The record is now crystal clear that NATO and the Clinton administration deliberately lied about Serbian atrocities in Kosovo to justify their intervention in a low-intensity civil war in the Balkans.
It turns out that as few as 2,108 people were actually killed in Kosovo over a period of months leading up to and including the period of heavy bombardment of Serbia by NATO forces.
This is hardly "genocide," as it was billed by Clinton, Defense Secretary William Cohen, Sen. Joseph Biden, D-Del., Sen. Chuck Hagel, R-Neb., former Sen. Bob Dole and David Scheffer, U.S. ambassador for war crimes.
By whipping up hysteria for an illegal bombing campaign, all of these men have blood on their hands.
It wasn't hundreds of thousands of dead in Kosovo, as some reports suggested. It wasn't even tens of thousands. It was, at worst, a couple thousand over a considerable period of time. That, of course, is still a dreadful and grisly toll. But, to put it in perspective, no global authority -- not the United Nations, nor NATO -- ever advocates intervention in the United States or anywhere else when the annual murder toll hits 2,000, which it does early in the first half of every year.
Think of the hyperbole we heard prior to the bombing campaign:
• "By the time the snows fall next winter, there will be genocide documented on a large scale in Kosovo," said Biden.
• "History will judge us harshly if we do not take action to stop this rolling genocide," said Hagel.
• "What we have in Kosovo and what (we) had in Bosnia was genocide, and that's why I think we should intervene," said Dole.
• "There are indications genocide is unfolding in Kosovo," said State Department spokesman Jamie Rubin.
• Cohen characterized the bombing campaign as a "fight for justice over genocide."
• Scheffer said Kosovo was one of the top three genocides since 1950, rivaled only by Rwanda and Cambodia.
But no one laid it on as thick as Clinton. He compared the atrocities in Kosovo to the Holocaust. Kosovo, he said, "is not war in the traditional sense. Imagine what would happen if we and our allies instead decided just to look the other way as these people were massacred on NATO's doorstep." -
The real war crimes