Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 10:37 pm
Doug, while I appreciate your sense of scientific truth above all, you seem to be very closed minded for a free thinker. Just an observation to consider.
Promoting Freethinking in NW Arkansas
Actually, Dar sort of hit the example I had in mind - acupunture - it has been looked upon as fraud, "a crock", quackery, and magic. We now have evidence it works, although the magical explanation of why it works is apparently incorrect (as was the magical explanation of "humors" for human illness in the 19th century's best western medicine).
DAR"Arthur C. Clark once said, “Any technology beyond our own would seem like magic to us.”
extreme one you use cannot encompass what I'm talking about.
DAR"Strictly speaking, aspirin for many years has been magical.
DOUGBetsy wrote:Doug, while I appreciate your sense of scientific truth above all, you seem to be very closed minded for a free thinker. Just an observation to consider.
DOUGBarbara Fitzpatrick wrote:Arthur C. Clark once said, “Any technology beyond our own would seem like magic to us.” This is the essence of magic. It is the doing or the occurrence of something which an observer does not understand how the end result came about. In some cases, even the practitioner of the magic may not fully comprehend or understand how something worked -- and yet still be able to use it.
Nice to see everyone catching up...Clarke's (third) law states, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
DARBarbara Fitzpatrick wrote:Unknown forces ARE supernatural forces to those who have no desire or intention of researching them.
I use the term magic, was brought up to use the term this way, to cover things that don't at the moment have a discernible cause because we don't have the knowledge of that cause, possibly don't have the technology to discern that cause at this point in time.
DARAspirin works. We know it works. Why the heck does it work? Don't know, but working on it. That's magic.
I'd class the phenomenae Tamara & I have been talking about in with "ate a kiwi last year but can't prove it" sorts of things.
- and as to astrology, it's possible that something not causal happens concurrently with the movements of planets through the sky as marked by constellations seen about 2000 years ago from the Eastern Mediterranean area, but rational folks have spent so much time denying the phenomenae because the mechanism/magical explanation is wrong, there is no true research on what may be happening (cyclical changes in electromagnetic waves, sunspots, who knows).
DARAnnecdotal evidence only, but I've seen too many correlations to discount birth charts - and I mean charts, not just "sun signs".)
Because you don't know how aspirin works, you call it supernatural/magic. But we do know how aspirin works. It irreversibly acetylates the cyclooxygenase enzymes such that they can no longer produce prostaglandins and thromboxanes. Prostaglandins contribute to the coagulation of platelets and signal pain reception, among other things; thromboxanes are needed for the production of platelets. This is why aspirin thins the blood and reduces pain.Barbara Fitzpatrick wrote:Unknown forces ARE supernatural forces to those who have no desire or intention of researching them. I use the term magic, was brought up to use the term this way, to cover things that don't at the moment have a discernible cause because we don't have the knowledge of that cause, possibly don't have the technology to discern that cause at this point in time. .... Aspirin works. We know it works. Why the heck does it work? Don't know, but working on it. That's magic.
DOUGSavonarola wrote:But we do know how aspirin works. It irreversibly acetylates the cyclooxygenase enzymes such that they can no longer produce prostaglandins and thromboxanes. Prostaglandins contribute to the coagulation of platelets and signal pain reception, among other things; thromboxanes are needed for the production of platelets.
I say again, magic is/can be defined as the process for something we know works but don't know why it works - yet.
You obviously don't spend enough time around "ordinary" Americans if you don't think the unknown forces=supernatural forces isn't prevalent in modern America.
I didn't say it was right and of course we were supposed to have learned better long ago. Unfortunately it is the way more people than I am happy about think.
Dar, isn't it your quote about the number of Americans who think Adam and Eve rode dinosaurs?
I might/probably would connect the 2 and even more probably consider the moon's position to be causal. I'm saying we haven't done any kind of research on what on this planet could possibly cause certain personality or character traits to occur regularly enough at certain times of year that I can listen to a friend talk about her husband, whom I've never met and know nothing about, and say, "He's a Capricorn, isn't he?"
DARI don't do birth charts, and there are only a few character traits I can recognize like that - but the fact that there are any says there's something here to investigate...
and as long as "rational people", who are the only ones inclined to investigate anything, keep denying that anything is going on, it will not be investigated.![]()
DARmost assuredly there are personality or character traits associated with astrology...
DARI don't remember enough of my stat class for your odds on same birthday, and don't plan on guessing,
DARPurely mathematically it should be very small since each of the 23 has a mathematical 1 in 365 chance of being born any specific date
DARthere is no such thing as supernatural
DOUGBarbara Fitzpatrick wrote:I do know a little about astrology - it's astronomy in it's early stages when scholars tried to connect "macro" and "micro" cosmic events - and most assuredly there are personality or character traits associated with astrology, even if a large part (like 99%) of what you see in the public arena (astrology columns, etc) is "foo foo".
Sometimes astrologers will claim that IF you have exact, detailed information such as the longitude and latitude of the person...