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Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 1:38 pm
by Dardedar
Ted Rall did a cartoon with me making a comment in it!


Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 10:22 pm
by Dardedar
"I have said publicly, and I will again, that unless he proves me wrong, he is a Marxist.”
--former House Majority Leader Tom Delay, currently facing felony counts of money laundering and conspiracy, commenting about Obama on a radio show

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 9:50 am
by Dardedar
“Now, I just don’t think we can let these people back into polite society and give them jobs on university boards and corporate boards and just let them pretend that nothing ever happened when there are 4,000 Americans dead and 25,000 Americans grievously wounded, and they’ll carry those wounds and suffer all the rest of their lives.”
--Richard Clarke, speaking about what to do with the remnants of the Bush administration, Link

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 11:00 am
by Betsy
Republican Thad Cochran once said of McCain, "The thought of his being president sends a cold chill down my spine. He's erratic. He's hotheaded. He loses his temper and he worries me."

Republican Pat Buchanan once said of McCain that "he will make Cheney look like Gandhi."

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 12:56 am
by Dardedar
"I know he's trying to get traction by seeking to play to what he thinks is his strong suit
of national security. The truth is that, in national security terms, he's largely untested
and untried. He's never been responsible for policy formulation. He's never had leadership
in a crisis, or in anything larger than his own element on an aircraft carrier or (in managing)
his own congressional staff. It's not clear that this is going to be the strong suit that he thinks it is."
-- Wes Clark, giving McCain a smack down

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 10:24 am
by Dardedar

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 9:15 am
by Dardedar
"BLITZER: You have a unique idea, James, for an excellent running mate for Barack Obama, someone with some experience.

CARVILLE: Yes. I think if I was Senator Obama I would say the biggest economic problem we face is the biggest national security problem and the biggest environmental problem. And if I were him I would ask Al Gore to serve as his vice president and energy czar in his administration to reduce our consumption and reliance on foreign energy sources. That would send a signal to the world, to the American people, to the Congress, to everybody that America’s getting serious about this horrendous problem that we face."


Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 9:32 am
by LaWood
"I have said publicly, and I will again, that unless he proves me wrong, he is a Marxist.”
My Version:

I have said it more than once and now I say it again, that unless Tom Delay proves me wrong, he is a queer.

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 9:45 am
by Dardedar
At yesterday’s Christian Science Monitor forum — the same venue where he upgraded the GOP’s goal to a potential three-seat loss — NRSC chairman John Ensign was asked point-blank if the party was giving up on the open seats they currently hold in Virginia and New Mexico, where the Democratic nominees are way ahead of the Republicans in current polling.

Ensign said bluntly: “You don’t waste money on races that don’t need it or you can’t win.” Link

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 3:15 pm
by Betsy
RE: Carville's opinion that Al Gore should be Obama's running mate.

Good point, but I don't think it would be a good match. I am crossing my fingers and hoping for John Edwards to be his running mate....

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 4:53 pm
by ChristianLoeschel
Didnt work for Kerry...Edwards didnt even help Kerry pick up his home state.
What makes you think that hes going to help out Obama?

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 9:19 am
by Betsy
Times have changed - I think Edwards had a lot of support and gained a lot of respect in the primary - his problem was that all the media attention went to the two historic candidates. He's smart, youthful and energetic, which fits well with the Obama campaign. I've read that he and Kerry actually didn't even agree much on things and they had poor "chemistry" - whereas I think Obama and Edwards would work well together.

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 12:09 pm
by Barbara Fitzpatrick
My preference is for Wes Clark as veep. Shoots down all those attacks about Obama inexperience with the military and foreign policy. I want John Edwards as AG.

The psychological benefit of drilling for oil

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 9:21 am
by Dardedar
The US proven oil reserves peaked in 1970 and are now down to about 21 billion barrels. The US consumes 21 million barrels per day (a billion barrels every 47 days) and we import and consume 4 times as much as we produce. If we had to rely upon our own reserves we would make it about 3 years.

Three years. Then it's gone.

Considering these facts, it is ludicrous to pretend the US can in any way drill it's way out of this situation. With 2.3 million wells having been drilled since 1949, there are very few unexplored areas left where a large field is likely to be found. Even if we found a few giant fields (extremely unlikely), it wouldn't change the picture by more than a few years. Draining what we have left won't change the fact that our tank is almost dry but McCain posits that exploiting what we have left will provide a "psychological impact."

“I don’t see an immediate relief. But I do see that exploitation of existing reserves that may exist, and in the view of many experts that do exist off our coasts, is also a way that we need to provide relief. Even though it may take some years, the fact that we are exploiting those reserves would have a psychological impact that I think is beneficial.”
--McCain, Link

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 9:55 am
by Dardedar
McCain, in 1973, on Watergate:

“It has certainly made me sad that this situation should have arisen,” McCain said about the man who had welcomed him home only a few months earlier. “However, I feel that, in the context of history, Watergate will be a very minor item as compared with the other achievements of this Administration, particularly in the area of foreign affairs. I do hope that this country will get over Watergate and get going again on the very serious problems that we’re facing today.”
--Man of the People: The Life of John McCain by Paul Alexander, pp. 81-82

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 5:01 pm
by Dardedar
Bill Kristol on Fox News this week:

“…I think Hillary Clinton was gracious. She’s put behind her the horrible sexism and misogyny the Democratic primary voters demonstrated, which I’m appalled by personally, never would have happened in the Republican Party. You know, we’re - Republicans are much more open to strong women, and that’s why John McCain’s going to put Sara Palin , the Governor of Alaska on the ticket.”

Bill Kristol on Fox News in February:

"Look the only people for Hillary Clinton are the Democratic establishment and white women… it would be crazy for the Democratic party to follow the establishment that’s led them to defeat year after year… White Women are a problem - but, you know… we all live with that…"


Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 10:06 am
by Dardedar


Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 1:51 pm
by guest
those pictures don't work - just broken links

Re: x

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 2:11 pm
by Savonarola
guest wrote:those pictures don't work - just broken links
Force your browser to load them by opening the alternate menu and clicking "show picture" or "view picture."

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 2:44 pm
by LaWood
Expert advice Mr Sav. Wait, what's the form of address for a priest?