Let me smack a few of these denier cherries from Don NotsoBright.
Global temperatures increased for twenty years from the late 1970s to the late 1990s...
Wrong, temperatures have increased each decade for the last 50 years. See the seven charts provided here
showing that the earth is warming fast.
temperatures... have either stopped warming or have begun to cool in the last fifteen years.
Complete nonsense. This is simply the 1998 cherry pick. Completely debunked on this forum
here and
The globdedal warming and subsequent cooling were even predictable due to hundreds of years of historical trends and observation of the impact of variations in solar activity on global temperature.
This is just climate science denier canard #2 ("It's the sun"), with some goobledegook on top (the sun is in a slight cooling cycle if anything and our observed warming has about a dozen fingerprints linking it to humans and greenhouse gases).
Roman Period and Medieval Period were both several degrees warmer than today's temperature.
False. Climate science denier canard
number 16. We're definitely warmer than the last 1,000 years, most likely 2,000 years and very likely much longer than that.
The world then cooled at least four degrees...
Complete nonsense. Okay, a couple of these cherries and then I'm going to do something useful.
April '12 Sydney, coldest day in 80 years. link May '12 UK on track for coldest May in 200 years. link
June '12 Sweden has one of the coldest Junes since records began in 1789.
Just try to grasp how incredibly stupid this is. To be statistically significant we a consideration of the earth's temperature for about 15 years. The US had it's hottest year ever recorded last year, but realize, the entire continental US, lakes included, is only about 2% of the earths surface. So that by itself doesn't get you much. Because that's a consideration of too small of an area for too short of a time period. And then along goes this imbecile, NotsoBright, who wants to point to a single goddamn day in one city? He wants to refer to one goddamn month... in Sweden? (tiny Sweden is 22x smaller than the US).
Sorry, can't take it any more. Don Bright, like most of the remaining climate science deniers, is a grotesque intellectual embarrassment of a human being.
March '13 Calcutta has coldest day in 100 years,...
It's just disgusting, inexcusable, ignorance and dishonesty.
"I'm not a skeptic because I want to believe, I'm a skeptic because I want to know." --Michael Shermer