Doug wrote:Suppose there are 1000 smokers. Suppose that 800 of those also drink alcohol. Suppose also that 50 of the smokers get lung cancer, and every one of those that get lung cancer also drank alcohol. It would not follow that alcohol causes lung cancer.
Right, but we're talking about correlation, not causation. If only the alcohol drinkers got cancer as in your example, we would suspect that alcohol drinking is a necessary condition for getting cancer, since if smoking alone caused cancer we'd expect some non-drinkers to get it. That is a very good analogy to the gun control argument. Gun control seems to be a necessary condition for genocide.
But I will concede that "strong" should be omitted from my claim. Revised claim: Gun control is correlated with genocide. I could make a similar but more obvious claim: Genocide
coincides with gun control laws. (I got this handy formulation from a global warming alarmist site which said "Recent warming coincides with rapid growth of human-made greenhouse gases.")
Doug wrote:Similarly, MOST countries have gun control laws. FEW have genocide. So you should probably look to other variables to see what causes genocide...
Right. We've covered this already. I'm claiming an (almost) necessary condition, not a sufficient condition. Genocide also takes hatred and a State. The formula in "Death by Gun Control" is apt:
Hatred + Government + Disarmed Civilians = Genocide
Darrel seems to have a
it can't happen here attitude, that genocide can't happen in a first world country. But (elaborating on my earlier example) we have a State that "disappeared" what, 1000 or so Muslims, kept them in prison without lawyers or charges for months and some cases years, with flaghumpers and warmongers raving about terrists and Islamo-fascists. I see a possibility of internment and/or genocide. Don't you?
Doug wrote:...especially since I have cited two instances, the Croatians and the Guatemalans--in which there was genocide and the victims were NOT disarmed.
You're accidently switching subjects again. My claim isn't about successfully totally disarming people, it's about the existence of gun control laws, aka victim disarmament laws. (Not to mention that I provided a citation showing why some Croats had weapons - they were former Yugoslav soldiers who were not subject to their Yugoslavian gun control laws. Tito was a Croat, y'know. Other ethnicities were not so lucky.)
Gun control laws are to genocide what smoking is to lung cancer.
One can't say smoking causes lung cancer, since the vast majority of smokers don't get lung cancer.
One can't say smoking is a necessary condition for lung cancer, because some people get lung cancer without smoking.
One wants to say something like smoking is an
almost necessary condition for lung cancer, but "almost necessary" doesn't really make sense.
We realize that there are other factors, like genetic susceptibility, which are also contributing factors.
One could say that smoking is correlated with lung cancer, but this isn't strong enough.
One could say that smoking is strongly correlated with lung cancer, but this is wrong, as Doug pointed out.
My favorite formulations are:
Smoking facilitates lung cancer.
Smoking contributes to lung cancer.
Smoking is a contributing factor to lung cancer.
The first was my original formulation. I probably should have stuck with it, despite Darrel's rather silly objection. The second and third seem even better. Can anyone think of another formulation of the relationship between smoking and lung cancer?