DARHogeye wrote:Open Kyoto to debate
Sixty scientists call on Harper to revisit the science of global warming
Special to the Financial Post
Published: Thursday, April 06, 2006
Oh, and just one more note about this list of sixty (again I am reminded of creationists who make lists of assorted "scientists" who believe in creation but almost without exception having specialities which have nothing to do with evolution):
"a few days after Prime Minister Harper received that letter, he had another, from 90 of Canada's most senior climate scientists and oceanographers. This second letter cited "an increasing urgency to act on the threat of climate change", and called upon the government to develop a national policy on climate change and strategies to adapt to what it said was "the inevitable changes that will affect us all". link
Scientists urge PM to fund national climate strategy
So with who knows how much effort and time, the GW deniers cobble together a hodge podge list of retired and non-specialist people who would sign this GW denier list. Within days, we have a list of 90 people who are specialists in this field and much more likely to know what they are talking about.
Reminds me of the evolutionists who responded to this same tactic of the creationists. Project Steve
"Project Steve is a list of scientists with the name Stephen or a variation thereof (e.g., Stephanie, Stefan, Esteban, etc.) who "support evolution". It is produced by the National Center for Science Education as a "tongue-in-cheek parody" of creationist attempts to collect a list of scientists who "doubt evolution", poking fun at such endeavors in a "light-hearted" manner to make it clear that "We did not wish to mislead the public into thinking that scientific issues are decided by who has the longer list of scientists!"[1] However, at the same time the project is a genuine collection of scientists, and despite its restriction to only scientists with names like "Steve", which the organizers claim restricts the list to roughly 1% of the total population[2], it is longer and contains many more eminent scientists (and in particular biologists) than any creationist list."