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Canadian Ambassador calls US a "Theocratic State."

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 12:04 pm
by Dardedar
U.S. a theocratic state, says former Canadian ambassador


Ottawa Citizen
Friday, June 01, 2007

OTTAWA — Frank McKenna, Canada’s former ambassador to Washington, referred to the United States on Friday as "a theocratic state" in which Christian evangelicalism plays a big role in the Republican administration.

“Right now the United States is in many ways a theocratic state, not dissimilar to some of the other religious states in the world where religion has a huge part to play in government."

He referred to a current congressional investigation in Washington into whether partisan political and religious loyalties were used in the hiring and firing of U.S. attorneys and immigration judges. He also alluded to a report that 150 graduates of a Christian evangelical school have worked at the White House in recent years.

By contrast, he said in a speech to a business audience hosted by the Ottawa Chamber of Commerce, "Canada is truly a secular state. Religion and politics do not mix in this country.”

McKenna was outlining differences between the two countries and urged Canadians to be more confident about their different "mind set" on social issues, their economic clout, and their grip on national sovereignty in relation to the United States.


"It’s just a dramatically different mindset in the United States," McKenna said, contrasting U.S. and Canadian views on public health care, gun control, capital punishment, same-sex rights, abortion and relations with Cuba. Despite the differences, McKenna said Canadians need not feel threatened.

"Canadians often say the Americans want us to change our socially progressive programs and we just don’t want to go there," he said. "We don’t have to go there. We don’t have to give up any sovereignty with respect to our social programs. Right now it’s hard to imagine a time in our history when we’ve been more divergent in terms of our culture and social programs."

He noted that Canada’s record on foreign policy diverges from that of the United States, but that has not hurt the trading relationship.

"We chose not to go into Iraq and most Americans would say we were right. We chose not to go to Vietnam. Most Americans would say that we were right. We did choose to go into the First World War and the Second World War, in both cases two years before the Americans. We did go into Korea. We did go into Serbia. We have been able to pick our spots based on our own set of criteria and that has not affected our relationship."


Canada is the biggest supplier to the United States of oil, natural gas, uranium and electricity. Many other U.S. suppliers are unstable countries, he noted.

“We’re sitting in this extraordinarily strong position with respect to energy, next to the largest consumer of energy in the entire world,” he said.

To illustrate the scale of the Canada-U.S. economic relationship — the source of 40 per cent of Canada’s gross domestic product — McKenna cited the fact that Canada does more business with the U.S.-based Home Depot than with the entire country of Japan.


Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 11:05 am
by Barbara Fitzpatrick
I wish I didn't know what Canada's business with Home Depot is (taking down the forests). However, Canada has it right on a whole lot of points - from healthcare to renewable energy to picking real wars over empire building - and I wish America was better at learning from experience - our own and others. At the moment America as a nation is as close as she's ever been to being a theocrasy (the early New England settlements were all theocrasies). That's one of the many things we will have to undo to be a free country again. Unfortunately the first thing we have to do, if it is even possible at this point, is remove all the "unitary executive" powers and reinstate the constitutational "checks and balances" - then we can go about dismantling the theocrasy and corporatocrasy components that are destroying the middle class and democrasy with it.

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 10:19 am
by Dardedar
Barbara Fitzpatrick wrote:I wish I didn't know what Canada's business with Home Depot is (taking down the forests).
Canada has immense forrested areas. It is almost hard to comprehend. And there is the point that the bugs and the fires (Global Warming) are going to get them. I am pretty sure they have to replant more than they take too.


Dry Winter Setting Off Forest Fires in Canada

A winter of unusually little snow has brought five times the normal
level of forest fires to parts of central Canada, prompting other
provinces to fly in extra help, and bringing small-scale evacuations of rural settlements.


About ten years ago the entire mountain side I grew up on in Canada (Mt. Ida) burned. It came within a couple hundred yards of the my dad's house (he had already evacuated and given up on it). What a waste. All of those trees. But they will grow back fast (and capture that carbon). When I bought the house next door (here in Fayetteville) in '96 or so I had the back yard brush hogged. I didn't do anything after that and it is now completely forrested.


Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 9:04 am
by Barbara Fitzpatrick
The U.S. used to be covered in forests, too. If they plant back what they take out and don't clearcut - the "american" way - it's a different story, but I know they clearcut, I get email alerts from "First People" groups trying to save their homes and cultures. I've no problem with sustainable harvesting - but it takes some work to sustainably harvest something that was a couple of hundred years in the growing. (I've heard it said - by a Unity Minister - that American-style logging is based as much on hatred of trees - they're older than we are, they're bigger than we are, they're worshipped by pagans - as it is in short-sightedly generating megabucks from something they can't replace in their lifetime.)