childish and also very common but you should get over it by educating yourself a little about history. The US is an empire in rapid decline partly because of such arrogance and ignorance. There was a time when there would have been some truth to your statement but that time has passed. The following is now typical around the world (this example from our most staunch ally):


British believe Bush is more dangerous than Kim Jong-il

"America is now seen as a threat to world peace by its closest neighbours and allies, according to an international survey of public opinion published today that reveals just how far the country's reputation has fallen among former supporters since the invasion of Iraq.

Carried out as US voters prepare to go to the polls next week in an election dominated by the war, the research also shows that British voters see George Bush as a greater danger to world peace than either the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-il, or the Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Both countries were once cited by the US president as part of an "axis of evil", but it is Mr Bush who now alarms voters in countries with traditionally strong links to the US.

The survey has been carried out by the Guardian in Britain and leading newspapers in Israel (Haaretz), Canada (La Presse and Toronto Star) and Mexico (Reforma), using professional local opinion polling in each country.

It exposes high levels of distrust. In Britain, 69% of those questioned say they believe US policy has made the world less safe since 2001, with only 7% thinking action in Iraq and Afghanistan has increased global security.

The finding is mirrored in America's immediate northern and southern neighbours, Canada and Mexico, with 62% of Canadians and 57% of Mexicans saying the world has become more dangerous because of US policy.


In Britain 71% of voters now say the invasion was unjustified, a view shared by 89% of Mexicans and 73% of Canadians. Canada is a Nato member whose troops are in action in Afghanistan. Neither do voters think America has helped advance democracy in developing countries, one of the justifications for deposing Saddam Hussein. Only 11% of Britons and 28% of Israelis think that has happened.

As a result, Mr Bush is ranked with some of his bitterest enemies as a cause of global anxiety. He is outranked by Osama bin Laden in all four countries, but runs the al-Qaida leader close in the eyes of UK voters: 87% think the al-Qaida leader is a great or moderate danger to peace, compared with 75% who think this of Mr Bush."

The Guardian

You're drunk on the kool-aid John. Watch out for the hangover.


Re: This forum is sicker than I thought

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 10:50 am
by Doug
Darrel wrote:In Britain 71% of voters now say the invasion was unjustified, a view shared by 89% of Mexicans and 73% of Canadians.
In the U.S., the majority of the people also hold that the invasion of Iraq was not the right decision.

Pew Research Center for the People & the Press
Oct. 17-23, 2007.

"Thinking about Iraq: Do you think the U.S. made the right decision or the wrong decision in using military force against Iraq?"

Right Decision 39%
Wrong Decision 54%
Unsure 7%

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2007 12:59 pm
by Barbara Fitzpatrick
And part of that RW kool-aid is the term "islamofascist" - there's no such thing. The extremists of the Islamic faith are not fascists. The neocons currently running our own government are fascists. Zealots are zealots the world over - whether they are zionist jews, christian militias, or jihadist muslims - and they are all theocrats (with the understanding that THEIR god, as interpreted by THEIR priests and "holy" writings, is the One True God, and everyone must follow THEIR rules). Fascists are corporatists. They believe the business of business is business and the business of government is business. Changes to the tax structure to channel the most money and power into the fewist hands is fascist. Has nothing to do with religion.

As to the troops - damn right I support them. Get them home and take care of the damage is the only real support for kids being shot at and blown up because GWB wanted a holy war and Cheney wanted control of the oil.