This board is a dead as socialism

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This board is a dead as socialism

Post by johngalt »

The great Galt is back to this sad board after many years. WOW- what a difference a few years make. Your god Obama has been humiliated. Venezuela has collapsed and Trump has assumed the throne. How sad it must be to be part of the godless unwashed mass of community college instructors.

Rest assured me and my friends are still paying the taxes to keep you employed and your govment benefits paid.

I wish you the best as Trump demolishes the welfare state.

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Re: This board is a dead as socialism

Post by Savonarola »

johngalt wrote:... Galt is back ...
And I'll leave this here as rock-solid evidence that ol' Hogeye-- er, I mean, this mystery person "Galt" both cannot get over his being banned from multiple groups and is absolutely full of shit when he talks about how his philosophy respects ownership/property rights.

Standard anarchist mentality: "Rules for thee, but not for me." :roll:
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Re: This board is a dead as socialism

Post by Dardedar »

Oh look, a Trump humper.
Everything is fine.

Quinnipiac: Trump Job Approval in the Toilet, Upside-Down on Honesty, Leadership, More...
The topline here is really, really bad for Donald Trump. Just 37% of Americans approve of the job he is doing while 56% disapprove, for a net approval of -19. But it gets worse. Much worse.
To start with, only 19% of Americans belive Trump's ridiculous claim that Obama wiretapped him. Only 34% trust him to do what is right. And from there it just gets worse...
60% of Americans say Trump isn't honest
66% say Trump isn't level headed
61% say Trump doesn't share their values
57% say Trump doesn't care about average Americans
55% say Trump lacks good leadership skills
60% disapprove of Trump's handling of immigration
61% disapprove of Trump's handling of health care
59% disapprove of Trump's handling of Russia
58% disapprove of Trump's handling of foreign policy
In short, Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress are deeply, profoundly unpopular.
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Re: This board is a dead as socialism

Post by Dardedar »

Oh to be a poor Trump humper waiting for this Great Orange Gasbag to deflate their state.
Trump doesn't actually have any core values. He'll grow the state and blow up the debt, because that's what conservatives do. But most certainly he'll get us in a couple of wars real fast. You'll like that. You should join up. Kill some brown people.
Mostly Trump just makes it up as he goes. Here he is on both sides of most issues.
Trump on Trump, Greatest Hits.
"I'm not a skeptic because I want to believe, I'm a skeptic because I want to know." --Michael Shermer
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Re: This board is a dead as socialism

Post by David Franks »

Ha-- "johngalt". Are you fine, upstanding philosopher-patriots so lacking in conviction that you must post using a pseudonym? Are you so bereft of icons and inspiration that you have to wear the pattern off a single, lonely fictional character's stolen name in order to try to make a poor, tired point?
"Debating with a conservative is like cleaning up your dog's vomit: It is an inevitable consequence of your association, he isn't much help, and it makes very clear the fact that he will swallow anything."
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