Re: Religious News/Quotes of the Day
Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 11:45 am
Promoting Freethinking in NW Arkansas
[url= ... t.htm]LINKAs societies become more prosperous and women acquire better opportunities, they seek smaller families. In the early years of transition, contraceptives are often hard to obtain and poorly understood, so women will also use abortion to limit the number of children. But, as a study published in the journal International Family Planning Perspectives shows, once the birth rate stabilises, contraceptive use continues to increase and the abortion rate falls. In this case one trend causes the other: "Rising contraceptive use results in reduced abortion incidence." The rate of abortion falls once 80% of the population is using effective contraception.
A study published in the Lancet shows that between 1995 and 2003, the global rate of induced abortions fell from 35 per 1,000 women each year to 29. This period coincides with the rise of the "globalised secular culture" the Pope laments. When the figures are broken down, it becomes clear that, apart from the former Soviet Union, abortion is highest in conservative and religious societies. In largely secular western Europe, the average rate is 12 abortions per 1,000 women. In the more religious southern European countries, the average rate is 18. In the US, where church attendance is still higher, there are 23 abortions for every 1,000 women, the highest level in the rich world. In central and South America, where the Catholic church holds greatest sway, the rates are 25 and 33 respectively. In the very conservative societies of east Africa, it's 39. One abnormal outlier is the UK: our rate is six points higher than that of our western European neighbours. The Guardian
SAVVan Buren Principal Asks Select Staff To Pray With Her
Posted: Tuesday, April 19, 2011 8:31 am | Updated: 10:29 am, Tue Apr 19, 2011.
In a handwritten letter this month, Van Buren High School Principal Becky Guthrie asked 20 high school employees to become prayer warriors with her to resolve the crises at the school.
In the letter, Guthrie called the recipients her "brothers and sisters in Christ," and noted that she's never before written such a letter "and have certainly never sent one through school," but felt a calling to do so at this time.
"We are under attack. God is moving in so many ways within our school. (A)nd Satan is angry," Guthrie wrote.
The crises she cited in the letter were of a personal nature and apparently referred to staff issues - cancer, surgeries, discouraged spirits and personal struggles.
She paraphrased a biblical passage in Philippians 4: "Let us stand firm in our God who will give us the peace that transcends all understanding and will guard our hearts and mind."
She closed the letter by stating, "Our God is a strong and mighty God."
Guthrie declined comment Monday, referring questions to Van Buren Public School Superintendent Merle Dickerson.
Dickerson said his office was unaware of the letter until it was brought to his attention Monday.
"It's been handled as a personnel matter, and I don't think it'll happen again," Dickerson said.
He said he made several phone calls and doesn't think the principal's disseminating such a letter to select staff at school was illegal although it may have been ill-advised. Dickerson said he did not consult the school district's attorney.
Dickerson said he knows Guthrie didn't intend to put her staff in an awkward position.
"She's a good principal," Dickerson said.
Comment on Barton thread on Ark timesGuys, you can't argue the validity of the bible. That's just not fair. You know the person believes in the book, and you know the book includes things like walking on water, turning water to wine, and coming back to life after you die. That means that right off the bat you know the person you are arguing with is irrational. They think the world was created in 7 days, if you look at a city as god destroys it you get turned to salt, and black folks come from laughing at Noah. They take glacial evidence as proof of their 'great flood.' They believe that because 2 folks ate an apple, we all need forgiveness. Come on now, they actually believe a young pregnant woman when she explains her condition with 'god did it!!!'
You can't argue with them. Their brains are broken.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, RICK PERRY, Governor of Texas, under the authority vested in me by the Constitution and Statutes of the State of Texas, do hereby proclaim the three-day period from Friday, April 22, 2011, to Sunday, April 24, 2011, as Days of Prayer for Rain in the State of Texas. I urge Texans of all faiths and traditions to offer prayers on that day for the healing of our land, the rebuilding of our communities and the restoration of our normal way of life.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto signed my name and have officially caused the Seal of State to be affixed at my Office in the City of Austin, Texas, this the 21st day of April, 2011.
IF there is a God with specific rules that people must obey at the risk of going to hell, then God is immoral not to make it clear that these are, in fact, his rules. There have been tens of thousands of gods imagined in human history, and all of them have exactly the same amount of evidence in their favor: zero.Darrel wrote:"God doesn't send you to hell, it's your own free choice..."
DOUGSavonarola wrote:Welcome to the Bible Belt, freethinkers.