4) FAN finds bone cancer study "buried" at Harvard and EWG touches off firestorm:
a) In January 2005, thanks to information from silicofluoride expert Myron Coplan, FAN members obtained copies of key sections of a 2001 Harvard PhD thesis strongly associating fluoride in drinking water to the incidence of osteosarcoma (a frequently fatal bone cancer) in young males. Dr. Elise Bassin had successfully defended this thesis in 2001. Despite its revelations of a life threatening disease related to low fluoride exposure these findings were not shared by Bassin's thesis advisor with the scientific community, US regulators or the public. This information only came out because FAN made copies of the relevant sections avilable.
b) Based on Bassin's thesis and other studies, EWG asked the National Toxicology Program of the National Institutes of Health to list fluoride in tap water as a carcinogen.
c) EWG also petitioned the National Institutes of Environmental Health to investigate the apparent cover-up and misrepresentation of the conclusions of the thesis by Bassin's mentor Chester W. Douglass -- a Harvard Professor and editor of a Colgate newsletter.
Harvard is investigating .
5) Eleven U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Unions call for fluoridation moratorium:
In light of the Harvard research linking fluoridation with childhood bone cancer, and in light of many previous studies, eleven U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Unions, representing over 7000 environmental and public health professionals employed by the EPA, ask for a fluoridation moratorium and congressional hearings looking into the safety of water fluoridation. In a letter to EPA Administrator, Stephen Johnson, they also ask for a maximum contaminant level goal (MCLG) of zero for fluoride in drinking water.
The Protect Our Water Alliance (POWA) organized an online petition in support of these federal EPA professionals who are sworn to protect our health:
The petition has over 9,000 signatures, so far, including 343 Medical, 168 Nurses, 104 Dentists, 18 Registered Dental Hygienists, 538 with higher academic degrees, 40 members of the legal profession, 1 State Senator (Hawaii), the National Toxics Campaign Director for Greenpeace, USA, as well as the officers of many other state environmental organizations.
6) More scientific studies indicate fluoride's dangers at low levels and fluoridation's ineffectiveness :
Erdal S, Buchanan SN. (2005). A quantitative look at fluorosis, fluoride exposure, and intake in children using a health risk assessment approach. Environmental Health Perspectives 113:111-7.
This study, published in Jan '05, provides an analysis of total fluoride intake in children. It finds that some children are ingesting too much fluoride. To quote:
"the findings of this health risk assessment study support concerns that a segment of the infant and child population in the United States may be exposed to amounts of fluoride greater than the optimum level for caries prevention... This raises questions about the continued need for fluoridation in the U.S. municipal water supply to protect against the risk of fluorosis."
CDC (2005). Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 54:1-43.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) releases findings of a 1999-2002 national survey showing that 32% of American children now have dental fluorosis, an increase of 9% since the last national survey in 1986-87. See:
http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/ss54... and
Liu JL, et al. (2005). [The dose-effect relationship of water fluoride levels and renal damage in children] Wei Sheng Yan Jiu. 34:287-8.
This Chinese study found that children drinking water with > 2 ppm fluoride are at increased risk for kidney disease. See:
Eichmiller et al. (2005) Controlling the fluoride dosage in a patient with compromised salivary function. Journal of the American Dental Association.
"The combination of gastric problems, difficulty in swallowing, leg muscle pain, and pain in the knee and hip joints is a key indicator of fluoride toxicity, and patients using high-concentration home fluoride treatments should be monitored for these symptoms."
Whyte et al. (2005) Skeletal fluorosis and instant tea. American Journal of Medicine.
Woman's bone and joint pain diagnosed as fluoride toxicity in a woman consuming excessive quantities of instant tea.
Komarek et al. (2005). A Bayesian analysis of multivariate doubly-interval-censored dental data. Biostatistics 6:145-55.
This study, from a European team, utilized a large set of dental data to investigate the impact of ingested fluoride (as reflected by the presence/absence of dental fluorosis) on cavity rates. According to the authors:
"Our analysis shows no convincing effect of fluoride-intake on caries development... This agrees with current guidelines for the use of fluoride in caries prevention, where only the topical application (e.g. fluoride in tooth paste) is considered to be essential."
Mullenix, P.J. (2005) Fluoride Poisoning A Puzzle with Hidden Pieces. International Journal of Environmental Health.
In this article Mullenix reveals hidden industrial studies which indicated fluoride's potential damage to workers which if known would have necessitated reduction of acceptable air concentration levels in the work place. See:
http://www.FluorideAction.Net/health for a comprehensive discussion of fluoride's health effects.
7) Throughout 2005, FAN has kept the NRC panel reviewing the toxicology of fluoride in water (expected to report back in eary 2006) fully informed on the latest scientific findings and revelations:
FAN's submissions have included a thorough analysis of the Bassin thesis as well a review of the other studies which have invesitgated a possible connection between fluoridation and osteosarcoma.
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FAN, EWG and Beyond Pesticides appeal EPA's approval of the use of Sulfuryl Fluoride on food:
FAN, EWG and Beyond Pesticides intervened on EPA's approval of very high fluoride residues on food as a result of approving DowAgroSciences's application for first-use of Sulfuryl Fluoride as a fumigant on food. This includes 900 ppm on powdered eggs! By comparison kids are told to spit out toothpaste containing 1000 ppm fluoride.
FAN is confident that this intervention will lead to an evidentiary hearing in 2006 and thus force fluoride apologists to testify and be cross-examined under oath. This could ahve huge ramifications for water fluroidation because the EPA's health risk is predicated on the dated and scientifically undefendable MCLG for fluroide of 4 ppm.