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[*]Anyone can post images... which will not be deleted merely because a moderator dislikes the implications of the content
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[*]FFForums isn't dead as a doornail
[*]Unlike nwapolitics.com, FFForums doesn't constantly have notices like this:
MySQL error!
Got error 28 from table handler(Errno=1030)
Your query:
SELECT DISTINCT evo_comments.*
FROM ((evo_comments INNER JOIN evo_posts ON comment_post_ID = ID) ) WHERE comment_post_ID = 1178 AND comment_type IN ('comment') AND ( post_status IN ('published') ) ORDER BY comment_date ASC
Fewer conservative morons who make mere assertions that they can't support with evidence, and then run away.
"We could have done something important Max. We could have fought child abuse or Republicans!" --Oona Hart (played by Victoria Foyt), in the 1995 movie "Last Summer in the Hamptons."
Fewer conservative morons who make mere assertions that they can't support with evidence, and then run away.
While certainly worthy of the list, I tried to stick to things that were unlikely to change. I find a part of me hoping that some of those morons will come around so we can unleash some good fundy roasting here on our own turf.
What and excellent and detailed list. Exactly right. Might be an idea to post it to NWA, if they ever get it working again...
I find a part of me hoping that some of those morons will come around so we can unleash some good fundy roasting here on our own turf.
I have never seen such a pack of cowards. They run from just a hint of detailed rebuttal on their very own site. And they are going to have the courage to come into a skeptics den? We may get a fundie or two trickle in here someday but I doubt it will be any of the dismal intellectual eunuchs on NWApolitics.com.
Savonarola wrote:Any posts that speak unfavorably of the site are deleted.
But it wouldn't be denegrating to their site just to mention the postitives of this one would it?
I was just funnin about that picture of Ash, that's probably not him. However, here is a genuine and candid picture of him caught on his back porch showing what he does in between making posts to NWApolitics:
Speaking of "images... which will not be deleted merely because a moderator dislikes the implications of the content," that's exactly what happened when I posted some images of Iraq casualties. Propaganda movies showing GIs playing ball with kids was okay, but photos of wounded and maimed kids got deleted.
"May the the last king be strangled in the guts of the last priest." - Diderot
With every drop of my blood I hate and execrate every form of tyranny, every form of slavery. I hate dictation. I love liberty. - Ingersoll
At the time of that post, we were spam free. Unfortunately, the coders are getting better, and they've infiltrated phpBB to some extent. I would very, very much like to prevent needing to make this a must-sign-up-to-post board.
I haven't noticed a spam problem here. I was adding to the list, saying that FFForum has better spam control than NWAPolitics forum.
"May the the last king be strangled in the guts of the last priest." - Diderot
With every drop of my blood I hate and execrate every form of tyranny, every form of slavery. I hate dictation. I love liberty. - Ingersoll
Hogeye wrote:I haven't noticed a spam problem here. I was adding to the list, saying that FFForum has better spam control than NWAPolitics forum.
I should have been more clear: I wasn't objecting to or denying your observation. I appreciate your pointing it out, even. I'm just disappointed that the bots finally got good enough to make me have to go through and manually delete spam posts. (And now, even registered-user bots! argh!)