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Bush Muzzles Surgeon General to Silence Science

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 7:04 pm
by Dardedar
Folks, reading many of the articles in this forum is optional. This one is not. You have to read it.

Christian Ideologues Muzzled Surgeon General to Silence Science

It's long been known that the Bush administration, motivated by religious extremism and ideology, has gone to great lengths to censor scientific truth in order to preserve faulty religious beliefs and assumptions. Now former Surgeon General Richard Carmona has testified about the extent to which he was personally muzzled by President George W. Bush and political appointees.

Among those issues on which he was personally censored were stem cell research, contraception, and abstinence-only education — major issues for the Christian Right. Stem cell research, for example, is opposed almost solely due to religious reasons. The surgeon general was prevented from educating people about what stem cells are and how they are used because the Bush administration didn't want an educated public. They had already made faith-based decision and that was it.


Surgeon General Dr. Richard Carmona Testifying in 2003
"The reality is that the 'nation's doctor' has been marginalized and relegated to a position with no independent budget and with supervisors who are political appointees with partisan agendas," Dr. Richard H. Carmona told the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. "Anything that doesn't fit into the political appointees' ideological, theological or political agenda is ignored, marginalized or simply buried.

"The problem with this approach is that in public health, as in a democracy, there is nothing worse than ignoring science or marginalizing the voice of science for reasons driven by changing political winds," said Carmona, who served from 2002 to 2006. "The job of surgeon general is to be the doctor of the nation — not the doctor of a political party." ...

When the issue of federal funding for embryonic stem cell research came up early in Bush's first term, Carmona said, he felt he could play an educational role for administration officials and the public by openly discussing the latest scientific research on the subject. ...Carmona said he was told to "stand down" from playing any educational role because a decision had already been made. He also said administration appointees who reviewed his prepared speech texts deleted from them references to stem cell research.

Likewise, on the issue of preventing teen pregnancy, Carmona said he was not allowed to deviate from the administration's position that abstinence was the best approach. In fact, he said, he believes a variety of approaches are needed, including contraception for sexually active teens. But the administration "did not want to hear the science," he said, and instead "wanted to preach."

Source: Los Angeles Times
America should not be governed according to religious mythology, religious superstition, or religious ideology. When leading scientists and physicians are prevented from educating people about the truth of biology and the truth of their options, then the ensuing ignorance of the people will ensure that they will not be able to make informed decisions. Is it any wonder that critics complain about religion in general and Christianity in particular of being anti-science, anti-intellectual, and of fostering ignorance?

Americans need to know more about science, not less. Unfortunately, so much of modern science is increasingly at odds with ancient religious traditions — and far too many religious believers are refusing to give up those beliefs, regardless of the consequences. It would be bad enough if only they were harmed by this, but they are also harming everyone else as well as the future of American democracy in the process. They are ensuring the election of politicians who preach rather than govern, who pander to religious superstition, and who will suppress science in the interest of religious agendas.

It wasn't all about religion, though — Carmona was also censored for purely political reasons as well:
For example, he said he wasn't allowed to make a speech at the Special Olympics because it was viewed as benefiting a political opponent. However, he said was asked to speak at events designed to benefit Republican lawmakers. ...

Another report, on global health challenges, was never released after the administration demanded changes that he refused to make, Carmona said. "I was told this would be a political document or you're not going to release it.'' Carmona said. "I said it can't be a political document because the surgeon general never releases political documents. I release scientific documents that will help our elected officials and the citizens understand the complex world we live in and what their responsibilities are.''

Source: Guardian
According to CNN, Carmona was ordered to mention President Bush three times on every page of every speech. Three times? Talk about an ego — or perhaps it would be more accurate to say "cult of personality." I thought that this was only supposed to apply to extremist leaders in authoritarian dictatorships, like North Korea. Isn't George W. Bush jumping the gun a bit on this sort of thing?

The relevance of all this should be quite clear because it demonstrates the degree to which Christian leaders in Washington are willing to suppress science and ignore reality in the interest of religious ideology. There is some more immediate relevance, however, because the Senate will be considering the nomination of the man whom George W. Bush wants to become the next Surgeon General: Dr. James Holsinger.

This time, instead of nominating a real physician and scientist who will be blind sided by the partisan demands, Bush has nominated by someone with a long history of using his professional status and education as a mask for promoting his extremist religious beliefs and bigotry. The question is whether the Senate will be willing to approve of someone like this after hearing the recent testimony from past Surgeons General. I'd like to hope not, but I'm not willing to place any bets.


Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 10:26 am
by Barbara Fitzpatrick
Well, if it's left to Mark Pryor, I wouldn't put any bets on the Senate not confirming W's choice, either. However, we have a different Senate and Blanche - though "bluer" than I like - didn't vote for Alito and I don't think she'll vote for this clown. Keep those emails and phone calls coming.

As to content (science and public health made subordinent to religion and politics), anybody who didn't expect this hasn't been paying attention.