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Franken to Run for Senate

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 1:33 am
by Doug
Comedian Al Franken to run for Senate in Minnesota

WASHINGTON -- Comedian and radio talk show host Al Franken has begun calling Democratic members of Congress and prominent Minnesota Democrats to tell them he will definitely challenge Republican Sen. Norm Coleman in 2008...

On Monday, Franken announced that he was quitting his radio show on Feb. 14, and he told his audience that they'd be the first to know of his decision.


Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 12:36 pm
by Barbara Fitzpatrick
He's been following politicians long enough to know how to work the system. Good luck to him.

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 3:20 pm
by Dardedar
I knew it and predicted it! I also predict that he will win. Norm Coleman is an idiot and Al is the perfect candidate to parody and roast the guy.