Huckabee and the Rapist--A Tragic Tale

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Post by Betsy »

Anybody else notice the cover photo of rev-guv huckabee on this week's Newsweek magazine? (I'd paste the picture here but I don't know how and I don't have time to figure it out right now...)

Post by LaWood »

Ok you guys are usually critical and discerning so I'm wondering what's cause you to miss this howler I posted above:
The FairTax provides an extra layer of security by creating an economic disincentive to immigrate to the U.S. illegally.
I can't think of an economic disincentive that would effect and illegal immigrant that would not also be an economic disincentive to most
Americans. We all need food, shelter, clothing, transportation.


Post by LaWood »

The Southern Baptists are pretty damn lax in preacher's credentials. But Huck slips in yet another lie:

Huckabee Caught Lying about his Theology Degree

"I think I'm stronger than most people because I truly understand the nature of the war that we are in with Islamo fascism," Huckabee told the Christian Broadcasting Network. "These are people that want to kill us. It's a theocratic war. And I don't know if anybody fully understands that. I'm the only guy on that stage with a theology degree. I think I understand it really well."

Now, on its face, it's a pretty unpersuasive pitch. After all, how much could Huckabee have learned at the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in the 1970s about 21st-century fundamentalist Islam? Probably not much.

But as it turns out ,the theology-degree claim may be more than unconvincing; it may also be false. The New York Times Magazine article that's been getting lots of attention this week included this tidbit (thanks to J.N. for the tip):

If young Mike Huckabee was ever rebellious or difficult, there's no record of it. He preached his first sermon as a teenager, married his high-school sweetheart and went off to Ouachita Baptist University in Arkadelphia. There he majored in speech and communications, worked at a radio station and earned his B.A. in a little more than two years. He spent a year at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Tex., before dropping out to work for the televangelist James Robison, who bought him his first decent wardrobe and showed him how to use television.

Huckabee's a seminary-school drop-out?

To be sure, I don't care about Huckabee's theological training. More to the point, I realize that people, even presidential candidates, tend to exaggerate their resumes a bit. But isn't it a little odd for a preacher running on a religious-right platform to tout a theology degree that doesn't appear to exist?
Barbara Fitzpatrick
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Post by Barbara Fitzpatrick »

He didn't expect anybody to check. Baptists don't need a degree for preaching, they just need to be convincing with the altar call. The huckster had better get used to people fact checking what he says, if he stays in the presidential race. Fundies aren't as powerful as they were even two years ago, so the MSM will pay a little more attention. Aside from which, Rev Mikie isn't neocon enough for them, so they are looking to bushwhack him - they don't want him to be president.
Barbara Fitzpatrick

Post by LaWood »

Amen to the Baptist alter calls.

I used to know a couple of guys who were part time AA members. After a good week of drinking and sinking and subsequently being broke they would wander into one of Springdale's numerous Baptist churches. They could do a helluva alter-calling, calling out for help. They usually got some help and free food. There were enough Baptist vhurches in Springdale area that it wasn't necessary to work the same ones but once a year.
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