Unlimited McCain Roast

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Re: Unlimited McCain Roast

Post by Dardedar »

Look how McCain pads his audience:

"A local school district official confirmed after the event that of the 6,000 people estimated by the fire marshal to be in attendance this morning, more than 4,000 were bused in from schools in the area. The entire 2,500-student Defiance School District was in attendance, the official said, in addition to at least three other schools from neighboring districts, one of which sent 14 buses."

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Re: Unlimited McCain Roast

Post by Dardedar »

"John McCain and Sarah Palin have based their entire campaign on a series of nasty, false personal attacks on Barack Obama. Their bet has been that Americans are a fearful, frightened bunch who won't be willing to vote for a new direction. But the McCain-Palin calculus couldn't have been more wrong; their bet is going to fail, and fail badly.

When it does fail, it will leave the Republican Party with nothing. John McCain will almost certainly outperform Barry Goldwater in this election in terms of his share of the vote, yet he will leave his party in far worse shape than did Goldwater. At least Goldwater left his party with a devoted base of conservative activists, energized by his commitment to conservative ideology.

McCain, meanwhile, has stood for nothing other than attacks on Barack Obama. He has taken a Republican brand that had been shattered by George W. Bush and done nothing to repair it, leaving his party with no more of a clue about how to address the needs of ordinary Americans than they had when this election cycle began.

The fact that almost nobody in McCain's party seems to understand the devastating consequences of this failure is a strong indication that Republicans will be stuck in the political wilderness for many years to come."

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Re: Unlimited McCain Roast

Post by Dardedar »

I hadn't heard some of these McCain/Palin debunks:

_"My friends, if I'm elected president, I won't spend nearly a trillion dollars more of your money. Sen. Obama will." --McCain

THE FACTS: McCain's health care plan alone is estimated to cost $1.3 trillion over 10 years by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center, which also estimates that McCain's tax cuts and spending programs would drive up the national debt by $5 trillion in a decade.

_"We're not going spend $750 billion of your money just bailing out the Wall Street banker and broker who got us into this mess. Sen. Obama will. I'm going to make sure we take care of the working people who were devastated by the excesses of Wall Street and Washington." --McCain

THE FACTS: McCain supported the financial bailout, even suspending his campaign to work for passage of the failed $700 billion version that was geared even less toward families than the version that passed — also with his vote. Obama backed the bailout, too. Both added more relief for families in their own platforms.

_"We're going stop sending $700 billion to buy oil from countries that don't like us very much." --McCain

THE FACTS: A wildly inflated figure that McCain kept using after it was refuted.

_Palin told two tall tales almost in the same breath in her final rallies. In Jefferson City, Mo., she declared about Obama: "He voted 94 times for higher taxes, even on hardworking, middle-class Americans making just $42,000 a year." --Palin

THE FACTS: This highly misleading if not fictional count includes times when Obama voted to cut taxes for the middle class — that's cut, not raise — while increasing them on the rich. An analysis by FactCheck.org found that 23 of the votes were for measures that would have produced no tax increase at all, seven were for measures that would have lowered taxes for many, 11 would have increased taxes on only those making more than $1 million a year. Her count also includes repetitive votes for the same measure.

Palin's claim that Obama voted for higher taxes on workers making as little as $42,000 is also off the mark. Obama voted for a nonbinding budget resolution that assumed certain Bush tax cuts would expire on schedule. Translated into tax law, that could mean $15 more in taxes for an individual making $42,000, says FactCheck.org. But there has been no move to put such higher rates into law. In any event, Obama proposes tax cuts for most people earning less than $200,000 and no increases for those taxpayers.

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Re: Unlimited McCain Roast

Post by Dardedar »

Remember all of that crap about Bill Ayers (that the American people ended up not buying into)? Watch him give this guy the smack down on ABC:

Campaign Boogeyman William Ayers Talks to 'Good Morning America

Oh, and...


"Joe the Plumber has a website. And for only $14.95, you can get a special “Freedom” membership.

He’s also coming out with a book on American values, like lying, practicing without a license, and being racist."



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