Supreme Court OKs DMT Tea for Religious Rites

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Supreme Court OKs DMT Tea for Religious Rites

Post by JamesH »

I just saw this article on the news and would like to see what everyone thought about this. Does this mean that the high court maybe a little more moderate than we thought? Or is this there way of saying that what ever you want as long as it is connected to a christian religion it is OK by them? They did seem to go against the Bush admininstration desires.

Wouldn't it be great to find out that the newest members of the Supreme Court are going to follow Constitutional Law?
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Post by JamesH »

Sorry I forgot the link to the new story. ... igious_tea
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Re: Supreme Court OKs DMT Tea for Religious Rites

Post by Savonarola »

Just to note: Registered users can edit their posts after posting them. If you forget the URL, just hit the "edit" button and add it!

JamesH wrote:Wouldn't it be great to find out that the newest members of the Supreme Court are going to follow Constitutional Law?
I think the Court is just either (a) lulling us into a false sense of security or (b) giving the righties a couple decisions to use as counterpoints as soon as they get down to business and the shit hits the fan.

I certainly see the importance of this, but I really hate that some of this ridiculous religious stuff gets a free pass.
It's time for me to invent a religion that entitles me to half-price hookers, so the anti-prostitution laws won't apply to my "church meetings."
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Post by Hogeye »

Tom Brown is ecstatic, I'm sure! I know what you mean about the free pass, Savonarola. I think the same thing about medicinal marijuana laws: Isn't that blatent discrimination against healthy people?
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