Joeknows wrote:
Scientific method is a good method, but not unless it comes with a willingness to use it in many places and look at all the results, and not if the process is just a "trophy" to encourage acceptance of validity of loftier theories that are upheld by perpetuation of insitutions rather than individual discernment of rational evidence.
What hypocrisy! The heart and soul of the scientific method is the use of empirical evidence. Several of us at the Fayetteville Freethinkers have asked Joeknows repeatedly to provide empirical evidence for his claims, and he has explicitly refused to do so. Instead, he showers us with insults and gibberish--self-contradictory gibberish at that.
Joeknows has no idea what he's doing.
I want to preserve the entirety of your post here to show you how what you JUST said, is completely invalid. And that you continue to try to see the information, only in a way that won't harm your belief system. You really think that it is hypocrisy to say that you can use the scientific method and go astray? Well look at this simple example to show how this could be.
1: A person only ever uses the scientific method on butterflies (because he likes them best!) This person may be the most methodical researcher, with the most keen and insightful eye for detail. And this person could spend the entirety of their lives gaining information about butterflies. But being the world's greatest export on butterflies doesn't mean they have put ANY effort towards knowing other topics of information. Sure, there are many parallels of similarities that can be drawn from butterflies and used on spiders or beetles, but as soon as you move out of your field of specialty, the "success rate" of your information as it applies to the REST of reality, is going to drop from about 90% usefulness to around 1-10% depending on the individual.
Do you see that using this "method" perfectly, can only give results as valid as the dedication of the individual? A perfect method can be limited by something as minor as an individual's belief that butterflies are more interesting than other insects. A person who ended up on a deserted island, can only learn from the information on THAT island; and if he was born on that island he will never believe in things like "elephants" or "giraffes" if they don't exist in his environment.
Let me break it down mathematically, because as even your own ignorant buddy said, "math doesn't lie." Something imperfect added to something perfect, doesn't make the sum of the information also "perfect." Let's say we have tested this "system" and found somehow that it equals "10." For it to "perfectly"
fit the information about reality, the numbers have to add up precisely to the answer. If it is a few over, you are
not correct and have miscalculated somewhere. If it is a few under, you are
not correct and have miscalculated somewhere.
You can't just say, "we got close enough, let's build a theory and forget about testing it ever again..." You have to get a precise answer, and get it every time! Your scientism is overshooting the sum of the answers, and then making up ludicrous theories to account for this "extra data" that isn't explained anywhere.
Several of us at the Fayetteville Freethinkers have asked Joeknows repeatedly to provide empirical evidence for his claims, and he has explicitly refused to do so.
re: This is just a dirty lie from a dirty man who won't put any effort forward to help anyone but himself. Dardedar is just the same. Savonrola actually tried to dispute many, many pieces of what I am still presenting. And if you think you can
know definitively what something is, without even looking at
all of it...well that's just another
Medal for Outstanding Ignorance, that you can hang on your wall with the others that you have earned for yourself.
In summary, all you said is "[joeknows doesn't have a rational discernment of the information]." And that your "[friends]" also didn't look at very much of the information. And without any grasp of it, you are willing to go boldly forward and proclaim that it is "self-contradictory gibberish at that." This is just a baseless attempt to assassinate my character, instead of the information I present. But does it honestly matter if
I am someone that can be "trusted" for you to have a willingness to consider the information I present? I think this
greatly speaks to the only types of venues from which you are willing to consider anything.
self-contradictory gibberish at that.
re: This was worth mentioning again. This is almost as bad as dardedar stating that he is able to "understand" that all my posts are "[gibberish...lies...and fallacies]." Seriously, if they were nothing but gibberish, could you draw
ANY rational conclusion from them? Wouldn't the appropriate response instead be to say, "Huh?," or "Where did you get this idea from?" or "Why do you think this specific part has to be that way for the effects of what you say to be true?"
There were a few questions from these two "ignorants," but they were SO general that they could have answered them for themselves, had they been willing. Instead they aimed specifically to "derail" my presentation instead of considering anything within it at its functional value. And only someone SO
dumb, would say something like "self-contradictory gibberish." Isn't this phrase an
OXYMORON? How can something have the quality of gibberish, meaning it is
undecipherable to get relevant information from, and yet it still logically proves itself
Which one is it? Do I prove myself false? Or is my information unintelligible? Because it
CAN'T be
BOTH! I know you are trying to decide which way you
want to prove me false with, but stop trying to "decide" for the information, and start
letting the information convey simply what reality IS.
You have put countless feelings into words about how I have done nothing but contradict myself, but I think I have shown
DIRECTLY the ways that many of this organization contradict their own thoughts and feelings. I don't hate this group or mean to destroy it. I am here to build information between individuals. But if the ONLY way that you can receive information is if it is popularly accepted or handed down to you from an institution that decides the fate of your job...then you truly aren't a Freethinker, and don't belong here. The rest, I hope you will inspire and build yourself to keep knowing ever more.
"Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force; like fire, a troublesome servant and a fearful master. Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action." -George Washington