Betsy wrote: If people really knew what they were opining about, I think many of them would change their position.
That was my experience with this. Weeks ago, way before this hit the bigtime, I read something about this and was quite convinced it was a very bad idea. I was against it. In fact I was almost going to go and do a post over on Bigdog's site (I haven't posted in weeks) and say "hey, here is something Bigd and I can probably agree on, no mosque on ground zero." But my position was based on BS, spin and misinformation. Once I learned the basic facts that it isn't really a mosque and it isn't really on sacred ground zero, I changed my position, weeks ago. Then Obama waded into it. Politically risky. I posted his comments because I agree with them whole heartedly and even more so now. I like to see political courage rather than cowardice and think people should be rewarded when they stand up for what is right over going along with beliefs that are based upon fear, ignorance and blatant misinformation. I was disappointed when he walked it back with carefully parsed words a few days later but even that was largely over played. Huff Po had one sentence ripped out of context and blasted on their headline like something Drudge would do. So many people complain about this crap (including me) they changed it, put an accurate headline and focused on his whole quote. This is nuance the vast majority will never notice of course so it can be argued that for
political reasons he shouldn't have said anything. That's where I was a couple of days ago when I heard a couple pitiful milquetoast liberal responses in defense of him speaking up for the constitution. Now the liberals are going full blast in your face in the manner I would do given the opportunity. Thom Hartmann is ripping the repubs calling them anti-american and against the constitution. Olbermann, Schultz, Cenk Uygur, Stewart even Joe Scarborough are screeching about this ("This is madness," remarked
Scarborough ). There are so many ways to poke holes the in stupid bigoted arguments against this and these guys have already covered most of it.
So here's what I think now. This may be a plus. By accident rather than any political brilliance I think he might have stumbled into a good strategy. As people (sheeple) get informed about this and some more
major conservatives who care about the constitution are picked off I think the tide will turn. Truth is on our side. And politically, this may be a useful distraction from the crappy economy.
I just posted this on Huff Po:
"Republicans just love their constitution until it's actually needed. Then they run. They love the ideas except when they are actually put into practice. What is the purpose of principles if you don't stand up for them right when they are needed the most? Conservatives behavior turns the constitution into a facade."
Conservatives are falling all over making asses out of themselves. As Richard Cohen wrote the other day:
“The very ugly controversy over [the mosque debate] has managed to make fools or knaves out of...Newt Gingrich...Charles Krauthammer...Rep. John Boehner... and Rep. Peter King. To blame ‘a people’ for the acts of a few--is what has always fueled pogroms and race riots.” (Source, NY Daily News, 08/17/10)
A few tidbits I've gleaned from the various talking heads:
It's not really a mosque
It's not on "sacred" ground zero but rather two blocks away
There already is another one four blocks away
Strip clubs and all of the rest are just as close or closer
The pentagon has a place
for Muslims to pray within
80 feet of their 9/11 crash site
The guy opening the place, in a former coat shop,
has worked with the FBI to fight terrorism
FAUX news had the guy on in a positive capacity to talk about this
weeks ago
And lots more.
DOUG said:
The mosque issue is already settled. They got permission to do it.
I don't think it is settled at all and I also think it is likely it will be moved. The owner has already signaled that he is open to relocating. If only .1% of the noisy rightwing bigots are against it are insane (and we know it's much higher than that) then it's probably not safe there. And that's a shame. Because when the terrorists and the bigots cause America to run from it's values, they've won.