New Fantastic Ceramic Battery Claims

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New Fantastic Ceramic Battery Claims

Post by Dardedar »


Seasoned scientists at EEStore say they've created a battery made of glass- and aluminum-coated ceramics that could allow electric motors to completely replace the internal combustion engine. The inventors, erstwhile Xerox PARC and IBMmers, boast about the car's efficiency, saying it'll be so cheap it'll be as if gas costs 45 cents per gallon, will drive 500 miles on nine bucks' worth of electricity, and needs just five minutes to completely recharge. Plus, the company's CEO says, "a four-passenger sedan will drive like a Ferrari." Tall claims, EEStore.

See also: CNN Money

Note: One of the comments:

I have been in this business for decades, and on reviewing EEStor's patents, found they had made several serious calculation and assumption errors.
IMHO, folks, this is not real. We will see EEStor continuously push out their demonstrations, which were originally going to be this past May, until they have eaked out all the investment capital they can."

Meanwhile, Feel Good Cars, those Canadian electric carmeisters whose ZENN electric car is pictured above, vow to make this technology roadworthy by 2008. Oil companies, get out your checkbooks, but you'd better have some phat cash 'cause these EEStore guys are well-financed. – Charlie White, LINK

The only part that gives this much hope is that the people involved with it are loaded.
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Really Nifty Solar Bike

Post by Dardedar »



Canadian Entrepreneur, Peter Sandler, President of Therapy Products and Inventor of the E-V Sunny Bicycle developed the first all Solar electric bicycle driven completely from power derived from the Sun’s Rays.

The E-V Sunny Bicycle has light absorbing Solar panels built right into the Wheels, creating continual power from the Sun’s Rays, and maintaining a constant charge to the batteries. The bike is propelled by a 500 watt front hub motor.

The variable speed electronic controller drives the bike to speeds of up to 30 kilometers per hour. Overall weight of the bicycle is 75 lbs. and comes with 17 amp hr. batteries and a built in battery charger.

Cost of the E-V Sunny Bicycle is $1295.00 and comes with a 90-day warrantee. The cost of the kit starts at $795.00, and the Company provides after sales servicing.

Orders are now being taken for delivery in September of 2006; contact the Company through their email at , Toll Free at # 1 800-567-9926 or their web site

Barbara Fitzpatrick
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Post by Barbara Fitzpatrick »

My son is working on (drawing board stage) a hydralic propulsion system. That may be "realer" than the EEStore claims.
Barbara Fitzpatrick
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