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Ask the Far Right: Don't Big Wars make Big Government?

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 10:01 am
by omni_protester
I recommend that if you oppose the US policy war and occupation in Iraq and elsewhere that you should try talking making the case to those that worry about big intrusive governments that the current Bush regime's massive ballooning federal debt is largely due to spending on the war and that it is unfairly burdening future generations with debt to foreign creditors. It has worked somewhat with my conservative coworker. There must be lots of good quotes on the Internet from the US "founding fathers" and other thinkers.
The National Priorities Project (NPP) keeps a running total of the U.S. taxpayer cost of the Iraq War based on Congressional appropriations at the following address. ... Itemid=182

Re: Ask the Far Right: Don't Big Wars make Big Government?

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 10:49 am
by Doug
omni_protester wrote:I recommend that if you oppose the US policy war and occupation in Iraq and elsewhere that you should try talking making the case to those that worry about big intrusive governments that the current Bush regime's massive ballooning federal debt is largely due to spending on the war and that it is unfairly burdening future generations with debt to foreign creditors.
Those who worry about intrusive government may also worry about how the Pentagon admitted that it was spying on about 148 antiwar organizations, and at least 48 individuals, but they said it was an accident and promised to destroy those files.

Also, Alberto Gonzalez stated to Congress that the government has the right to spy on 100% domestic communication, not just overseas calls to and from alleged terrorists.

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 4:58 pm
by Hogeye
Might I recommend "War is the Health of the State" by Randolph Bourne? Also, "Just War" by Murray N. Rothbard.