Delay Denies What he Wrote in his Book

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Delay Denies What he Wrote in his Book

Post by Dardedar »


Freethinkers are used to dealing with the blind dogmatic irrationality of religious fundamentalists but it's pretty obvious that fundies come in many varieties. Economic fundies, political partizan fundies, GW denial fundies and so on. The third definition of fundamentalist in one dictionary gives:

"strict adherence to any set of basic ideas or principles: the fundamentalism of the extreme conservatives."

American Heritage gives as primary:

"A usually religious movement or point of view characterized by a return to fundamental principles, by rigid adherence to those principles, and often by intolerance of other views and opposition to secularism"

Oh, I see why that other dictionary used "conservatives" in its example.

In this following example Tom Delay is so sure that reality is whatever he wants it to be, he denies writing something in his own book, and then when shown, continues to deny, spin and obfuscate. Really quite amazing. Blurb:

"I'll skip right over his mangling of current GOP talking points ("Clinton fired 20 or 30 US Attorneys") and get right to the point when even Chris Matthews became amazed at DeLay's mendacity... Matthews grilled DeLay about passages in his book where he apparently ripped into fellow corrupt Texan Dick Armey, eventually asking the Hammer about describing Armey as "drunk with ambition." DeLay denied writing that. "I wrote that he was 'blinded by his ambition.'" Matthews starts flipping though the book and finds the "drunk with ambition" quote and reads it to Bug Man. And DeLay keeps denying it. Finally, Chris hands the book to Tom and tells him to read it himself. DeLay looks down, pauses, and says "I don't have my glasses."

video clip at Daily KOS

More on this here.

"I have never really been able to figure out if Tom DeLay is truly delusional or just your typical sociopathic Republican liar. After today's Hardball, I am convinced he is a little of both."


"Then we move on to DeLay's sordid past. In his new book, DeLay apparently details his years of alcoholism and infidelity before he was saved by a James Dobson video tape (how special). The former bug killer actually admitted today that he would sometimes drink up to twelve martinis and then drive home. In other words, DeLay admitted that he committed multiple DUI/DWIs while serving as a member of Congress."

Post by Guest »

DAR, I enjoy this site. But must you litter it up with pics of DeLiar.

Sociopath or delusional? He is beyond delusional if such is possible.
Hopefully when he comes to trial he will be exonerated by reason of
mental deficiency and be given the choice of long term mental confinement to deal with his sociopathic diseases. There is likely a noticeable amount of schizophrenia at work as both DeLiar and Bush hear voices inside their heads.

Post by LaWood »

A little searching on DeLiar's book, I found this at the Austin Statesman:

DeLay Assails GOP Colleagues in New Book
Associated Press Writer

HOUSTON — Former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay's just-published memoirs skewer his former comrades in the historic 1994 Republican revolution for squandering the victory through useless and ineffective leadership.

read the entire book review here:

A typical Bush sociopath who was instrumental in bringing to an
end his party's control of both houses calling his colleagues "ineffective."
What an idiot (thankfully) whose booze-pickled brain can not see his
own tracks.
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Post by Dardedar »

LaWood wrote: just-published memoirs skewer his former comrades
Don't you love it when they go after each other? They had all the power and boy did they blow it. There is a lot of blame to go around, and Mr. Delay is going to receive a lot of it. And quite rightly.
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