Bible Visualized: Contradictions, Misogyny, Violence,...

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Bible Visualized: Contradictions, Misogyny, Violence,...

Post by David Franks »

This Comprehensive Map Traces 463 of the Bible's Contradictions

"No matter what your beliefs, it's hard to deny that the era in which the Bible takes place was a more, uh, brutal time, filled with plagues, salt pillars, and excessive murders—plus plenty of conflicting moral diktats from the man himself. Now, one designer has built a handy map to help us navigate the text.

"Using data from the Skeptic's Annotated Bible, programmer Daniel G. Taylor created this encyclopedic visualization of 463 of the Bible's major contradictions. Here's how to read it: Each vertical blue line represents a different chapter, ordered chronologically. The red arcs trace each represent a question about a specific person or concept. These range from incredibly mundane ("Is it OK to use perfume?") to the monumental ("Is God the creator of evil?"). Clicking on one of the red lines takes you to a list of every relevant quote from both Old and New Testaments."

More here.

The toy itself:
Bible Visualized: Contradictions, Misogyny, Violence, Inaccuracies
A beautiful and interactive resource to explore negative aspects of the Bible.
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Re: Bible Visualized: Contradictions, Misogyny, Violence,...

Post by Dardedar »

Just as a heads up, I'll duplicate here the comments I put on a facebook thread about this source (I refer just to the category of Bible contradiction):

Do realize, they are going for quantity not quality here. If you use this stuff against a knowledgeable Christian, they will wipe the floor with you.

M: "I still have yet to find one that can.">>

Then you haven't tried those ones on a sophisticated inerrantist, and they do exist.

M: "The original contradiction list was compiled by Sam Harris' The Reason Project.">>

Actually, your link says it was "inspired" by the Reason Project." It also says:

"Data for the charts were collected from copyrighted material by the Skeptic's Annotated Bible."

I am very familiar with that work. The Skeptic's Annotated Bible is horrible. Embarrassing. Filled with nonsense. I've been debating the issue of biblical inerrancy at a fairly high level for about 25 years, with hundreds of exchanges on Farrell Till's errancy list over the period of about 15 years. I also wrote a book on the topic 20 years ago, free sample here:

So I'm just warning you, if you try to use Skeptical Annotated Bible examples of contradictions with a fundie or inerrantist that isn't a complete buffoon, you will be taken to the woodshed (and I will help them). There are no shortage of excellent examples of Bible error and contradiction so it is not necessary to go for quantity over quality. Always go for quality.

As I remember, about 1/3 of the examples at the SAB are normal stuff, well established, another third are questionable borderline, and the remaining 1/3 are embarrassing, stupid, unscholarly and juvenile. People who tried to use their examples on Farrell Till's errancy list got ripped to shreds, by the atheists.
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Re: Bible Visualized: Contradictions, Misogyny, Violence,...

Post by PeterAV »

There are no errors in the pure holy Bible. Many have tried and have failed time and again.
Some folk think that the bible is old news, outdated etc.
One fellow suggested the following as his conclusion, thinking there are errors and contradictions in the bible.
"So my question to those who defend the Bible as consistent and without error, is this: If Mary Magdalene had been told by an angel that Jesus had risen and if she had even seen Jesus and touched him after leaving the tomb, why did she go tell Peter that the body of Jesus had been stolen? "
Notice that this question is in doubt mode? He is not even TRYING to understand, neither can he understand, for the scriptures are spiritually discerned. Not just head knowledge.
NOTES: Matt 28:1 Just before Sunday morning. Mary mag and the other Mary came to the sepulchre. The angel shows that Jesus was not there.
Jesus met them on the way to the disciples. :8,9.
Mark 16:1,9 Agrees with Matthew.
Luke 23:55, 24:1,10, shows another man or angel as well. =extra details, not contradictions.
John 20:1 also shows Mary Mag came to the sepulchre, The two men, and her meeting Jesus.:12,17.
Please note that Mary Mag did NOT touch Jesus.= big error.
:13 shows she thought someone took him.
John 20:1,2, 11-14 shows Mary mag had already gone to Peter and AFTER that, she saw the Lord Jesus.
The answer to his question is easy. Luke 24:16
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Re: Bible Visualized: Contradictions, Misogyny, Violence,...

Post by Dardedar »

PeterAV wrote: If Mary Magdalene had been told by an angel that Jesus had risen and if she had even seen Jesus and touched him after leaving the tomb, why did she go tell Peter that the body of Jesus had been stolen?"
Here is that problem set up in more detail: ... lene.shtml

Feel free to attempt to solve the problem. Saying you're using something other than "head knowledge," is not actually a response.
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Re: Bible Visualized: Contradictions, Misogyny, Violence,...

Post by Dardedar »

PeterAV wrote:There are no errors in the pure holy Bible.
Why would, or should, anyone believe that?
Many have tried and have failed time and again.
I've never met anyone that has failed, but I've met lots have succeeded. Perhaps you need better friends.
Notice that this question is in doubt mode?
What's wrong with doubt mode? You use it all the time when people talk about religions other than your own.
This would be a good book for you Peter:

You should see if you can get a copy. It has lots of examples of Bible errors and contradictions. Good ones.
"I'm not a skeptic because I want to believe, I'm a skeptic because I want to know." --Michael Shermer
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