Even Dick Morris is suspicious of Cheney's turning away the sheriff until the next day. Even on the F-word network he got away with saying he thinks alcohol was involved. Hannity responded that such a suggestion was ridiculous and said Cheney has no history of drinking but this of course is a lie.
Cheney has had not one but TWO DUI's.
And as John Nichols of The Nation notes:
"Dick Cheney who was forced to leave Yale University because his penchant for late-night beer drinking exceeded his devotion to his studies..."
Read more about Cheney's drinking here
"The Dick refused to talk to a deputy sheriff when he came to the ranch at 8pm; not until 8am, 14 ½ hours after the accident did he make a statement… or long enough for the alcohol to burn off. When rich powerful people (or just average Joes) get together for shooting or boating or golfing, they usually get plastered as they celebrate their mastery of the universe."