bb wrote:Ok lets at least start by stopping all the finger pointing. This has turned into a debate on which side is right and if anyone thinks that any one political group is almighty and your goal is to just discredit the opposition then we go no where.
No group "is almighty" and no "side is right" all the time. But one side certainly has screwed up royally.
First of all there is plenty of blame to go around for the current economic crisis and if anyone is taking the side that they had nothing to do with it then they are partially to blame for sitting around and watching.
This seems to be a false choice (false dichotomy). No one would say one side "had nothing to do with it." However, since the far right had nearly eight years of control starting with Bush it seems fair to say one side had vastly more to do "with it." Can you imagine if the country had performed as it did under Clinton? I wonder if Bush and his republican congress would be getting the credit then? Of course they would. And deservedly so. I can show twenty standard, common sense and very important categories that were very good under Clinton and very bad under Bush (i.e. the stock market rose 330% under Clinton and fell 20% under Bush). At what point are conservatives going to start taking responsibility for the profound failure of their policies?
This whole mess started back with Clinton when his administration...
This one is real hard to swallow. Look BB, Clinton may get a little of the blame, but he didn't even have a majority of congress for much of his term. Bush did and he locked the democrats out when he could. We are to believe Clinton hid a little bomb somewhere that took nearly ten years to blow up in Bush's face? This is not believable.
Incidentally, my rightwing friend Bill thinks much of the success of Clinton's period should be credited to.... wait for it.... Reagan.
I agree there is not much use crying over the spilt milk. It isn't going to clean it up. And I largely agree with your description of the stupid loans people were signing and the stupid lenders giving them, and the reasons you give. But you say: "I am sorry but I do believe in personal responsibility." No need to apologize BB,
I DO TOO. Repeatedly you say not to assign blame, point fingers, and then you say this?
I don't see how taking responsibility and assigning blame are anything but
completely synonymous. "Taking responsibility" is almost always used in the context of someone getting some blame.
When are conservatives going to take a little responsibility for what they have done to this country? How bad would they have to "spill the milk," how obvious would it have to be, before they would take responsibility for their actions? This is truly astonishing. If Gore had been put in place as president (as he surely should have been) and had conducted the office exactly as Bush had (and had the support of both houses of Congress, as Bush had) I would be a republican today. I would be so disgusted with the democrats I could probably vote for Palin. With such a record the "Democrats" would have NO credibility. And this is where we are today with
The Republican Record.
That's my opinion. You are probably not going to agree with it. I am not so much interested in opinions but facts we can actually nail down. So let's get into specifics. Let's look at some facts. What about the specific factual errors I have pointed out in this "I'm Tired" letter? Most of the letter is ranting and lots of insults and none of it referenced or backed up, but when it does stray into making specific factual claims it often just passes along misinformation. Can we agree that truth is important and passing along falsehoods is bad?
The letter claims:
"I'm tired of a news media that thinks Bush's fundraising and inaugural
expenses were obscene, but that think Obama's, at triple the cost, were
As I have shown in this thread, with references, that's just a lie. Does Bob the marine want to correct this or are rightwingers just going to keep passing this "Great Letter" around and misinforming (i.e. lying) to people?
Is it appropriate to keep kicking at Kerry's war record when he volunteered to fight and Bush, a hawk, made sure to take a pass? Really?
The letter claims "no one is allowed to debate" global warming. This is nonsense. It was debated in the late eighties, the deniers lost the battle in the science realm (like the creationists did 130 years ago) and decided (like the cigarette companies in the sixties) to work toward misinforming the public. It works, for a while. But even that's getting harder to do, thanks to the efforts of Nobel Prize winners like Gore.
The author of the letter claims "our carbon footprint is about 5% of Al Gore's,...". Bob the marine is apparently ignorant of the fact that Al Gore buys carbon offsets so he in fact doesn't have a carbon foot print. Conservatives like to pretend that Gore traveled around in private jets to get rich from promoting his movie and that he's inconsistent for having not used a bicycle instead. He didn't use private jets, he bought carbon offsets, and he donated all of the money to charity. What's the guy have to do to get people to stop lying about him? (I have swatted down all of these myths and many more about Gore many times, examples provided upon request).
Anyway, don't want to go on too much. So glad you're here. I agreed with a lot of what you said. Hope I wasn't too rough. I'll stop now.
"Bush inherited a $128 billion budget surplus from Bill Clinton when he took office in 2001. Bush quickly squandered that and then proceeded to rack up gigantic budget deficits every year of his two terms in office. Under Bush, the national debt grew by more than $4 trillion: the biggest debt increase of any president in U.S. history.
When Bush took office in 2001, the national debt stood at $5.7 trillion. At the end of Bush's two terms, the debt had skyrocketed to more than $9.849 trillion. And remember: Bush enjoyed a Republican Senate and House of Representatives during most of his time in office." --