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Re: But What If You Are Wrong?

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 10:02 pm
by Savonarola
This gets interesting.
graybear13 wrote:Maybe that should be left up to religion to make the connection...
This is the school of thought that I call "let's make shit up." It's notorious for producing information that is neither useful nor representative of reality.
graybear13 wrote:Science and religion need to work together if we are to find the UFT.
Because science and religion worked together so well to produce heliocentric theory, evolutionary theory, the quantum mechanical model of the atom, germ theory of disease, etc.?

But it's okay! graybear has predicted our response:
graybear13 wrote:Maybe another kind of statistical egotism...
Riiiight. My pointing out statistics like religion historically can't be trusted to produce true information and religion has historically been a hindrance to the development of our understanding of the universe is "statistical egoism." Science that is devoid of religious shackling has been the best way to figure out how the universe works, so we can conclude that the same practice will not be a reliable way to draw conclusions about the universe. That is, "P, therefore not P."
graybear13 wrote:"God is good , beer is good....and people are crazy"
kwlyon wrote:Beer is great, people are good, and God is crazy
The latter is better, but let's work out all the kinks:
Beer is good, people are stupid, and God is the creation of stupid people.

Re: But What If You Are Wrong?

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 12:43 am
by Buchmann
graybear13 wrote: It is 100% self-interest by atheists and materialistic scientists to deny the existence of God.
Yes and no. To satisfy you I will start with yes...

-Yes I do want MY representatives in government relying on facts and not religious debauchery.
-Yes I do want a world where I'm not threatened by radical religious extremists for the actions made by those representatives, still waiting for Jesus to arrive in his magical Hummer, to suck up all the oil in the gulf and multiply it like he did with biscuits and sardines in their book filled with facts such as resurrection and virgin birth, but excluding nonsense stories of a man living in a whale (excuse me, big fish).

-No, my "self-interest" as you would call it is nothing more than the expression of the benefits I would personally receive from the benefits of all others. In other words, a better world for all is a better world for me. I could show that in a first-order logic proof but it's late and I don't want to.

I am an atheist because as far as I can tell, a god does not exist. When I was a child (I'm only 19, but I consider that a young adult!) I believed everything my parents told me. I soon learned Santa wasn't real. How did I come to this conclusion? The evidence of all my presents in their closet two weeks before Christmas supported the the idea he wasn't real. Flash forward to last Christmas, I wrapped some of my own presents. Faith keeps you ignorant, facts (statistics) keep you intelligent.

"It is far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring."
-Carl Sagan