Darrel wrote:Anyone who thinks that he or she can use shotguns, rifles, and pistols to successfully take on the U.S. government and its military is delusional.
Fallacious thinking, the same as saying, 'Anyone who thinks scruffy guerrillas in (Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Nicaragua...) could successfully take on the US govt and its military is delusional.'
The flaw is in construing defense as an all or nothing thing - that the only way to successfully defend is to totally annihilate the opponent. In real life, successful defense is
much easier: you simply have to make the aggression more expensive than it's worth to the opponent. The USAmerican Secession is a good example. The revolutionaries were no match for the mighty British Empire militarily. But they made keeping the colonies more expensive than they were worth.
It's amazing how often that fallacious strawman is trotted out by gungrabbers!
The source for the
170 million murdered by their own govts in the 20th century comes from JPFO, as already cited. In their fine documentary, they use UN and other sources to count up deaths in genocides from Jap on China (e.g. rape of Nanjing, etc.), USSR's Ukrainian genocide, Nazi holocaust (the top three in order of magnitude BTW), the Armenian genocide, Rwana, and so on. But perhaps you don't really dispute the 170 million figure, but are simply making a joke.