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Governors Not To Ask About Troop Withdrawl

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 9:17 pm
by Doug
Before their Iraq briefing at the White House yesterday, the nation's governors were instructed that they were not to ask any pesky questions about a timetable for bringing the troops home.

So by the time California's Arnold Schwarzenegger was on his third question about a timetable for bringing the troops home, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Peter Pace was just the tiniest bit out of patience -- just as some of the governors were with what one observer described as the strangely Soviet-style Q&A.

...The questions [Bush] took...had been submitted in writing, and pre-screened...

Read the rest here.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 10:31 am
by Barbara Fitzpatrick
Oh, prescreening for the questions to be answered didn't start with W. Actually I think Ike started it, because, as a general, he'd never had to think on his feet before. The press was surprised when Kennedy took questions from the floor. It was sorta reinstated under Nixon and set in cement under Reagan/Bush I. The press was astonished when Clinton took questions from the floor. Nothing new here. While it's nice to give slow thinkers a little warning, senility or any other form of insanity has to be scripted.