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Re: The Eternal Load

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 1:19 pm
by Betsy
Well, I always enjoy reading your debates, so there's value in it for people like me....but I just think this guy is a lost cause....

Re: The Eternal Load

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 1:12 pm
by Dardedar
So Francis is a bit of a survivalist. Who could have guessed that?

His latest recommendations:
On the economic front, the alarms are sounding from every corner of the nation, but the prospects for correction appear slim. I'd love to see our nominal Republican rescuers prove me wrong, but the drums are beating a much less pleasant message.

Foreign holders of our federal debt will not fund Washington's insatiable appetite for credit for much longer. Nor will private enterprise begin to flex its muscles while a rapacious Administration, perfectly willing to seize private corporations and give them to their favored supporters, remains in power to any degree. Therefore, I continue to advise anyone with enough flexibility to do so to brace for impact:

* Eliminate your debts.
* Buy gold and silver, enough to cover at least six months' expenses at current levels and rates of exchange.
* Lay in a store of emergency foodstuffs. Unless you have a private well, be sure to keep some bottled water on hand.
* Stockpile batteries and at least some fuel. If you don't have a portable gasoline-powered generator, consider getting one.
* If you depend on some range of medicines, try to stockpile six months' worth of those as well. If you have pets, make sure they're in the best possible health, and that you have a good store of whatever they need.
* Make sure all the machines you rely on are in good working order. Consider stockpiling spare consumables for them.
* Arm yourself. Get properly practiced up. Lay in a store of ammunition, gun cleaning supplies, and (if you have the equipment and the space) reloading supplies.
* Get onto the friendliest possible terms with your neighbors. If things get really bad, they will be your best defense -- and you had better be theirs.
