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Gearing Up for Iran Next

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 1:18 am
by Doug
Why are US officials hiding behind the cloak of anonymity when presenting the most detailed evidence yet that Iran is supplying anti-US forces in Iraq with weaponry?

After weeks, if not months, of US official planning to present a damning "dossier" of incriminating evidence against Iran, and after this same US administration presented us with lopsided, erroneous information about the capability and evil intentions of the Saddam Hussein regime, the best the US government can give us today is incendiary evidence presented at a Baghdad news conference by three US officials who refuse to be quoted by name?

That's disgraceful and unacceptable.

The American people deserve straight talk from identified US officials.

Here are some of the reports today:
--Washington Post

If US officials are so sure of themselves -- their evidence appears credible but is disputed by Iranian officials and others -- then they should agree to be identified publicly and appear on-camera.

Read the rest here.

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 5:11 pm
by Barbara Fitzpatrick
Same song, second verse (replace the word "Iraq" with the word "Iran", otherwise second verse same as the first). At least the anonymous war drummers are starting to say Iran is helping the Shiites. W's little hoorah about Iran assisting the Sunni shows he still doesn't know which group is which (mostly because he doesn't care - they're Muslim aren't they? And all brown folks look alike.) It's like saying the KKK assisted black africans to revolt against the white african government in South Africa back in the apartheid days.

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 3:38 pm
by Hogeye
Beware the use of the statist paradigm to show "they" did it. To statists, everyone is part of a State team. So even if a non-state organization did something, it will be spun as a State action. E.g. When a loose band of terrorists knocked off the World Trade Center and Pentagon, the USEmpire spun it as a "war" perpetrated by Afghanistan, no uh Iraq. There may well be some militant fundies smuggling bombs into Iraq. But that does not imply official Iran State support, as US warmongers would have you believe.