Political News Bits of the Day

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Political News Bits of the Day

Post by Dardedar »

Often I come across news stories that aren't quite worthy of an entire new thread but I would like to share them. Lets put some of these news bits in this thread.

A Slow Demise in the Delta

From 2001 to 2005, the federal government spent nearly $1.2 billion in agricultural subsidies to boost farmers' incomes and invigorate local economies in a poverty-stricken region of the Mississippi Delta. Most residents are black, but less than five percent of the money went to black farmers. Ninety-five percent of the money went to large, commercial farms, virtually all of which have white owners.
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Post by Dardedar »

New Film: No End In Sight - Iraq War - the movie

When I was invited to a press screening this past Friday night for the film, "No End In Sight," I sucked it up and braced myself for yet another brutal documentary on the Iraq War. What new light could this film shine that half a dozen others had not already illuminated? Let me say this: If you could only see ONE documentary on the Iraq War, let it be "No End In Sight."

The film is not being released nationally until the beginning of August (NY July 27th; LA August 3rd)...

"No End In Sight" is the winner of the Documentary Special Jury Prize at the 2007 Sundance Film Festival . It deserves the award and many more. The film is a shocking inside look at the stupidity, ignorance and bad decision making that went into the planning and implementation of the Iraq War.

It's the first film to chronicle the Iraq side of the descent into guerilla warfare. Numerous interviews with U.S. government officials, many for the first time, will leave you absolutely stunned!
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Post by Dardedar »

Oops, I popped by nwapolitics.com to check it out. Here is what I found:

Server not found

Firefox can't find the server at www.nwapolitics.com.

* Check the address for typing errors such as
ww.example.com instead of

Looks like they gave up trying to defend the indefensible.
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Post by Doug »

Darrel wrote:DAR
Looks like they gave up trying to defend the indefensible.
They picked up their ball and went home. In tears, no doubt.
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Post by Dardedar »

"Even today, more than four years into the war in Iraq, as many as four in ten Americans (41 percent) still believe Saddam Hussein’s regime was directly involved in financing, planning or carrying out the terrorist attacks on 9/11, even though no evidence has surfaced to support a connection. A majority of Americans were similarly unable to pick Saudi Arabia in a multiple-choice question about the country where most of the 9/11 hijackers were born. Just 43 percent got it right — and a full 20 percent thought most came from Iraq.

Perhaps most troubling, the number of people who are confused about Iraq’s non-existent role in the 9/11 attacks has gone up in recent years. When Newsweek asked the same question in the fall of 2004, 36% said Saddam Hussein was “directly involved” with the attacks. Nearly three years later, that number is 41%."


How much of Bush's 29% support do you think comes from that 4 in 10? Unbelievable.
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Post by Dardedar »

Civilian Deaths in Afghanistan Causing Alarm

US-led coalition and NATO forces fighting insurgents in Afghanistan
have killed at least 203 civilians so far this year - surpassing the 178
civilians killed in militant attacks. Insurgency attacks and military
operations have surged in recent weeks, and in the past ten days, more
than 90 civilians have been killed by airstrikes and artillery fire
targeting Taliban insurgents.

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Post by Savonarola »

Doug wrote:
Darrel wrote:DAR
Looks like they gave up trying to defend the indefensible.
They picked up their ball and went home. In tears, no doubt.
I guess Stites decided that his "experiment" failed.
I wish certain other people would follow his lead...

Post by Lawood »

L.V. Ash killed it. When you delete entire theads because the debate isn't going your way then what does that say about any blog? Also, if Ash didn't like your post he eliminated you registration and thus your access to the site.
It had become a circle jerk at best. Too bad it's gone because I had wanted to copy the post by Miss Anne saying that she would shoot someone who trespassed on her property.
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Post by Barbara Fitzpatrick »

I had some good discussions with some of the folks, including Miss Ann, who posted over there back in the day. Larry is right. Ash killed it.
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Post by Dardedar »

New Poll Finds That Young Americans Are Leaning Left

The New York Times writers Adam Nagourney and Megan Thee report that young Americans are more likely than the general public to favor a government-run universal health care insurance system, an open-door policy on immigration, the legalization of gay marriage, to vote for a Democrat for president in 2008, but share with the public at large a negative view of President Bush, according to a New York Times/CBS News/MTV poll.


Post by Lawood »

Larry is right. Ash killed it."

He is also a liar. He never served on Fay Housing Board as he claimed. I called them and they never heard of him. Additionally I checked out some of his other claims, like joining a policeman on an inspection of areas where homeless people hung out, they never heard of L.V. Ash. I have no doubt that he would like to have been a cop, but I seriously doubt he ever was.
He is truly a despicable person and so indicative of the Wingnuts, who lie when there is nothing to be gained by lying. I believe it's termed pathological.
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Post by Dardedar »

Bush Still Trying to Link Iraq and 9/11

President Bush continues to call al Qaida "the main enemy" in Iraq, a
claim rejected my his own administration's senior intelligence analyst,
reports Jonathan S. Landay of the McClatchy Newspapers.


"Ash killed it."
He is also a liar. He never served on Fay Housing Board as he claimed. I called them and they never heard of him.

It's bizarre that he would so brazenly lie with his son hanging around on the forum.
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Post by Dardedar »

George Bush: Grasping, Fixated and...Resolute?
by BarbinMD
Mon Jul 02, 2007

As the war in Iraq marches inexorably on, having already claimed hundreds of thousands of lives with no end in sight, what is our Commander-in-Chief doing to resolve the greatest foreign policy disaster in this nation's history? According to an incredibly bizarre article in today's Washington Post, George Bush is inviting authors, historians, philosophers and theologians to the White House, where:
Over sodas and sparkling water, he asks his questions: What is the nature of good and evil in the post-Sept. 11 world? What lessons does history have for a president facing the turmoil I'm facing? How will history judge what we've done? Why does the rest of the world seem to hate America? Or is it just me they hate?
Apparently he only wrestles with the question of why no one likes him over a beer when he's in Germany, but I digress. The important point here is, huh? Those are his questions? Well, let me help him out. The answers are, 3,580 U.S. troops have been killed, 34,650 have been wounded, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis have died, terrorism is increasing worldwide because of our presence in Iraq, not to mention that our moral standing across the globe is in the toilet. Instead of worrying about popularity and how history will judge him, perhaps he could take a few minutes out of his busy pity party schedule to think about the here and now.

The rest at Daily KOS
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Post by Dardedar »

I was going to put this little bit in the "What's Coming on Climate Change" section but then I realized it is in reference to something already here:

Asia-Pacific Countries See Effects of Climate Change on Health, Brace for More


"Officials from more than a dozen Asian countries met Tuesday in
Malaysia to outline health problems their populations are facing in relation
to a rise in global temperatures," states The Associated Press's Margie
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Post by Dardedar »

Laura Bush Rebukes Husband on Abstinence-Only Requirement

Despite a Bush administration mandate that 33 percent of America's HIV
prevention funds be spent on abstinence-only programs, Laura Bush, says
she would be "perfectly fine" with the proposed idea from Congress to
waive this abstinence-only provision and that condoms are "absolutely
necessary," reported the Feminist Newswire.

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Post by Dardedar »

Errant Afghan Civilian Deaths Surge
By Laura King
The Los Angeles Times

Friday 06 July 2007

US and NATO troops killed more noncombatants in the last six months than did Taliban insurgents, several tallies indicate.

Kabul, Afghanistan - After more than five years of increasingly intense warfare, the conflict in Afghanistan reached a grim milestone in the first half of this year: U.S. troops and their NATO allies killed more civilians than insurgents did, according to several independent tallies.

The upsurge in deaths at the hands of Western forces has been driven by Taliban tactics as well as by actions of the American military and its allies.

But the growing toll is causing widespread disillusionment among the Afghan people, eroding support for the government of President Hamid Karzai and exacerbating political rifts among NATO allies about the nature and goals of the mission in Afghanistan.

More than 500 Afghan civilians have been reported killed this year, and the rate has dramatically increased in the last month.

The rest
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Post by Dardedar »

12 Billion Per Month Down the Drain

"It’s not just the troops that are surging. War costs are up for American operations in Iraq — way up, more than a third higher than last year. In the first half of this fiscal year, the Defense Department’s “average monthly obligations for contracts and pay is running about $12 billion per month, well above the $8.7 billion in FY2006,” says a new report, obtained by DANGER ROOM, from the non-partisan Congressional Research Service:"


So how much is $12 billion really? Few people can grasp such a number. Let me put it this way. If you were to lay one dollar bills end to end, you would have to go around the earth 45.7 times to have line of $12 billion. That is to say, a we are spending a trail of dollar bills 1.1 million miles long, every, month.
Put another way, a line of dollars going to the moon and back, twice, plus 7 loops around the earth. Every month.

Thanks Bush!
Last edited by Dardedar on Wed Jul 11, 2007 10:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Doug »

Darrel wrote:"It’s not just the troops that are surging.
Last month Jay Leno quipped (paraphrase): "Bush says the surge is working. The surge in gas prices..."
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Post by Dardedar »

The New York Times : The Road Home

More than four years after The New York Times published a series of
news stories that arguably helped pave the way toward a US led invasion of
Iraq, the country's newspaper of record, in a sobering Sunday
editorial, has called for an end to the Iraq war. In stating its position, the
Times editorial says, "President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney
have used demagoguery and fear to quell Americans' demands for an end to
this war. They say withdrawing will create bloodshed and chaos and
encourage terrorists. Actually, all of that has already happened - the
result of this unnecessary invasion and the incompetent management of this
war. It is time for the United States to leave Iraq, without any more
delay than the Pentagon needs to organize an orderly exit."

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Post by Dardedar »

Fixing Health Care: Not Government vs. Market

Dean Baker writes: "With 'SiCKO' rallying popular support
for universal health care coverage, defenders of the insurance and
pharmaceutical industries are shifting into high gear with their scare
tactics. The key to their efforts is to frighten people about the prospect
of the government managing their health care."


Article by a right-wing conservative. Can't find anything to disagree with.
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