Person voted most foolish American by FOX voters

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Person voted most foolish American by FOX voters

Post by Dardedar »

Phoenix Fox 10 News runs a poll to see who is "the most foolish American" and the host proclaims—Britney Spears the winner! Except that according to their video screen, the real winner of the poll was…George Bush.


Go here to see the video clip.

Post by LaWood »

Nothing FOX does is surprising, however it is beneath contempt.
Thanks DAR.
Barbara Fitzpatrick
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Post by Barbara Fitzpatrick »

I'd say Fox is in the situation of a well-beaten but still rebellious slave who cannot openly testify against his master, but does what he can in not particularly effective revenge - sort of like spitting into his master's dinner before serving him. They can't say anything presenting GWB in a negative light, but if they weren't "thinking it" that line would never have appeared on the screen.
Barbara Fitzpatrick
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