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Scientists Re-create Out-of-body Experience

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 12:08 am
by Doug
CHICAGO (AFP) - For centuries, people have claimed to have had out-of-body experiences but now scientists have recreated the sensation without using drugs in the first experiments of their kind, a study said Thursday.

As many as one in 10 people say they have experienced the sensation of being awake and seeing their own body from another location, according to the study published in the journal Science.

"Out-of-body experiences have fascinated mankind for millennia. Their existence has raised fundamental questions about the relationship between human consciousness and the body," said Henrik Ehrsson, a neuroscientist formerly of University College London, and now at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden.


Now neuroscientists have manipulated a group of perfectly healthy volunteers into thinking they had moved outside their bodies by distorting their perception of reality.

Using virtual reality goggles to mix up the sensory signals reaching the brain, they induced the volunteers into projecting their awareness into a virtual body. Participants confirmed they had experienced sitting behind their physical body and looking at it.

The illusion was so strong that the volunteers reacted with a palpable sense of fear when their virtual selves were threatened with physical force.

The findings suggest there may be a scientific explanation for these types of out-of-body experiences, which are often thought of as delusional or paranormal, and the scientists believe their research could have important applications.

"The invention of this illusion is important because it reveals the basic mechanism that produces the feeling of being inside the physical body," said Ehrsson.

See here.

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 12:14 am
by Dardedar
It made sense until I got to this part (not included above in your excerpt):

"The experience of video games could reach a whole new level, but it could go much beyond that. For example, a surgeon could perform remote surgery, by controlling their virtual self from a different location."


Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 9:59 am
by Barbara Fitzpatrick
Devil's advocate here - just because science can replicate the out of body experience/sensation does not mean out of body experiences aren't real. Science can also stimulate the brain to replicate sensations of touch, taste, smell, hearing, and sight, but that doesn't mean sensations of same not produced by scientists stimulating certain portions of the brain are delusions.

I'm with Darrel on the "surgeon could perform remote surgery" - huh? Out of body experience means out of body, not you have a virtual physical body elsewhere.

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 11:04 am
by Doug
Barbara Fitzpatrick wrote:Devil's advocate here - just because science can replicate the out of body experience/sensation does not mean out of body experiences aren't real. Science can also stimulate the brain to replicate sensations of touch, taste, smell, hearing, and sight, but that doesn't mean sensations of same not produced by scientists stimulating certain portions of the brain are delusions.
No, but it DOES mean that one can explain such phenomena by appealing to physical causes and not metaphysical or spiritual causes.

Out of body experiment

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 9:14 pm
by normark
The real test of such an experiment is whether the subject can retrieve information that would be impossible by the physical body. Perhaps that was part of the experiment not reported?