Facing Facts on Iraq

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Facing Facts on Iraq

Post by Dardedar »


Facing Facts on Iraq
The New York Times

Sunday 24 September 2006

While Iraq is a central issue in this year's election campaigns, there is very little clear talk about what to do, beyond vague recommendations for staying the course or long-term timetables for withdrawal. That is because politicians running for election want to deliver good news, and there is nothing about Iraq - including withdrawal scenarios - that is anything but ominous.

In the real Iraq, armed Shiite and Kurdish parties have divided up the eastern two-thirds of the country, leaving Sunni insurgents and American marines to fight over the rest. Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki and his "national unity cabinet" stretch out their arms to like-thinking allies like Iran and Hezbollah, but barely lift a finger to rein in the sectarian militias and death squads spreading terror across Baghdad and the Shiite south.

The civilian death toll is now running at roughly 100 a day, with many of the victims gruesomely tortured with power tools or acid. Over the summer, more Iraqi civilians died violent deaths each month than the number of Americans lost to terrorism on Sept. 11. Meanwhile, the electricity remains off, oil production depressed, unemployment pervasive and basic services hard to find.

Iraq is today a broken, war-torn country. Outside the relatively stable Kurdish northeast, virtually every family - Sunni or Shiite, rich or poor, powerful or powerless - must cope with fear and physical insecurity on an almost daily basis. The courts, when they function at all, are subject to political interference; street-corner justice is filling the vacuum. Religious courts are asserting their power over family life. Women's rights are in retreat.

Growing violence, not growing democracy, is the dominant feature of Iraqi life. Every Iraqi knows this. Americans need to know it too.

Beyond the futility of simply staying the course lies the impossibility of keeping the bulk of American ground forces stationed in Iraq indefinitely. They have already been there for 42 months, longer than it took the United States to defeat Hitler. The strain is undermining the long-term strength of the Army and Marines, threatening to divert the National Guard from homeland security and emboldening Iran and North Korea. Yet with the military situation deteriorating, the Pentagon has had to give up any idea of significant withdrawals this year, or for that matter anytime in the foreseeable future.

If there is still a constructive way out of this disaster, it has to begin with some truth-telling. Politicians are not going to press for serious solutions when their constituents have not been prepared to understand what the real options are. Republicans will not talk about genuine alternatives as long as their supporters have been primed to believe victory is possible. Few Democrats will advocate anything that might wind up transferring responsibility for this awful mess to them.

Acknowledging the hard facts of today's Iraq must be more than a political talking point for the president's opponents. It is the only possible beginning to a serious national discussion about what kind of American policy has the best chance of retrieving whatever can still be retrieved in Iraq and minimizing the damage to wider American interests.


Barbara Fitzpatrick
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Post by Barbara Fitzpatrick »

The American system doesn't elect presidents promising "blood, toil, tears, and sweat" - I doubt the Brits would have in WWII, if Churchill had made that speech before forming "the government" rather than after. Iraq is a wound that won't close. If we don't cauterize it, it could be deadly - at best "go septic" (gangrenous) and require the limb be amputated. No matter what we do, it will be bad for the Iraqis - as everything we've done has been bad for the Iraqis. They are already involved in civil war, which is getting worse by the minute. They already don't have electricity or water on any kind of a regular basis. They're being blown up and otherwise killed, or kidnapped and tortured, by us and the different sects of their own people. If we go, that will just be one less danger in a world so full of threat that one less probably won't be noticed - except that Iraq might (maybe) quit being a training ground for anti-American terrorists. That won't necessarily make the Iraqis any happier, but it would make me feel better. All I can do for the Iraqis is vote Democrat, which admittedly isn't much.
Barbara Fitzpatrick
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Post by Dardedar »

We, Are, Winning:

Barbara Fitzpatrick
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Post by Barbara Fitzpatrick »

We're winning if the idea is to kill off all our soldiers and guards so we don't have to provide healthcare to the returnees.
Barbara Fitzpatrick
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Post by JD Allen »

Barbara Fitzpatrick wrote:We're winning if the idea is to kill off all our soldiers and guards so we don't have to provide healthcare to the returnees.
I think this is just the Republican answer to all the overcrowding that will come from their Abstinence-only policies.
Barbara Fitzpatrick
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Post by Barbara Fitzpatrick »

In that case, they'd need to start a few more wars - which they are apparently planning to do. If we can flumox the voter fraud and change the makeup of Congress (big IF), then they only have 3 months to start them in, so there is hope. Sort of.
Barbara Fitzpatrick
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