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The infant with two mommies

Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 4:34 pm
by LaWood
Cheney's Daughter Gives Birth to Son
Vice President's Lesbian Daughter Welcomes Samuel David Cheney

The child had no choice in who the parents are but nevertheless, hypocrisy raises its ugly head again. Dick Cheney would not be in the Wht Hse had it not been for homophobia fear-mongering. It was half the R platform in '04.

But still I wish the new boy well, may he live long and prosper. He should with the wealth he stands to inherit,most of which came from all of us.

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 12:10 pm
by Barbara Fitzpatrick
When/if he ever finds out what he is and where his wealth came from, will he continue along as if it makes no difference, or will he have a "Moses moment" and turn on those who raised him? Interesting thought. Who would he claim as "god's chosen people" to lead out of bondage? Nice biblical name anyway - the priest Samuel, who annointed David to be king of Israel, and David himself.