More silly anti-Darwinian garbage

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More silly anti-Darwinian garbage

Post by Savonarola »

Had an internet friend pass this along to me.

This is, of course, an old argument. The summed up version is: Hitler used Darwin's ideas of selection to justify murdering millions of people. Murder is bad. Therefore Darwin was wrong.

Let us note that the panel of "experts" for this view into history has a slew of pseudobiologists, yet only a single person specializing in history. This person's remarks?
If you can look at Darwin as a theory, it is a theory that should be taught in our schools, but it is just a theory...
So now Darwin is a theory. I thought it was a surname. (And nevermind the whole "only a theory" rant.)

Not that any of this matters, but I really enjoy poking fun at complete morons.
About 30 U.S. skydivers plummet to their deaths every year in skydiving accidents thanks to the force of gravity. We can agree that these tragic deaths are awful. Therefore, we can conclude that gravity doesn't exist.

Gotta love the religio-nuts.
<Physt> If 2 billion people believed in FSM.. we would use ID as the joke.. "YEAH, an invisible man just created everything".."Har har"
Barbara Fitzpatrick
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Post by Barbara Fitzpatrick »

Eugenics was very popular in the 1920s & 30s, mostly with WASPs as an excuse to at best sterilize the "unfit" (non-WASPs) and at worst kill them. As a lay-definition-theory, it's a logical concept. In practice it's a very bad (one might say evil) one. However, the entire thing, whether "good" or "evil", is based on the scientific-definition-theory of evolution. Only the nutcases call it Darwinism - and in fact the use of said terminology is prima facie evidence of nutcaseism.
Barbara Fitzpatrick
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