Fox to Make Conservative "Daily Show"

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Fox to Make Conservative "Daily Show"

Post by Doug »

Comedy Central has made a good living out of skewering the political right.

Now Fox News Channel, a primary source of material for Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, is teaming with the exec producer of “24″ to try its hand at a news satire show for conservatives to love.

Joel Surnow, co-creator of “24,” is shooting two half-hour pilots of a skein he described as “‘The Daily Show’ for conservatives,” due to air in primetime on Saturdays in January.

If successful, the show could take its place on the regular schedule, adding satire to FNC’s formula of news and opinion.

“The way I look at it, almost every comedy show or satire show I see uses the same talking points against George W. Bush and Dick Cheney,” Surnow said. “The other side hasn’t been skewered in a fair and balanced way.”

Read the rest here.
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Post by Barbara Fitzpatrick »

Wow! A whole new source of material for Stewart and Colbert.
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Post by Betsy »

I just don't think they can pull it off. This is a sweeping generalization, I know, but in my experience the conservative's sense of humor is more mean than funny, or not funny at all, and they could NEVER poke fun at themselves the way Stewart can. THey're just too self-righteous for that. And what are they going to do? IGNORE the Mark Foley and Scooter Libby-type incidents?

Nonsense. They'll never be able to do it.
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Post by Barbara Fitzpatrick »

Betsy, remember the Rs are still fighting Bill Clinton. There will be endless repetitions of Lewinsky jokes.
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Post by Dardedar »

"What a month it has been for the right wing religious conservative cabal attempting to subvert the very meaning of America. First voters overwhelmingly reject their God-anointed leader Pres. George W(orst) Bush. Then The Nativity Story is rejected not only by pagans, Jews and Muslims but most Christians. Now comes word that not only has their beloved mouthpiece of fair and balanced news reporting-Fox News-dropped out of the top ten most watched cable channels but, oh horror of horror, Keith Olbermann's nightly reminder that Bush was anointed by the Supreme Court and not God is single-handedly responsible for increasing the viewership of MSNBC 25% over this time a year ago....

Yes, this past month can certainly be read as God's judgment on overarching conservatives who think they have exclusive rights to His grace. Somewhere Chris Wallace must be contemplating suicide. Please, I beg you, if you see him...don't try to convince him he has so much to live for."

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Post by RickBaber »

Maybe they can do it. But it'll be lame.
One guy already went that way to find an audience for his humor. Remember Dennis Miller? Sure you do. He used to be a funny guy.

Post by LaWood »

Dennis Miller was funny...back when Tina Fey and Al Franken were writing his material. R's are never funny. When did you ever see a stupid mean person being funny? I'm with Betsy all the way on this one. R's like to think their charges and MISSIONS are beyond question, they think George is winning in Iraq and will think that in Dec of 2008 and blame D's for George's failures. They laugh about cold cows tits. That was the last time I heard one of them being funny...R Senator Everett Dirkson told a joke about cold cow's tits at a R meeting in Little Rock in 1965 and it was funny.

Maybe they will do a few "blue dress" routines but after once or twice it will not be funny. People remember Richard Nixon's days and they were not funny. 1976 was not funny and Gerald Ford's death just reminded me that none of them are funny but now that I think about it, down deep, Gerald and Richard are good people. Down deep, George Bush III will be too. So will Cheney.

Post by LaWood »

Here's some conservative humor. Check out u-tube featuring Guilani and Donald Trump. One's in drag:
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Post by Dardedar »

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Post by Barbara Fitzpatrick »

Gerald Ford WAS a good person. I think he made a mistake in pardoning Nixon. It gave some really bad ideas to the R party elite (that R presidents are above the law). I understand why a person of his age and background would think that keeping the former POTUS out of court would help heal a wounded nation, but I disagreed then and disagree now. I don't think Reagan would have won, much less the Bushes, if Nixon had been tried and convicted - but Ford might had beat Carter. I'd take an alternate history that bypassed Reagonomics and W's war any time. Republicans might have held power as much or more than in the current reality, but not the neocons.
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Post by Dardedar »

Fair and Balanced FOX begin the smears:

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Post by Barbara Fitzpatrick »

Fox News doesn't need a comedy/satire show - It IS a comedy/satire show.
Barbara Fitzpatrick
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