Excuse me? "How is it not true?" might be the better question. Because the ways to show that it is true are countless. Otherwise this wouldn't BE an overarching theme that reality must conform to. This is literally how the greatest minds of science will condense the theory of everything down to simply, "It's as easy as 1, 2, 3!" (Richard Feynman). You could follow and apply precisely the rules of scientific inquiry, and still never reach a solid or definite answer unless you were willing to understand what created that force that you are analyzing, how, and why. You can see countless examples of this in our Western culture, take Western medicine; it focuses almost completely on trying to fix the symptoms, and ignore the cause of it. Admittedly this is the more profitable point of view if you only care about the business side of it. Look at our western government; we attack and invade others in the name of defense (just like the Nazis did), instead of fixing the problems that encourage violence. Look at how our Western (/Prussian) education model teaches by repetition and memorization, instead of building an internally connected system of information based on what things are and how they function as a part of the whole. Look at how our dictionaries give a defined or "definite" opinion of the word based simply on what is popular, hence the first definition is often a specific quality of its use, and not the purest, most whole definition that would always fit (thus people wrongly assume that occult means evil, and that anarchy means disorder). We have to get beneath this ripple in the pond effect we are analyzing on the 5th dimension, understand that it is just a dance and array of how elements interact on the 4th dimension, understand the force that caused the ripple which was initiated in the 3rd dimension, understand the polarization of energy in the 2nd dimension that brought this initiating force to its intended consequence, and understand what this observed effect was completely at its very heart and ultimate function described by its unique information or frequency.OK, Joe, now show that what you're claiming is true. Start at the beginning. Let's see your evidence.
I already gave the most general names I could think of to describe each dimension. Another possible way to describe this tree of knowledge could be by subjects such as: 1st Algebra/Logic, 2nd Quantum Energy/Magnetism, 3rd Geometry, 4th Chemistry, 5th Physics, 6th Biology, and 7th Philosophy/Religion. All information is telling you something, but as the Observer Effect comes closest to describing, we can't just take the test results as they are. We have to build our perspective to see past our personal and often emotionally distracted "outside" view of it, to see the greater trend things naturally fall under to preserve the greater order of things. I built a solid foundation of most subjects in school, but while I find some scientists and quantum physicists are coming to the same opinions that I have reached, I came to them by learning about religions, new age stuff, humanity, and even art/fiction. As these "right-brain" leaning activities are only a part of the greater system, and tend to reflect information naturally and teach the same lessons that "left-brain," analytical activities will; if you look at enough of them and are willing to see the patterns they fall into. This is how religion and science connect, they are both describing the same thing but from a polar opposite perspective. Refusing to admit that religion is a relevant means to obtain information, is just admitting your own short sightedness and limitations. It would be appropriately, describing only from the "outside" as what it appears popularly in just its common usage, and not what the underlying symbolic information was intended/created specifically to represent.
There are many examples of how this works, listed even under the description for each dimension, so maybe you should be a little more specific about what you want to see from it, or what you don't quite understand about it? While I haven't been in the most chatty of moods lately, I feel that I owe you any possible explanation on the material that you might ask after. And I will check back semi-regularly to see what questions might turn up.