Re: $5,000 award for demo of supernatural claims
Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 1:09 am
To Darrell: I would like to have the exact legal language of the Easter $1,000 reward please.
I will answer question #2 from the resurrection quiz about when the women came to the tomb to see if it is a worthy explanation:
Answer: They came “very early in the morning” (Luke 24:1), “when it was still dark” (John 20:1), “as it began to dawn” (Matt 28:1), and “at the rising of the sun” (Mark 16:2). No contradiction.
Let me know if this is sufficient for the first part or if I have “left anything out” or “added anything”. Who judges the reward claims? Does your lawyer or do you? I need to know why you can’t just say “well, I don’t agree that these things are all saying the same thing” or “I don’t agree with your logic.” I say that I would describe walking out at a sunrise as being “very early in the morning”, “still dark”, “as it began to dawn”, and “at the rising of the sun”. I don’t see any controversy here. At a sunrise, it is very early in the morning, it is still dark because it is not light yet, it is beginning to dawn, and the sun is in the process of rising which all four gospels point out. I think it is marvelous that they don’t use the exact wording or otherwise they you would make the point that they just copied off of each other. However, who judges that this didn’t leave out anything of the Bible or add anything to it? I used the exact words from the four gospels as you said. However, I would be interested in knowing if that statement would be worthy of the reward if the reward was written as “describe what time of day the women came to the tomb.” I know the reward is “tell what happened on Easter.” So, if this one statement of what time of day the women came to the tomb is sufficient, then when you let me know how far I need to go to constitute Easter, then I will work on the rest. The Acts verses you put down talk about Jesus’ ascension to Heaven which happened many days after the resurrection. Also, the Corinthian verses you listed dealt with what happened after Easter morning when the women first came to the tomb. It doesn’t even mention that the women saw Jesus first; it just says “he was seen of Cephas, then of the twelve.” (1 Cor 15:5). It doesn’t say that he was “first” seen of Cephas, then of the twelve.” So, again, this is no contradiction of who saw Jesus first. Thanks for all questions. It has increased my faith greatly by exploring what happened according to all the four gospels. I am greatly interested in knowing how the submissions for the reward are judged. I would like to have the actual legal language also of the reward to see if there are any loopholes of someone just being able to disagree with me and that being the end of it as well as how much explanation I need to give for when I put all the scriptures together into a cohesive story like I did above for when the women came to the tomb. For instance again, can I just say "Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, Joanna, Salome, and some other unnamed women who were with Jesus in Galilee came to the tomb according to John 20:1, Matt 28:1, Mark 16:1, and Luke 23:55-56; 24:1, 10. Take care.
I will answer question #2 from the resurrection quiz about when the women came to the tomb to see if it is a worthy explanation:
Answer: They came “very early in the morning” (Luke 24:1), “when it was still dark” (John 20:1), “as it began to dawn” (Matt 28:1), and “at the rising of the sun” (Mark 16:2). No contradiction.
Let me know if this is sufficient for the first part or if I have “left anything out” or “added anything”. Who judges the reward claims? Does your lawyer or do you? I need to know why you can’t just say “well, I don’t agree that these things are all saying the same thing” or “I don’t agree with your logic.” I say that I would describe walking out at a sunrise as being “very early in the morning”, “still dark”, “as it began to dawn”, and “at the rising of the sun”. I don’t see any controversy here. At a sunrise, it is very early in the morning, it is still dark because it is not light yet, it is beginning to dawn, and the sun is in the process of rising which all four gospels point out. I think it is marvelous that they don’t use the exact wording or otherwise they you would make the point that they just copied off of each other. However, who judges that this didn’t leave out anything of the Bible or add anything to it? I used the exact words from the four gospels as you said. However, I would be interested in knowing if that statement would be worthy of the reward if the reward was written as “describe what time of day the women came to the tomb.” I know the reward is “tell what happened on Easter.” So, if this one statement of what time of day the women came to the tomb is sufficient, then when you let me know how far I need to go to constitute Easter, then I will work on the rest. The Acts verses you put down talk about Jesus’ ascension to Heaven which happened many days after the resurrection. Also, the Corinthian verses you listed dealt with what happened after Easter morning when the women first came to the tomb. It doesn’t even mention that the women saw Jesus first; it just says “he was seen of Cephas, then of the twelve.” (1 Cor 15:5). It doesn’t say that he was “first” seen of Cephas, then of the twelve.” So, again, this is no contradiction of who saw Jesus first. Thanks for all questions. It has increased my faith greatly by exploring what happened according to all the four gospels. I am greatly interested in knowing how the submissions for the reward are judged. I would like to have the actual legal language also of the reward to see if there are any loopholes of someone just being able to disagree with me and that being the end of it as well as how much explanation I need to give for when I put all the scriptures together into a cohesive story like I did above for when the women came to the tomb. For instance again, can I just say "Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, Joanna, Salome, and some other unnamed women who were with Jesus in Galilee came to the tomb according to John 20:1, Matt 28:1, Mark 16:1, and Luke 23:55-56; 24:1, 10. Take care.