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The Mind of Bush--Such as it is
Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 12:47 am
by Doug
A video clip with Seymour Hersch on the delusional view of Bush and Cheney, and why this is the most dangerous administration we've ever had.
See here.
Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 12:16 pm
by Barbara Fitzpatrick
I couldn't get the clip to play. Not that I don't know this is the most dangerous administration we've ever had, but I'd like to know his reasons. What's really depressing (or angering, depending on how much energy I have) is that it wouldn't have mattered if the Rs in congress hadn't been in collusion with the executive branch. Not that the blue dogs - and even some normally intelligent more-or-less progressives - didn't help upon occasion (the patriotic act & it's renewal for example), but the Rs working as single-mindedly as the nazis did in germany in the late 1920s are what did the job.