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Re: McCain-Palin- a winning ticket!!!!!

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 11:27 pm
by Doug
The latest from Daily Kos is that Palin's most recent baby, her fifth, may really be her daughter's baby. Palin did not look pregnant at all when she stunned her own staff and said she was 7 months pregant and expecting. Her daughter was out of school for months with "mono" before the new baby arrived.


Here is Palin (right) on Super Tuesday, supposedly six months pregnant with the baby due in mid-May.

See here.

Maybe this will teach McCain not to pick a running mate after only meeting her one time. The second time they met was when McCain brought her onstage to announce her as his VP pick.

See the Anchorage Daily News story of the pregancy announcement here.

None of this is substantiated yet, but it sure looks bad right now.

See here for a comical flowchart of how Palin allegedly had her water break during a speech in Texas, so she flew to Seattle, got a connecting flight to Anchorage, AK, and then had her husband drive her 45 minutes to their private doctor's office.

Pictures of the daughter Bristol looking pregnant don't help the rumor, do they?


Re: McCain-Palin- a winning ticket!!!!!

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 1:52 am
by L.Wood

CHECK OUT THIS PIC OF GOV. PALIN, Six Months Pregnant. from Daily kos

The sensational story that accompanies the pic can be accessed here.

How could the kos story be investigated? Remember medical records are very strongly protected by HIPAA


Re: McCain-Palin- a winning ticket!!!!!

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 1:58 am
by L.Wood

And, .....................daughter, Bristol, missed five months of school:

According to comments from classmates and other members of the community, Bristol Palin was out of school during what would have been the last trimester of the governor's pregnany due to a bad case of mono. A case so severe, according to the Palin family, Bristol missed nearly 5 months of school.


Re: McCain-Palin- a winning ticket!!!!!

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 10:42 am
by Betsy
Holy Cow!!!

And here, Palin's own mother-in-law doesn't even think she's qualified.... ... rack-obama

Re: McCain-Palin- a winning ticket!!!!!

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 11:17 am
by Betsy
In response to the rumor that Palin faked her pregnancy, she (1) vehemently denies faking the pregnancy; (2) announces that 17-year-old Bristol is now pregnant and is getting married to the father.

Oh, and they also say that this is all Obama's fault. OR something like that.

Re: McCain-Palin- a winning ticket!!!!!

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 12:14 pm
by tmiller51
Can you imagine the venom inflicted by the right on a democrat female VP candidate if her daughter was an unwed pregnant teen?


Re: McCain-Palin- a winning ticket!!!!!

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 2:12 pm
by Betsy
I think it's rather tragic that they think the 17-year-old girl has to get married. Let's just keep compounding the mistakes on top of each other because of an arcane social/religious belief. That doesn't bode well for America's future if she's elected....

Re: McCain-Palin- a winning ticket!!!!!

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 2:44 pm
by Betsy
From an interview today, Obama says:

BO: I have heard some of the news on this and so let me be as clear as possible. I have said before and I will repeat again, I think people's families are off limits, and people's children are especially off limits. This shouldn't be part of our politics, it has no relevance to governor Palin's performance as a governor or her potential performance as a vice president. And so I would strongly urge people to back off these kinds of stories. You know my mother had me when she was 18. And how family deals with issues and teenage children that shouldn't be the topic of our politics and I hope that anybody who is supporting me understands that is off limits.

Re: McCain-Palin- a winning ticket!!!!!

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 4:14 pm
by Dardedar
Betsy wrote:In response to the rumor that Palin faked her pregnancy, she (1) vehemently denies faking the pregnancy;
If her claim is true then why not produce an picture of her looking unambiguously pregnant. Female governors are rare, pregnant ones extremely rare. She may have been the only one ever. That's a big deal. A breeder like her, she should have been on the front of Pregnant Monthly. Governors have their picture taken all the time. There should be lots of pictures. This nifty gossip story is starting to look true.
Is this a problem? The repub's will make her a hero and praise her for lying to everyone. Madaline (wife of Carville) was already doing this today. Obama's right, the issue is family and radioactive, dems in leadership can't really touch it. If true, the moral of the story? When abstinence education fails, as it usually does... lie to everyone and cover it up.

Oh, regarding the McPain "winning ticket," this just in:

Poll: Obama/Biden Take Eight-Point Lead
Democratic Ticket Gets Boost After Convention, CBS News Poll Finds

(CBS) Democratic nominee Barack Obama's lead over Republican John McCain has grown after the Democratic convention, which 71 percent of Americans say they watched. Obama and his running mate Joe Biden now lead McCain and Sarah Palin 48 percent to 40 percent, according to the latest CBS News poll.

This is the first CBS News poll to include the vice presidential candidates in the horserace question.

The eight-point lead for the Democratic ticket is up from Obama’s three-point lead before the convention. But there are still a significant number of voters who have yet to firmly make up their minds.

Before the Democratic convention, McCain enjoyed a 12-point advantage with independent voters, but now Obama leads among this group 43 percent to 37 percent. Obama's lead among women has also grown to 14 points (50 percent to 36 percent), and the Democrat maintained the lead he had before the convention among voters who supported Senator Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primaries.

The poll shows an increase in the number of Obama voters who are enthusiastic about him. Sixty-seven percent of Obama voters say they enthusiastically support him, which is up from 48 percent who said so before the convention. About a quarter of McCain’s backers are enthusiastic about him--unchanged from before the Democratic convention.

CBS News


Re: McCain-Palin- a winning ticket!!!!!

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 4:37 pm
by Dardedar
Story takes a hit. Larry sent me this from the Washington Post:

"ST. PAUL, Sept. 1 -- Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin announced Monday that her 17-year-old daughter, Bristol, is five months pregnant and plans to have the baby and marry the father....

The McCain campaign confirmed that the daughter is five months pregnant, a timeline that, if accurate, would make it almost impossible for her to have delivered a baby in April."


Re: McCain-Palin- a winning ticket!!!!!

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 4:51 pm
by Savonarola
Betsy wrote:From an interview today, Obama says:

... "And how family deals with issues and teenage children that shouldn't be the topic of our politics and I hope that anybody who is supporting me understands that is off limits."
He's right and he's wrong.

He's right in that federal politics shouldn't play into how families deal with these situations.

He's wrong in that it does, and Palin is one of the nutjobs who is trying to mandate that the government controls how families deal with these situations. These idiots spew "righteous" indignation at birth control, abortion, and sex education when it's clear that their approach doesn't work and even has the opposite of the desired effect. What better way to hammer the point home than to expose the spokesperson for the idiocy as an example of its miserable failure.
In addition -- a lead-in as if this were some minor point -- it has a hell of a lot to do with her honesty and integrity. Is she blatantly lying just to save her agenda, or is she so out of touch with reality that she spends 12+ hours speaking, traveling by plane, and traveling by car while leaking amniotic fluid from around a fetus that has already been diagnosed with potential complications and doesn't bother telling the crowd or airline nor consulting a local doctor for immediate medical attention? Seriously, does either one appear acceptable?
Darrel wrote:If her claim is true then why not produce an picture of her looking unambiguously pregnant.
I think it would be more telling to have pictures of the daughter looking unambiguously not pregnant during the month before the birth. Or DNA testing.

I'm not about to swallow this cover-up story whole, but the sheer volume of circumstantial evidence warrants asking some questions.
WaPo wrote:The McCain campaign confirmed that the daughter is five months pregnant, a timeline that, if accurate, would make it almost impossible for her to have delivered a baby in April.
I'm not about to swallow this line, either. It'll be interesting to see her deliver her baby two months "late," well after the election... (If Mommy could solve the problem the first time, she can do it again.)
Still though, it's good ammo against abstinence-only education. Another loss for the rabid righties. If there's a vice-presidential debate, let's hope Biden brings up sex education while he's ridiculing her on creationism.

Re: McCain-Palin- a winning ticket!!!!!

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 6:05 pm
by Doug
Darrel wrote:The McCain campaign confirmed that the daughter is five months pregnant, a timeline that, if accurate, would make it almost impossible for her to have delivered a baby in April."
Unless she's NOT pregnant and they are going to switch the baby back to the daughter. They will fake another pregnancy, give the baby back to the daughter, and say the Downs Syndrome one died, and another Downs syndrome one is born to the daughter.

Far-fetched, but then so is the Bible and Palin is all for those stories...

Re: McCain-Palin- a winning ticket!!!!!

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 9:15 pm
by L.Wood

(I removed this post which linked the reader to Gov. Palin's blog. It was wrong of me not to have checked it out.
I rec'd it from a trusted friend but I still should not be posting such an un sourced link.)
9/2/08 3:30 Am


Re: McCain-Palin- a winning ticket!!!!!

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 9:31 pm
by Savonarola
L.Wood wrote:Gov,.Sarah Palin.....IN HER OWN WORDS

Note her spelling and grammar. I cannot recall a V-P with such poor grammar.
But that's not her actual blog.

Re: McCain-Palin- a winning ticket!!!!!

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 12:54 am
by Doug
L.Wood wrote:I cannot recall a V-P with such poor grammar.
After Bush, one would have to be incredibly stupid just to avoid looking like a genius compared to Bush.

Re: McCain-Palin- a winning ticket!!!!!

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 9:10 am
by Betsy
Well, even if that wasn't really her blog, anyone who says "I thought they (her co-workers) knew I was getting pregnant. My clothes were getting snugger and snugger!" is not exactly a grammar queen. (see Anchorage newspaper article about announcing her pregnancy)

She is just a common person with a common life - a pregnant teen, a bad divorce going on in the family, a little abuse of power, a husband who got a DUI 20 years ago, a "hockey mom", a sportscaster, a four-month-old baby born under suspicious circumstances (is anybody going to get to the bottom of that?)....all sounds very un-presidential. I swear, Dan Coody is more qualified to be president of the United States than Sarah Palin is. And I'm being very serious.

Oh, anyone hear the radio talk show she was on one morning? The dj's were dissing her political opponent (some woman, I forgot her name) and calling her a "bitch" and a "cancer" (the woman, coincidentally, is a cancer survivor), and Palin just giggled away, never correcting them or stopping them....the actual audio from the show is on Crooks & Liars, I think.

Re: McCain-Palin- a winning ticket!!!!!

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 9:47 am
by Dardedar
Betsy wrote: I swear, Dan Coody is more qualified to be president of the United States than Sarah Palin is. And I'm being very serious.
Certainly. Just think, they tout as part of her executive experience and what has helped make her ready to be president tomorrow, her little run as mayor of a town with the population of Lowell.

"Lowell: Population in July 2007: 7,044."

Re: McCain-Palin- a winning ticket!!!!!

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 9:51 am
by Doug
Doug wrote:Unless she's NOT pregnant and they are going to switch the baby back to the daughter. They will fake another pregnancy, give the baby back to the daughter, and say the Downs Syndrome one died, and another Downs syndrome one is born to the daughter.
OK, here at work someone has a better story. The pregnancy is fake, but the daughter is going to have a "miscarriage" at a later time. The current pregnancy story is, of course, to dodge questions about the previous pregnancy and cover-up.

Re: McCain-Palin- a winning ticket!!!!!

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 11:02 am
by Betsy
Of course. A miscarriage. Why didn't we think of that before? It's so obvious.

Surely someone is going to get to the bottom of this and prove whether or not Sarah Palin is really the mother of Trig Palin. (why not just name the baby Shrek, for god's sake?!)

Like Darrel, I'm not going to take a position on this yet, but the evidence in favor of a cover-up is very strong. And even though I don't care if an unwed teen is pregnant or whatever, conducting such a silly and overt cover-up would hopefully be the complete undoing of this whole Sarah Palin fiasco.

Re: McCain-Palin- a winning ticket!!!!!

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 6:47 pm
by Betsy
Here's a photo of Sarah Palin pregnant with one of her other children which is very interesting.


And here's a good rundown of all the evidence that raises the question of Trig Palin's true parentage:


AND THEN, the same blogger added this new information:


This evidence convinces me now that Palin lied about her pregnancy and childbirth; and to cover that lie is lying again about her daughter's pregnancy.