Vivaldi on Electric Guitar

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Vivaldi on Electric Guitar

Post by ChristianLoeschel »

I told Darrel and Savonarola about this, these guys are amazing musicians. They normally play a very interesting mix of power and melodic black metal, but here their two guitar players show their amazing skill playing the Summer of Vivaldi's four seasons on 2 electric guitars.
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Re: Vivaldi on Electric Guitar

Post by Savonarola »

ChristianLoeschel wrote:I told Darrel and Savonarola about this, these guys are amazing musicians.
He means that the two guys in the video are amazing musicians, not that Darrel and I are.

I was hoping that it would be easier to pick out the familiar tune, but the instrument tones are so different that I didn't do too well. In any case, though, wow.
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