More Trump roast
"Trump Humiliates Himself By Claiming That There Is No Drought In California"
“We’re going to solve your water problem. You have a water problem that is so insane. It is so ridiculous where they’re taking the water and shoving it out to sea…They don’t understand — nobody understands it. There is no drought." ... ornia.html
California is as dry as it has been in 500 years. That's a drought.
"Donald Trump isn't rich because he's a great investor. He's rich because his dad was rich."
" In an outstanding piece for National Journal, reporter S.V. Dáte notes that in 1974, the real estate empire of Drumpf's father, Fred, was worth about $200 million. Drumpf is one of five siblings, making his stake at that time worth about $40 million. If someone were to invest $40 million in a S&P 500 index in August 1974, reinvest all dividends, not cash out and have to pay capital gains, and pay nothing in investment fees, he'd wind up with about $3.4 billion come August 2015, according to Don't Quit Your Day Job's handy S&P calculator. If one factors in dividend taxes and a fee of 0.15 percent — which is triple Vanguard's actual fee for an exchange-traded S&P 500 fund — the total only falls to $2.3 billion. ...
It's hard to nail down Drumpf's precise net worth, but Bloomberg currently puts it at $2.9 billion, while Forbes puts it at $4 billion. So he's worth about as much as he would've been if he had taken $40 million from his dad and thrown it into an index fund. ...
Trump nonetheless has an investment record that at best roughly matches and at worst underperforms the market. He did only as well or possibly worse than a retiree with a Vanguard 401(k) did.
That's not really impressive. Worse, it suggests that his success is almost entirely the result of having inherited money from his father. His own actions might have even cost him money." ... index-fund?
Trump followers: skulls. ... 0916_o.jpg
Trump, 2011:
"Qaddafi, in Libya, is killing thousands of people. Nobody knows how bad it is. And we’re sitting around, we have soldiers all over the Middle East, and we’re not bring them in to stop this horrible carnage. That’s what it is. Carnage. You talk about all the things that have happened in history, this could be one of the worst. Now, we should go in. We should stop this guy, which would be very easy and very quick."
Trump, 2016:
"On Libya? I never discussed that subject. I was in favor of Libya? We would be so much better off if Qaddafi were in charge right now. … You look at Libya right now, ISIS as we speak is taking over their oil. We would have been better off if the politicians took a day off instead of going into war. ... th-answers
"The latest CBS News/New York Times poll shows that sixty percent of women polled had an unfavorable impression of Trump. Only 21 percent view him favorably. This could well set up a scenario which will deliver the general election to Hillary Clinton in November."
Chimpanzee level of understanding foreign policy. ... e=57CFEA73
Republicans on Trump:
Trump now issues clarification of his mess regarding punishing women for abortions.
He told MSNBC’s Willie Geist:
"He was asking me a theoretical, or just a question in theory, and I talked about it only from that standpoint. Of course not. And that was done, he said, you know, I guess it was theoretically, but he was asking me a rhetorical question, and I gave an answer. And by the way, people thought from an academic standpoint, and asked rhetorically, people said that answer was an unbelievable academic answer. But of course not, and I said that afterwards. Everybody understands that." ... e9f0905153
He has the best words you know.
Enjoying the huge, steaming servings of conservative-world meltdown. Leading conservative blogger Matt Walsh: "Goodbye, Republican Party.
I mean that in more ways than one. I’m leaving. You’re dying. I could stick around while you gasp your last pitiful breaths, but what would be the point? I’m certainly more pro-life than you ever were, but when it comes to political parties that have been overtaken by some kind of unintelligible, socially liberal populism, I say pull the plug.
Good riddance. Your wounds are self-inflicted anyway. Clearly you have no desire to live. So goodbye. I am abandoning you on your deathbed, and I feel no shame in it." ... -riddance/
"A recent ABC/Washington Post poll showed Mr. Drumpf with just a 29 percent favorability rating among white women and 23 percent among white college graduates, while 68 percent and 74 percent had an unfavorable opinion." ...
"When specifically asked his opinions on Ted Cruz, Boehner made a face, drawing laughter from the crowd.
"Lucifer in the flesh," the former speaker said. "I have Democrat friends and Republican friends. I get along with almost everyone, but I have never worked with a more miserable son of a bitch in my life."
Of all the stupid things Trump has said, I think he really out did himself today. This is the worst, at least regarding women.
Along comes a woman who was voted one of the 100 most powerful attorneys in the nation, twice, she was Secretary of State a US senator, and the most admired and accomplished woman in American history (for 20 years). Her CV goes on forever.
Yet, Trump says the "only thing" she has going for her... is... she's a woman.
What a consummate misogynist toolbag.
"61% of Republican voters, and by that I mean actual, registered Republican voters, don’t want Donald Drumpf as their nominee." ... nt-matter/
"If Hillary Clinton were a man, I don't think she would get 5% of the vote." Drumpf said.
Good point Donald, people ALWAYS vote for women because they are women. That's why we've had so many female presidents in this country- female privilege.
Wankpuffin ... e=57B2C51C
"Combing through four-and-a-half hours of campaign speeches given during the first week in March, Politico found Drumpf averaged a misstatement once every five minutes." ... ton/209982
Chris Haze
Amazed longest running republican speaker of the house is a child molester isn't a bigger story. ... e=57BF06B6
Trump on Lincoln ... e=57733C53
"In his first 100 days, Trump said, he would cut taxes, “renegotiate trade deals and renegotiate military deals,” including altering the U.S. role in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
"He insisted that he would be able to get rid of the nation’s more than $19 trillion national debt “over a period of eight years.”
"Most economists would consider this impossible because it could require taking more than $2 trillion a year out of the annual $4 trillion budget to pay off holders of the debt." ... story.html
Trump makes stuff up 71 times in one hour ... f53aee9175
Trump: “I built an unbelievable, some of the greatest assets in the world, very little debt, tremendous cash flow, tremendous. ... Almost all of my businesses work.” (March 7 in Madison, Miss. and at least one other time)
Four of Trump’s companies have declared bankruptcy, meaning they could not repay their debts. For example, the Drumpf Plaza Hotel declared bankruptcy in 1992 with $550 million in debt. The Drumpf Hotels and Casinos Resorts filed for bankruptcy in 2004 carrying an estimated $1.8 billion in debt. In December 2008, Drumpf Entertainment Resorts couldn’t pay a $53.1 million interest payment for a bond.
“It’s the largest winery on the East Coast. I own it 100 percent. No mortgage. No debt. You can all check. You have to go check the records, folks. In fact, the press, I’m asking you, please check.” (March 8 in Jupiter, Fla.)
Drumpf Winery in Charlottesville is not the largest vineyard or winery on the East Coast, according to the National Association of American Wineries.
And the winery’s own website denies that Drumpf owns it. “Drumpf Winery is a registered trade name of Eric Drumpf Wine Manufacturing LLC, which is not owned, managed or affiliated with Donald J. Drumpf, The Drumpf Organization or any of their affiliates.” ... ods-213730
"We have Drumpf Steaks," he said, pointing to a platter full of steaks that had been brought out for the occasion. But Drumpf Steaks have been off the market for a decade; the steaks at the press conference were still in wrappers indicating they came from a meat company called Bush Brothers." ... helm-press
Trump's very good brain on foreign policy ... e=57874887
"I'm starting to believe that Trump could destroy ISIS when I see what he's done to the Republican Party." --Borwitz
Trump doesn't know David Duke, they were both wearing hoods. ... e=5763EBEF
Trump has to do more research before condemning the KKK ... e=57585B57
Three wives, 4 bankruptcies, 5 time draft dodger creates fake university ... e=575963A1
Make Donald Drumpf Again. ... e=576AB764
"Clock is ticking...who's gonna be your "mystery date" Republicans? Is it gonna be the xenophobic billionaire narcissist, the greasy faux evangelical madman or the dehydrated teenage robot?" --RR
"Lindsey Graham: Better for a Democrat to win the White House than Donald Trump" ... e=575D3B20 ... nald-trump
"Robert Gates, a Republican stalwart and former US defence secretary who served under eight presidents, has derided the party’s election candidates for a grasp of national security issues that “would embarrass a middle schooler”.
“The level of dialogue on national security issues would embarrass a middle schooler,” Gates said of the Republican contenders at a Politico Playbook event in Washington on Monday. “People are out there making threats and promises that are totally unrealistic, totally unattainable. Either they really believe what they’re saying or they’re cynical and opportunistic and, in a way, you hope it’s the latter, because God forbid they actually believe some of the things that they’re saying.” ... are_btn_fb
"After years of pandering to uneducated, racist, gun-loving, women hating, born again and again and again asshats, the Republican Party is finally reaping their reward – Donald Trump. And they don’t seem very happy with their harvest." --Helen Philpot
Trump front row, teeth ... 6925_n.jpg
" Bill James, who is known as one of the pioneers of the analysis of baseball and in-game statistics, broke down his reasoning in [this way].
"I don’t think that Trump can win, frankly, because I don’t think there are enough morons to elect him. A certain percentage of the American public is just morons; that’s the way it is," James wrote in one section. "When you divide the public in two then divide the voters in one of those halves among five candidates or more, a candidate can win by dominating the moron vote because it only takes about one-seventh of the total population to take the 'lead' under those circumstances."
But in a general election situation, James posited, "when you’re talking about needing 51 percent of the whole population, rather than needing 30 percent of half of the population, you run out of morons." ... z4199s6bwh
The self-funding claim is, and has always been, just another Trump lie.
"...the majority of his campaign funding comes from donors. This quarter, the campaign received 73,942 “unsolicited donations” totaling about $3.7 million, according to a release from the campaign. That accounts for most of the $5.8 million the campaign has taken in to date." ... z413uIK2Zr
There is a difference between being self-funded and having the vast majority of your campaign be not self-funded, that is, paid for by donations. Since Trump's case is the latter, when he says otherwise, he's blatantly lying.
"Donald Trump is a serial liar[1], rampant xenophobe[2], racist[3], misogynist[4], birther[5] and bully[6] who has repeatedly pledged to ban all Muslims -- 1.6 billion members of an entire religion -- from entering the U.S."
[1] ... 945feb7326
[2] ... 18f618904b
[3] ... e9d1c7252b
[4] ... ddcb442023
[5] ... 10edf92f7a
[6] ... 8edb31dd7e
“For his part, Obama said he’s just focused on winning the nomination, although at least one member of his team said Clinton would make a good vice-president. (I know Hillary and I think she’d make a great president or vice-president.)” --Donald Trump ... ucyYeQoaRg
Trump loves him some Hillary!
Trump loves Hillary (one minute vid)
"Trump is the weakest frontrunner in modern GOP history. There are substantial swaths of GOP voters, activists, and elected officials who will not accept him as the nominee, and wouldn't even vote for him in a general election. From where we are right now, I have no idea how he gets substantially more than 33% of voters to support him."
"...Trump is the most unpopular of all. His favorability rating is 33 percent, as compared with an unfavorable rating of 58 percent, for a net rating of -25 percentage points. By comparison Hillary Clinton, whose favorability ratings are notoriously poor, has a 42 percent favorable rating against a 50 percent unfavorable rating, for a net of -8 points. Those are bad numbers, but nowhere near as bad as Trump’s." ... on-voters/
https://espnfivethirtyeight.files.wordp ... =575&h=383
"Say what you will about Trump, he is not stupid. He is a smart man with a deep understanding of what stupid people want." --Andy Borowitz ... e=57D31F1E
Trump & Hitler ... e=5743F848
"...GOP strategist Rick Wilson dismissed the "childless single men" who support Trump's presidential bid.
"The fact of the matter is, most of them are childless single men who [tug it] to anime. They’re not real political players. These are not people who matter in the overall course of humanity," Wilson said of Trump supporters..." ... single-men
"The saddest thing in American politics is seeing poor people line up to vote for republicans to give billionaires a better life."
"Two Corinthians, right? Two Corinthians 3:17. That’s the whole ballgame. . . . Is that the one? Is that the one you like? I think that’s the one you like." --Trump, pretending to care what evangelicals think
" We want to see win, win, win, constant winning. And you’ll see if I’m president, and you’ll say, “Please, Mr. President. We’re winning too much. We can’t stand it anymore. Can we have a loss?” And I’ll say, “No, we’re going to keep winning, winning, winning.” --Trump
"Donald Trump as the Republican nominee would be catastrophic for Republican hopes to win the White House and maintain control of the Senate and would damage the party and the conservative cause for years to come. His having the legitimacy that comes with the nomination of a major political party would cause greater instability throughout the world at a time when the world looks to America for leadership that is serious and sober.
As a longtime conservative Republican campaign and Congressional aide, and former official of the Republican National Committee, not voting for the Republican nominee is an unimaginable scenario. But for the sake of my party and indeed, my country, while I will certainly vote for some Republican in November, if Trump is the nominee, I cannot vote for my party’s nominee." ... e-nominee/
"Trump is a trainwreck of a human being who is not fit to be president. The fact that he is attracting such a high level of support in the GOP primary speaks volumes about the collective insanity of a large segment of Republican primary voters." Jason Easley ... e=5703BEF0
"Donald Trump talks at a fourth-grade level. Maybe that’s why the Fox News audience loves him
The culture of anti-intellectualism in America is fueling hateful, racist demagogues -- in politics and on TV" ... loves_him/
Or worse: "Donald Trump Talks Like a Third-Grader"
"Flattening the English language whenever he speaks without a script, Trump relies heavily on words such as “very” and “great,” and the pronouns “we” and “I,” which is his favorite word. As any news observer can observe, he lives to diminish his foes by calling them “losers,” “total losers,” “haters,” “dumb,” “idiots,” “morons,” “stupid,” “dummy” and “ disgusting.” He can’t open his mouth without bragging about getting the Clintons to attend his wedding, about how smart he is, the excellence of his real estate projects, the brilliance of his TV show, his generous donations to other political campaigns and so on. In a freakish way, Trump resembles that of Muhammad Ali at his prime—except the champ was always kidding (even when he was right) while Trump seems to believe his claims (and often is wrong). " ... der-121340
"Silver, the Jewish editor of the FiveThirtyEight blog who correctly predicted the election results of all 50 states in 2012, told Adweek on Monday that Hillary Clinton should win the Democratic nomination barring “some type of renewed scandal or health problem.”
“I could see Bernie Sanders winning a few states,” Silver said of the Vermont independent. “New Hampshire is still very close. But [Clinton’s] chances have to be in the range of 90 to 95 percent. Trump has more of a chance than Bernie.”
Silver also said that Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s chances of winning his party’s nomination are extremely low despite the amount of media coverage he has received.
“I don’t think his chances are zero. You have to be very careful about saying they’re zero, but I think they’re lower than 20 or 25 percent,” Silver said. “Maybe they’re 10 percent. Maybe they’re 8 percent. I’m not sure, somewhere in that range." ... nders-does
"Beneath every narcissist is a scared kid.
You don't have to be a psychologist to understand what's really going on with Trump. His entire career, like his campaign, has been about declaring his awesomeness and forcing others to acknowledge it. He has surrounded himself with trophy wives, sycophants, and his own name, everywhere he looks. He built a whole TV show premised on the idea that he's a savvy, decisive business executive, harvesting obeisance from the rotating cast of supplicants. It is overcompensation on a world-historical scale.
At the root of this kind of narcissism is always the same thing: a vast, yawning chasm of need, a hunger for approval and validation that is never sated. Down there in the lizard brain, it's fear: fear of being left out, laughed at, or looked down on, fear of never belonging, never being accepted, no matter how many towers you build."
Trump's enormous ego is, like the ego of every blowhard, incredibly tender. He legendarily never forgets a slight.
Even today, Trump's rallies have become long, discursive rambles in which he addresses and rebuts every single accusation cast at him by his detractors. (Responding to criticisms of his rhetoric: "I went to an Ivy League school. I’m very highly educated. I know words, I have the best words.") He can't let go of any slight. His whole life has been devoted to refuting those who doubt the awesomeness of Trump." ... mp-implode
"GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump late Monday mocked Hillary Clinton for visiting the bathroom during last weekend’s Democratic presidential debate, saying it was “disgusting.”
“What happened to her?” he asked during a rally in Grand Rapids, Mich.
“I’m watching the debate and she disappeared,” Trump continued. “Where did she go? Where did Hillary go? I thought she quit. I thought she gave up.
“I know where she went, it’s disgusting, I don’t want to talk about it,” Trump added of Clinton’s unplanned delay last weekend. “No, it’s too disgusting. Don’t say it, it’s disgusting, let’s not talk.”
Trump also crudely taunted Clinton for coming up short against then-Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) during the 2008 presidential election.
“She was favored to win, and she got schlonged, she lost, I mean she lost,” he said." ... during-dem
"Former KKK Leader Says Donald Trump’s Rhetoric Might Be A Little Too Radical" ... interview/
"Trump wrote in his 1987 best-seller The Art of the Deal. "People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It's an innocent form of exaggeration — and a very effective form of promotion."
"PolitiFact has been documenting Trump’s statements on our Truth-O-Meter, where we’ve rated 76 percent of them Mostly False, False or Pants on Fire, out of 77 statements checked. No other politician has as many statements rated so far down on the dial." ... tatements/
• June 16: "The last quarter, it was just announced, our gross domestic product … was below zero. Who ever heard of this? It’s never below zero." Pants on Fire. The gross domestic product was not "zero," and the growth in the gross domestic product has been below zero 42 times over 68 years.
• Sept. 28: The unemployment rate may be as high as "42 percent." Pants on Fire. The highest alternative unemployment-rate measure we could come up with that had any credibility was 14.8 percent.
• Nov. 17: The federal government is sending Syrian refugees to states with governors who are "Republicans, not to the Democrats." Pants on Fire. Refugees are in fact sent to states with Democratic governors. ... tatements/
"You can't con people, at least not for long. You can create excitement, you can do wonderful promotion and get all kinds of press, and you can throw in a little hyperbole. But if you don't deliver the goods, people will eventually catch on." ... tatements/
Trump, lying about golf:
"Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump was attacking the president during a rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan for how much time he spends on the links.
"It was reported today he played 250 rounds of golf and he's going to be in Hawaii, I think did they say for three weeks?" Trump said of Obama. "Two hundred and fifty rounds, that's more than a guy who plays in the PGA Tour plays. He played more golf last year than Tiger Woods."
While Obama is definitely an avid golfer, Trump's statement is misleading for two important reasons.
First, CNN reported that Obama has played 247 rounds of golf since taking office in 2008 -- which averages to about 35 games a year. And while there are around 47 events in the PGA Tour, it should be noted that, at his peak, Tiger Woods' daily golf practice sessions last seven to eight hours in length." ... 58f6584686
"The Clinton campaign has also highlighted comments from the SITE Intelligence Group's Rita Katz, who told NBC News earlier this month that across ISIS's social media, which SITE tracks, "They love [Trump] from the sense that he is supporting their rhetoric ... They follow everything Donald Trump says. When he says, 'No Muslims should be allowed in America,' they tell people, 'We told you America hates Muslims and here is proof.'" Katz then subsequently confirmed to the Washington Post that "ISIS didn't feature Trump in a video, but ISIS supporters and recruiters have used Trump's rhetoric to promote ISIS' ideas and agenda." [New York Magazine, 12/20/15] ... claim.html ... ent/207635
"The Republican presidential candidate’s controversial proposal for barring all Muslims from entering the United States is being used by the head-chopping fanatics and other terrorist groups like al Qaeda to attract recruits by painting the land of the free as opposed to Islam, experts told NBC News on Tuesday.
“They love him from the sense that he is supporting their rhetoric,” said Rita Katz with the SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors the social media activities of Islamic terrorist groups.
“They follow everything Donald Trump says,” she noted. “When he says, ‘No Muslims should be allowed in America,’ they tell people, ‘We told you America hates Muslims and here is proof.'” ... ign=buffer
Hillary was right:
"A clip of Donald Trump is featured in a purported new recruitment video released by Al-Shabaab, the terrorist group based in Somalia.
The GOP presidential candidate is shown discussing his plan to temporarily ban Muslims from entering the United States.
Before Trump's appearance in the nearly 52-minute video, the al Qaeda-linked Islamic extremist cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, who was killed in a 2011 U.S. drone strike, is shown lecturing: "Muslims of the West, take heed and learn from the lessons of history. There are ominous clouds gathering in your horizon. Yesterday, America was a land of slavery, segregation, lynching and Ku Klux Klan. And tomorrow, it will be a land of religious discrimination and concentration camps." ... 58f65bd383
"...50 percent of American voters say they would be embarrassed to have Trump as president,
according to a Quinnipiac University National poll released today." ... hkm63g.pdf
Fun game, replace Muslim with Jew: ... 0578_o.jpg
Trump wants to make sure we kill the families:
"The billionaire businessman was asked... how to fight ISIS but also minimize civilian causalities when terrorists often use human shields.
"...with the terrorists is you have to take out their families, when you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families. They care about their lives, don't kid yourself. When they say they don't care about their lives, you have to take out their families," Trump said." ... -families/
"I think we need somebody, absolutely, that we can trust, who is totally responsible, who really knows what he or she is doing. That is so powerful and so important," Trump said, before touting [lying] his opposition to the war in Iraq.
"But we have to be extremely vigilant and extremely careful when it comes to nuclear. Nuclear changes the whole ball game," he added.
Hewitt followed up by asking which "of the three legs of the triad" was Trump's priority.
"For me, nuclear, the power, the devastation, is very important to me," Trump replied.
But "nuclear," "the power" and "the devastation" aren't the three legs of the U.S.'s nuclear triad." ... op-debate/
"I'm not a skeptic because I want to believe, I'm a skeptic because I want to know." --Michael Shermer