Hogeye wrote:
Sure. No problem. I admit that a bump in a single year means nothing. I have never claimed a peak on the basis of that single year.
Quote: "...warming peaked in 1998."
It may turn out to be a peak in conjunction with temperatures before and since.
if the 90s were permuted, and the max was in 1995 instead of 1998, then I would have claimed warming peaked out in 1995.
Right. You would have claimed a peak "on the basis of" the year 1995, instead of claiming a peak "on the basis" of the year 1998. Yet, "a bump in a single year means nothing." Keep spinning.
Neither of us knows for sure at this time whether a peak has occurred.
Last you checked, warming peaked in 1998.
Just for fun, a NASA chart (doesn't matter if you include 2005):
When people see this chart, they can be reassured, because warming peaked in 1998.
Here's the blurb:
"NASA GISS Reports 2005 Warmest Year Globally in Instrumental Record
On January 18 James (Jim) Hansen, Director of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), sent a message to many leaders in the meteorological and scientific communities reporting that global temperatures in 2005 exceeded those of any previous year since extensive instrumental records have been available. These records extend about a century and a quarter. By the GISS calculations 2005 was slightly warmer than 1998, previously regarded as the warmest year in instrumental records."
When I look at my little red graph given early I am reminded that
every single year from '01 to '05 was hotter than every year (except the '98 anomaly) in the blistering 90's. And the best science agrees, 2 to 1 odds, that the 90's were the hottest in a thousand years.
My reasoning: [on gun control]
All full of assumptions. In the
other thread, show gun control
has facilitated genocide. Show it wouldn't have happened just the same (or in some instances even worse) without gun control. In Rwanda a lot of the people were killed with machete's. If there were a lot of guns one could just as easily assert that more killing would have been facilitated by their use. In Germany, the odd Jew that fought back with a gun would have been killed quicker (on the spot) by Nazi power and more certainly rather than having a shot at making it out of the death camp (many did). Looks like gun control facilitates the prevention of genocide. It's obvious. No need to show this. It's easy to make stuff up. Showing is the hard part. It's not your fault though. You don't show what you need to because
you cannot. It's a cooda bean game. Without the "gun grabber's" it cooda bean this way instead of that way. But you can never show that the genocide wouldn't have just happened anyway.
The Cooda Bean
Do you know the cooda bean?
It's magic. I think it's green.
Its magic consists in this:
it's always right, with nary a miss.
If someone tells you, "That's a contradiction!
It's full of lies! It's merely fiction!"
Answer them back, with reply serene:
"Oh no, you're wrong, it's 'cooda bean.'"
If someone claims, "That's simply untrue,
science shows that will never do."
Go to the garden, get out your tureen,
and serve them up some cooda bean.
When they say, "That's incoherent,
the truth of that is not apparent."
Don't serve them blood, don't serve them bread,
get out your cooda beans, instead.
Just one last thing, one last condition
concerning cooda bean nutrition;
they might be filling, and promote weight gain,
but they're sadly lacking as food for the brain.
So while they're fine as fodder for making up tales
about ghosts and spirits, or ribs or whales,
when it comes to knowledge about what's real,
faxen sions make a better meal.
--Hymn #666, Nullifidian Hernbook (the n is silent)
"The Cooda Bean" (from Greg Ewrin)