Ex-cop Teaches How to Hide Your Drugs

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Ex-cop Teaches How to Hide Your Drugs

Post by Dardedar »

Ex-cop plans video showing how to fool drug officers

09:07 PM CST on Thursday, December 21, 2006

Associated Press

TYLER, Texas – A one-time Texas drug agent described by a former boss as perhaps the best narcotics officer in the country plans to begin selling a video that shows people how to conceal their drugs and fool police.

Barry Cooper, who once worked for police departments in Gladewater and Big Sandy and the Permian Basin Drug Task Force, plans to launch a Web site next week where he will sell his video, Never Get Busted Again , the Tyler Morning Telegraph reported in its online edition Thursday.

A promotional video says Cooper will show viewers how to "conceal their stash," "avoid narcotics profiling" and "fool canines every time."

Cooper, who said he favors the legalization of marijuana, made the video in part because he believes the nation's fight against drugs is a waste of resources. Busting marijuana users fills up prisons with nonviolent offenders, he said.

"My main motivation in all of this is to teach Americans their civil liberties and what drives me in this is injustice and unfairness in our system," Cooper told the newspaper.

Cooper said his Web site should be operating by Tuesday, and he plans to publicize the video in a full-page advertisement in a national publication.

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Post by Dardedar »

Police seek suspect in Oregon doped cookie case

STAYTON, Ore. (AP) -- Workers sampling holiday cookies at a Stayton wood plant complained of feeling lightheaded and dizzy, and police believe the secret ingredient may have been marijuana.

After interviewing employees, Stayton police said Thursday that drugged cookies left in a break room at the Weyerhaeuser Co. site probably were responsible for sending 15 workers to the Santiam Memorial Hospital. One stayed overnight for observation.

"After further investigation, they believe the homemade cookies were tainted with a foreign substance," said company spokesman Greg Miller. "They suspect that foreign substance was marijuana."

Police are offering a $500 reward to nab the criminal who brought in the chocolate-flavored oatmeal cookies. They have no leads yet, Detective Bob Thomas said.

Miller said the incident raised safety concerns at the industrial site, which has no security checkpoint.

Barbara Fitzpatrick
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Post by Barbara Fitzpatrick »

I wish I thought we could get rid of the "War on Drugs" some other way, but I'm afraid the ex-cop may be right. At this stage the only thing to keep the prisons from being filled, and then building more of them to fill, with harmless potsmokers is to show them how not to get caught.

On the other hand, I'd definitely like people who deliberately feed drugs to people without their knowledge or permission (any kind of drug) to be stopped and put away where they can't hurt anybody.
Barbara Fitzpatrick

Post by LaWood »

Hopefully this tactic will lessen the "War on People" and perhaps we can move just a wee bit past a prison nation.

The cop has balls, I must hand it to him. However, once the "secrets" are revealed expect the badge boys to take counter measures. It's already a cat n'mouse game anyway, or spy vs. spy and wastes a lot of our national resources on Republican-loving prison industries. There's supposedly an electronic device that can sniff out the stuff in large areas using triangulation. What a waste.
Barbara Fitzpatrick
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Post by Barbara Fitzpatrick »

The whole thing is a "1984" game to keep the middle and lower classes fighting amongst themselves while the fatcats pick everybody's pockets. As perverse as our nation is, the only possible president who could get rid of the "War on Drugs" is an evangelical christian who has never used drugs (and has some kind of evidence to that end - unlikely because proving a negative is next best thing to impossible). Bill Clinton was too "liberal" (yeah, right) and W is a druggie. Bill would have been able to do it, if he hadn't been "swift-boated" on his one attempt at pot while he was in England (where it was legal). W couldn't do it if he wanted to, which he doesn't because the War on Drugs gives him almost as many rights to go after potential adversaries as the War on Terror does. I don't know whether Nixon's ghost is horrified or admiring that W has managed to do what Nixon only tried and didn't get away with.
Barbara Fitzpatrick
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