What I wanted to point out, and I think I can with many, many more citations, is that everyone should have expected what was coming. There was no secret over it. I remember when the vote happened that if it passed in its vague form, we would likely invade Iraq. That's why when Hillary, Edwards, Kerry, et al. voted for it, I was soooo angry. Like I said, 156 other members of Congress voted against it. Why? Because they argued, it was a blank check. How did they know it, and the others who voted for the war did not??Read Barbara's claim carefully. It is regarding what those who voted for the resolution understood it to mean, not what a bunch of cherry picked headlines and pundits thought it might mean. Of course people are going to differ on this but it's easy to go hunting and after the fact find people who turned out to be right. These people made the mistake of taking Bush at his word, trusting him. He lied. Every time he said war would be used only as "last resort," and he said that a lot, he lied.
It does not matter what those who voted for it said they thought it meant other than they were stupid and wrong.
Look at my quote from Leahy again:
"This resolution, when you get through the pages of whereas clauses, is nothing more than a blank check. The president can decide when to use military force, how to use it, and for how long"
How did he know this? Because everyone was saying it. It was common knowledge.
Remember Dems tried to pass the Platt Amendment to the bill that would require Bush to come back to Congress after the UN votes to get final authorization for using force. It failed. Then Hillary et al. voted for it anyway. That is sooo inexcusable. Bush wanted vague wording, the world had a good idea what was in store, and half the Dems including Hillary handed him just what he wanted and needed.
Much of that debate centered on the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution and the danger in handing Bush a blank check. How can you excuse them now? They are simply covering thier asses now, for covering their asses back then.
Again, the crucial question is: If Bush duped poor Hillary and poor Kerry, how do you explain to me, and Wellstone, Pelosi, Kennedy, Kuckinich, Leahy etc. etc. who knew then that we were giving Bush a blank check, what went wrong? How do you explain that discrpency. Those of us who opposed the war resolution turned out to be 100% correct, acting on histoy and what we knew at the time. It was no surprise to us. It was, you argue, for Hillary.
Two possibilities:
1. She did what she thought she had to do to win the Presidency later, sacrificed principles for war, and knew exactly what everyone else seemed to, and is only covering her ass now saying she didn't think it meant what it did.
2. She really was oblivious to all the conversation around her, AND the debate going on in Congress, and was simply shockingly naive and ignorant.
Either way, she does not deserve to be President.
I also want to point out that unlike Kerry and Edwards, she has not come out point blank and said that her vote was a huge mistake. Why not?