Everyone needs a nuke to protect themselves from Bush

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Everyone needs a nuke to protect themselves from Bush

Post by Dardedar »


Armagideon Time: Bush's Nuclear Folly and the National Security Lie

By Chris Floyd, TO UK Correspondent
t r u t h o u t | Perspective

Tuesday 07 November 2006


Last Friday, just hours after the New York Times revealed that the Bush administration had posted advanced plans for building nuclear weapons on a public web site for months, six Arab nations formally announced they were launching nuclear programs of their own. The potential for disaster posed by this development is almost immeasurable: everything from Chernobyl-style accidents to the theft or transfer of nuclear material to terrorists to the near-certainty of new atomic arsenals appearing in the powder-keg of the Middle East.

The announcement also signals the final and utter failure of the Bush administration's demented "non-proliferation" strategy, which has been centered around a relentless, deliberate drive to gut existing nuclear arms treaties in order to free the United States to enhance its own arsenal. This open denigration of legal strictures on the development of the most dangerous technology on earth has been accompanied by a cynical inconsistency. Bush has heaped monetary and military rewards on India and Pakistan for their illegally developed nuclear arsenals, while threatening war on Iran for what has so far been a peaceful nuclear power program carried out in accordance with international treaties - and doing nothing at all to head off North Korea's now apparently successful bid for atomic weapon capability.

It is a record of astonishing recklessness and incompetence, one that has plunged the world into a new abyss of instability, insecurity and the ever-increasing likelihood of mass death and horror on an unfathomable scale. And the criminal negligence of Bush and his Congressional rubberstamps in dumping plans from Iraq's almost-complete, pre-1991 nuclear weapons program on the Internet - solely for partisan political advantage - has exacerbated these dangers by several magnitudes.

On Friday, the International Atomic Energy Agency announced that six nations had given notification of their intention to pursue nuclear programs, the Times (UK) reports: Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates, and Egypt, which had revealed its nuclear ambitions last month, but had not given official notice to the IAEA. As the Times notes, arms experts view the announcement as "a stunning reversal of policy" in the Arab world, which has long called for a nuclear-free Middle East - a stance aimed at dismantling Israel's large if nominally secret nuclear arsenal and preventing Iran from acquiring atomic weaponry.

But ill winds are blowing through the Middle East from all directions, and the six nations are seeking shelter from the storm - a "security hedge," as proliferation analyst Mark Fitzpatrick of the International Institute for Strategic Studies told the Times. One of the major factors behind the turnaround is certainly Bush's wanton destruction of Iraq, the Arab world's traditional bulwark against Persian Iran. Not only has the American blunderbuss cleared the way for unprecedented Iranian influence in the region - not least in Baghdad itself - it is also enflaming sectarian, political, ethnic and social tensions across the Arab lands.

And in the case of Saudi Arabia and Egypt, there is also the desire to avoid becoming yet another target of "regime change" from the "full spectrum dominance" gang that is still, well, dominant in the White House under Dick Cheney. In Cairo and Riyadh they will not have forgotten how in 2002, top Pentagon adviser Richard Perle - then chairman of the Defense Policy Board, now a rather fat rat leaving the sinking ship of Bushism - sponsored a presentation calling for the American conquest of Saudi oil fields on the way to capturing the strategic "prize" of Egypt: one of the many presentations and papers of the Bush Faction and its neo-con outriders in which the Arab world is regarded as so much raw meat to be processed and repackaged as the Beltway poobahs see fit.


Barbara Fitzpatrick
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Post by Barbara Fitzpatrick »

Bush showed them the way. He said, "I only attack countries that don't have nuclear weapons. And, oh by the way, here's how to make nuclear weapons." Anyone is surprised at this?
Barbara Fitzpatrick
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